Sequel: My Safe Haven
Status: Complete. Sequal soon.

Where Is My Happy Ending

Last Kiss

Chapter 17

I woke up to lips on mine. I kept my eyes closed, thinking that it was Jack trying to wake me up. (Not that I’m complaining how he was waking me up.) But when I the kisses got rough, rougher than normal I opened my eyes ad almost screamed.

There, right on top of me, kissing me, was David. His eyes where closed, so I pushed him and he fell off of the bed. I jumped up and ran to Landon’s room. I locked the door from the inside and took the key with me. At least I knew he would be safe. David came running out of the room a few seconds later and I screamed.

Taking the stairs two at a time I ran to the kitchen searching for something sharp. I grabbed a kitchen knife and turned around and David was in the doorway.

“WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!?!” I yelled/screamed at him and looked around for an escape route. When I didn’t find one I contemplated another plan.

“I want you.” he said and I smiled. I got it.

“Well then take me.” I said and he smiled.

“I knew you would warm up to me at some point, I just didn’t think that it would be so soon.” he admitted and I silently gagged to myself. He walked closer and gently cupped my face with his hand. As soon as he leaned to capture my lips with his, I kneed him right were the sun down shine. He let out a gasp/groan and collapsed to the floor.

“You little bitch.” he said in agony. I leaned down closer to him and smirked.

“I love you too David, thanks for the compliment.” I said, before I ran upstairs and dialed Jack’s number.

“Hi this is Jack Simons, how may I help you.”

“Jack you have to come home.” I said in a whisper.

“Kasey? Kasey what’s wrong?”

“He’s here. He’s in the house.”

“What?” he asked and then I screamed because David came into the room and wrapped an arm around my throat.

“KASEY- CAN YOU HE-” I heard Jack ask me, but was cut off by David shutting the phone off, and throwing it against the wall. He looked back at me and slapped me across the face. I grabbed my cheek and whimpered it was burning.

“Please stop.” I whispered in tears and he laughed.

“Stop? Now why would I do that?”

“Because you love me, and our son in a few door down and I’m sure he is hearing all of this right now.

“Oh screw Landon.” he said in a ragged voice.

“I get it. It was never about Landon. It was always about me. You didn’t want to get closer to him, you wanted to get closer to me. You were only using Landon as an excuse to get closer to me.” I said and stood up straight. I shoved him and ran out of the room. He caught up with me and pushed me down the stairs. I grabbed a hold of him and he came down with me.

We landed at the bottom of the stairs him on top of me. He looked pained, and then I felt something warm trickling down my hand. I looked down and screamed. I had just killed my ex-fiancée.

I laid there until Jack got home twenty minutes later. He gasped at the sight before him, and yelled outside to some one. No more than a minute later, two gurneys were brought into the house. One with a body bag, one without. They lifted David off of me and I cried with I saw him. Knife right through his heart. His mouth shaped like an ‘O’. they lifted me up next and started talking to me.

“Miss? Miss, can you hear me? Can you tell me your name?” they asked and all I could do was stare.

“Kasey, look at me. You’re okay I promise. He’s gone for good. I love you baby.” I heard Jack say and then he kissed my forehead.

“I love you too.” I said and then everything went black.


I awoke to an annoying beeping sound, and tubes coming out of my nose and wires connected to my arms.

“MMMM!” I mumbled, getting annoyed with the feeling, and grabbed at them.

“Honey, I suggest you leave them alone.” I heard someone say. I opened my eyes and looked around. There was a nurse standing at the foot end of the bed, looking at my chart, and Jack was sound asleep in the chair.

“Why am I here?” I muttered and she shook her head.

“You don’t remember?” Memories came flooding back and I gasped for breath.

“I killed him!” I yelled and Jack’s eyes shot open. He looked around and sighed when he saw me.

“Hi.” he said sleepily and smiled at me.

“hi.” I whispered and he got up and came over to me.

“You seem to be doing good Kasey, but we want to keep you here for the rest of the week to monitor you.” she said.

“Okay. What’s your name?”


“Well then Nicole, how is my baby?” I asked her and she smiled.

“I’m very happy to report that your baby is just fine. You got lucky though. If you were to have landed on your stomach, the baby might not have faired so well. The knife actually saved the baby. If he were to have landed on your stomach, you might have miscarried.” Nicole said and smiled.

“Thank you Nicole. Will you be my nurse all week?”


“Well then you best prepare to get your ear talked off.” I said and she smiled.

“I’m all for some good stories.” she said and walked out of the room.
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well i hope you liked it. thanks for all the ideas and comments. i'd like to get 26 or 27 comments so why dont you scroll on up and comment for me. they make me happy.

the picture of Nicole can be found in the Character section