Status: Active, yesm.

Can You Tell Me It's Beautiful?

Tom Kaulitz is a famous rockstar. Too bad Carsen James, a semi-shy third year journalism student at NYU, has no idea who he is. It might have saved her quite a bit of drama. After a their completely random (and drunken) one night stand, Carsen tries to forget about Tom, which isn't easy when he's still trying to ask her out. He likes the chase, the fact that she doesn't want him, or care that he's an international star. What he doesn't like is that she seems to be drawn to someone else.

His brother.


Disclaimer: Unfortunately, I do not own Tokio Hotel. If I did, I'd be off having hot german rockstar sex and not writing this, yeah? All other fictional characters are mine. Don't steal anything please. Stealing is wrong. My soul will cry; true story.
  1. Chapter One.
    Does it turn you on at all when I kiss you, baby?
  2. Chapter Two.
    By the time you get home, I am already stoned.
  3. Chapter Three.
    Just take a bite, let me shake up your world.