Tripled Manic State

Chapter 28

"Yeah...but I never know what those girls you date see in you." Rebel said as she joined them.

"Yeah...Hey!" Knoxville shouted.

"Sorry, Johnny."

" met her yet?" Angel asked her sister.

"Yep yep." Rebel replied, hugging Knoxville as her way of saying sorry.

"What did you do?" Bam asked suspiciously as Rebel smirked.


"Rebel!!" Ville shouted from upstairs.

"Crap! You didn't see me!" And she ran off.

"What the hell was that about?" Knoxville asked as Ville walked into the foyer with Jonna.

"No idea." Bam muttered. "Who you looking for Walo?"

"That stupid ex-girlfriend of yours!!"

"Ya know that's Linde's girlfriend your insulting?" Knoxville asked.

"Yes and I don't care - Rebel shouldn't have done it!" Ville shouted.

"Done what?" Linde asked as he walked into the foyer.

"She started it." Rebel muttered, hiding behind her boyfriend.

"No - she said you did." Ville argued.

"Yeah - she would say that wouldn't she?" Rebel muttered bitterly, glaring at Jonna who just smirked at her from behind Ville's back.

"Hi Linde." Jonna said as she walked up to him and put her hand on his arm.

"For fuck sake!" Rebel swore, turning and walking off. They could all hear the doors slam as she made her way upstairs.

"Linde!" Angel said, glaring at him as he shrugged Jonna off before following her.

"I'll go and make sure they don't kill each other." Knoxville said, running after Linde.

"Bitch." Angel muttered, glaring at Jonna before smirking at the thought of what her sister would do in retaliation. "I'm gonna go talk to April." She said to Bam before giving him a quick kiss and walking off.

"Ville you fool." Bam said to his friend, shaking his head before walking off to find Dunn and Raab.

Ville looked confused for a minute before he turned and hugged Jonna. Jonna smirked.