Sequel: My Safe Haven
Status: Complete. Sequal soon.

Where Is My Happy Ending


Chapter 2


“David, you do this every time!” I yelled, and slammed my fist down on the table. My engagement ring hit the table, and I looked down. I lifted my hand, and slipped it off.

“Kasey what are you doing?” David whispered, and grabbed my hand.

“David, I have had enough. I cant take it anymore. I’m do in less than two months, and you’re wasting all of our money! I’m leaving, the wedding is off.” I said, and jerked my hand away.

I walked into our bedroom, and packed up my things. I walked back downstairs, and David hadn’t even moved. Apparently I didn’t mean that much to him.

“Goodbye David, see you around.” I said, and opened the door, and there stood Jack.

“Hi.” I whispered, and pushed pass him. He gave me a weird look, and followed me. I opened the trunk of the van and put my things in, glad that I didn’t bring all of the baby things in.

“What’s wrong Kay?” he asked, and helped me with my other bags. I shut the trunk, and walked up to the drivers side door.

“I called off the wedding.” I said, and got in the van, and shut the door behind me.

“What? Why? Not that I mind no offence, but why?” he asked, and jogged around to the passenger side. Once he got in, I backed out and didn’t look back.

“David had problems. All he did was waste our money, if it was by gambling or some thing else, he would always find a way. So I called off the wedding because I had had enough of it.” I said, and put on my blinker.

“So what’s new with you?” I asked, and pulled up to my favorite café. I got out of the van with a little difficulty. It’s not easy being seven and a half months pregnant.

“Olivia and I are getting a divorce.” he said, and helped me to the door. We took a table, and our waitress looked like she was about to pounce on Jack.

“Really why? I thought you guys were like really in love with each other?” I said, and drank my water.

“I thought so too, till I came home and found her with someone else.” he said, and chuckled. We talked for a while, and before I knew it, it was already seven o’clock. I got up quickly and looked at Jack.

“Wow, I have to get home. Wait, I can’t go back there.” I said, and sat back down. I had no idea where I was going to go, my parents house was three states away, and David’s parents wouldn’t want me there since I broke off the wedding.

“Come stay with me. I mean what’s the harm with a friend staying at a friends house. I kind of kicked Olivia out when I found out she cheated on me, and there is an extra bedroom, so you wont have to sleep on the couch.” he said, and I nodded.

“Are you sure you don’t mind Jack? I’m due in less than two months, and I’m sure you don’t want a little me crawling around your house.” I said, hoping he wouldn’t care.

“Kay I don’t mind. Just get in the car, and I’ll drive you to your new home.” he said, and all I could do was nod.

I woke up the next morning to the smell of bacon, and it instantly made me nauseous. I barely made it to the bathroom in time to empty littlw was in my stomach. Less than a minute later, Jack was in there holding my hair back.

“What’s wrong Kay?” he asked me after I was done. I finished washing my face, and then started brushing my teeth.

“The smell of the bacon. It makes me nauseous.” I said, and took a deep breath.

“Do you think you could get rid of it?” I asked, and he nodded and jogged to the kitchen to get rid of the bacon. A few minutes later he was back and helped me down the stairs.

“So what do you want to do today?” I asked him while I was eating my breakfast. I checked the clock and gasped.

“I’m late for my appointment.” I said, and grabbed my jacket.

“Do you want me to come with you?” Jack asked me, as he took care of the dishes.

“If you want to, I mean there is nothing interesting about them. All they do is do an ultra sound, and check on the baby.” I said, and slipped on my shoes.

“Well I want to know what my little niece is going to look like.” he said, and grabbed his jacket too.


“Well Kasey it looks like she’s doing well, and so is her brother. Congratulations it looks like you’re having twins.” Dr. Chase told me, and whipped the jelly stuff off of my stomach.


“It seems to me that the other baby was hiding behind his sister, and when she moved I could see him on the screen, so again congratulations.” she said, and walked out of the door. I looked over at David, and squeezed his hand.

“I can’t believe it, I’m having twins.” I whispered, and he hugged me.

“What are you going to name them?” he asked, and helped me stand up.

“ I’m thinking Landon and Bailey.” I said, and looked up at Jack. He looked down at me and smiled.

“That sounds great.” he said, and helped me back to the car.
♠ ♠ ♠
ok so some things i wanted to clear up were kasey was 18 when jack married olivia and she is now 23. so subract 4 years form each character and that is how old they were at the wedding

i hope you like this, and please comment it really helps me
