Tripled Manic State

Chapter 20

"Urgh...remind me again why I'm doing this... " Angel said as she looked up at the fire hose.

"Uhhh... you're doing this because... A: 'apparently' a girl has to do it... B: I don't want to do it... aaand C: Stev-o doesn't class as a girl." Rebel replied patting her sister on the back.

Angel glared at her.

"You don't have to do this babe..." Bam started.

"Naaa... its fine... just make sure everyone stays away from me after..." Angel replied kissing him.

"Whys that love " Bam asked returning her kiss.

"Because I will pummel them into the fucking ground!" Angel shouted waving her arms around.

"Okay, okay... calm down will ya!?" Knoxville said jumping out of the way so he wouldn't get hit.

"Calm down babe..." Bam said as he pinned her arms to her side and kissed her passionately.

At this Ville looked down and scuffed his feet.

Linde elbowed him.

"What?" Ville asked looking surprised.

"I thought you were okay with those two now!?" Linde hissed.

"Yeah... I am..." Ville replied.

"Well then stop being such a twat!" Linde shouted at him.

Ville looked shocked.

"You heard me!" Linde said as he walked over to Rebel and wrapped his arms around her waist.

Just then Ville's mobile started to ring... it was Jonna, he started to wander off to go and answer it.

"Hey... where you goin dude?" Bam yelled after him when he noticed Ville walking away.

Ville waved his mobile at him to explain.

"But...'re gonna miss it!!!" Bam protested.

Ville shrugged and carried on walking.

"Urgh... fine then." Bam said as he turned around and started talking to the rest of the group.

A while later...

"You ready babe?" Bam called up to Angel.

"As ready as I'll ever be..." Angel replied from her position on the fire hose.

"Just remember to hold on!!" Wee man called up to her.

"Well thank you captain obvious!!" Angel yelled at him.

"Okay... GO!!!" Knoxville yelled as he turned on the hose.

The camera men started filming.

"Hi... I'm Angel Hurley, and this is the Firehose Rodeo!!" Angel yelled as the hose pipe took off and started twisting around.

"Waaa... turn it off!!" Angel screamed after a while as the hose whipped round to the left then the right.

"Not a chance in hell!!" Knoxville yelled up at her.

"I think I'm gonna be sick!!" Angel shouted over the noise of the hose.

"Well don't spew chunks on me!!" Chris yelled as he ran for cover.

Bam glared at him.

"What... she may be your girlfriend and all but I'm not having her spew on me!" Chris replied from under Dunn's jacket.

Suddenly Angel fell off.

She hit the ground with a thud and rolled into a puddle.

"Ooo that must of hurt!" Dunn laughed.

Bam punched him and ran off to see if Angel was okay.

Knoxville turned the hose off so he could get to her.

"Are you okay babe?" Bam asked as he picked her up and made sure she could stand on her own two feet.

"Hell yeah... I wanna go again!!" Angel yelled as she jumped up and down.

"You're a crazy bitch.. you know that right?" Rebel said as she tried not to laugh at her sister.

"That's why I love her..." Bam said smiling.