Sequel: My Safe Haven
Status: Complete. Sequal soon.

Where Is My Happy Ending

Last sentence

Chapter 16

“Are you sure this is what you want to do?” Jack asked me as we waited outside the police department.

“Yes I’m sure. I need to do this. For my safety and for Landon’s safety.” I said and me rubbed my arm.

“If you’re sure then let’s go.” he said, and then we walked inside.

“Can I help you?” the officer asked me and Jack.

“Hi, I came here to fill out a restraining order against my ex-fiancée.” I said and he nodded.

“Can you tell me why?” he asked me as he searched for a report.

“Well we split because he was a cheater and a gambler, but when we did split I was pregnant with twins, and then one of them died, and he blamed me for it. Then I got a job and he came in with his fiancée and she was pregnant and then at the wedding her water broke, so I helped her. Then just yesterday he came in for the photo’s and assaulted me, and told me he would be back.” I said and he just nodded.

“Okay. Fill this out for me, and we will look into it.” he said and I grabbed the form, and started filling it out.

<><><><>That night<><><><>

“Do you think the order will go through?” I asked Jack as we lay in bed that night.

“I hope so. I’m tired of him trying to go you and Landon back. I just got you and now he wants you back, and I’m not going to stand for it.” he said and I sat up on my elbows and looked at him.

“Is that all I am, is a piece of property?” I asked him accusingly.

“No no no, its just that I love you and have for a while and when you left it was like a little piece of my heart left too.” he said and sat up too.

“Well it’s not my fault that you married Olivia at 18, when I begged you not to. So it is your fault that I left. All you had to do was fight for me. I was waiting for you to, but you never did and that angered me. Was I not worth the fight?” I asked he and got up.

“No, you were, but I was just too young and naive to realize what I had before it left.” he said and got up too. I grabbed my jacket and he followed me into Landon’s room.

“Where are you going?” he asked me, grabbing my hand.

“To Jenna’s. I really need some alone time right now. I’ll call you tomorrow.” I said and put Landon’s coat on him and walked outside and left.

Five minutes later I turned the car around, and sped home. I grabbed Landon out of the back seat, and ran inside. As soon as I opened the door, Jack embraced me in a hug. I put my head in the crook of his neck and sighed.

“I’m sorry Jack.” I whispered and put Landon down and he waddled over to the couch and sat down in front of it.

“I’m the one that should be sorry. You are more than a piece of property to me Kay. I love you know that right? I would never treat you like David did I promise, and if I ever break that promise, you have permission to royally kick my ass all the was to Arkansas.” he said and I laughed.

“I’m sorry. I’ve just been really emotional and all. And then the stuff with David, and then me being pregnant again is not helping.” I said and he laughed and then stopped.

“Can you repeat that last sentence again for me.” he asked and I smiled.

“I’m pregnant.”
♠ ♠ ♠
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~Bella D~