Tripled Manic State

Chapter 17

"Right so does everyone know what they are doing?" Knoxville asked as he tightened up his shoe laces.

"Uhhh...running?" Angel said.

"Right...and remember...they can smell your fear." Knoxville said.

"I thought that was dogs..." Rebel said looking at him oddly.

"Prolly...but who gives a shit..." Knoxville replied.

Bam took his place beside Angel, while the others lined up.

"Do you think this is a good idea love?" Linde asked Rebel from the side-lines.

"Probably not...but ohhh well." Rebel replied.

"Right... dust!!" Bam yelled.

All of a sudden the whole gang was engulfed by a cloud of dust.

"Don't you think we should have a head-start or something?" Preston asked.

" will be fine." Ehren assured him.

"If you say so." Preston said.

"Music!!" Knoxville yelled.

"The Ecstasy of Gold" from The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly started up.

The ][=][ ][ ][Y][ guys were sat on the side-lines, Linde looked rather nervous. Mige and Burton on the other hand were sat drinking Sprite and eating Cheetos.

"Okay...release the bulls!!" Knoxville yelled.

A couple of cattle wranglers opened the gates and set loose a stampede of bulls.

"Right...wait till you can see the whites of their eyes!" Knoxville shouted.

"Fuck that I'm off!!" Chris yelled as he sprinted off.

"Urgh well...lets go!!" Knoxville yelled.

The gang ran down the abandoned neighborhood.

One by one the gang was taken out.

Chris jumped into a car and hid.

Preston was pushed through a fence by an over sized bull.

Wee man was pushed into a kids climbing frame by a small bull and trampled on.

Ehren hid in a pile of dust bins and was knocked over by a raging bull.

Dunn ran through a garden and was pushed into a paddling pool by a bull and then trampled on.

Angel and Rebel scrambled onto the roof of a car and waited for the stampede to go past.

Only Knoxville and Bam were left, they were chased into a house by the bulls. Bam jumped through a window and ran off... leaving Knoxville to fend for himself.

Knoxville stopped running and started flapping his arms in the air. Then he said: “Hi, I’m Johnny Knoxville, welcome to Jackass!” then he was pushed out of a window by several bulls and trampled on.