Sequel: My Safe Haven
Status: Complete. Sequal soon.

Where Is My Happy Ending


Chapter 12

<><><><> 3 Months Later<><><><>

“So? How did it go?” Jack asked me when I walked out of the bathroom.

“It didn’t. My monthly gift came today.” I said. We thought I was pregnant because I was 3 months late with my period. I was relieved, yet sad at the same time.

“Damn.” I heard him say and slam is fist on the table. I rushed over to him and rubbed his shoulders.

“It’s okay Jack. We’ll try again later.” I said and he relaxed.

“I know.” he said with a devilish look, and I immediately knew what he was thinking. I slapped his shoulder playfully.

“Ewe you pervert!” I yelled and ran out of the room laughing. He chased me and tackled me. I laughed as he started tickling me. I heard a thud from upstairs and Jack stopped what he was doing and darted up them. He came back down a few minutes later with a smiling Landon, and a broken baby monitor.

“Do I want to know?” I asked and Jack shook his head. He handed Landon to me and he smiled and I gasped.

“Jack he’s teething!” I said and smiled. He’s 11 months old and he was teething. To top it all of he was trying to walk too.

“Really where?” he said and opened Landon’s mouth. Landon closed his mouth and Jack yelled.

“Ow! I guess I found it.” he said and took his finger back as I laughed. I gave Landon to Jack and went upstairs to get ready for work. David’s wedding was today so I knew I had to get to the venue early so I could test the lighting. The phone rang while I was getting dressed and Jack answered it. A couple of second later there was a knock on the bedroom door.

“Kay? The phone is for you.” he said and opened the door and handed me the phone then left.


“Hey Kasey, it’s me David. Um can I ask you a question?” he asked me.

“You just did.” I said.

“You know what I mean.”

“Sure go ahead.” I said and put the phone on speaker phone so I could finish getting dressed.

“Can you bring Landon to the wedding today?” he asked quickly.

“What? I have a job to do today. How the heck could I watch him while taking photos?” I asked.

“Jack could come too, and you said I could see him when I wanted as long as you were there, and you will be there.” he said and I sighed. He was right, I did say that.

“I guess.” I said and shut the phone off.

“Jack! Get ready we have a wedding to go to!” I yelled down the stairs and he came up a few minutes later. I took Landon and started to get him ready.

<><><><>The Wedding<><><><>

Jack took Landon and went and sat down while I took my place waiting for Danni to come down the isle. About 15 minutes into the ceremony Danni got a weird look on her face and I knew that look from previous experiences.

“You’ve got to be kidding me.” I said as she let out a scream.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry its short. thank you to smmile-4ever-and-ever for the idea.