Sequel: My Safe Haven
Status: Complete. Sequal soon.

Where Is My Happy Ending

The one and only.

Chapter 5

“I said I love you Kay. I mean come on could you not tell?” Jack said and laughed a nervous laugh.

“I-I-I I don’t know what to say Jack.” I stuttered.

“How about I love you too?” he suggested.

“I love you too.” I whispered and hung up the phone. I looked at the phone for a few minutes, making sure he wasn’t going to call me back. I put my robe on over my pajamas and walked to the dining area. Once again I got a fancy meal which consisted of Prime Rib well done Rosemary Mashed Potatoes and baby carrots. I finished and went back up to my room and instantly fell asleep.

<><><><><><><><>>The Next Day<><><><><><><><><><>

A constant knocking at my door woke me up. I looked over at my travel alarm clock and it read 12:00 P.M. my eyes went wide as I rushed to open the door. Once I opened it I was shocked to see Jack standing there.

“Hey.” I said and moved to the side so he could come in. he came in and I closed the door behind him. He sat down on the unmade bed and sprawled out like he owned it.

“If you don’t mind me asking what exactly are you doing here?” I asked and walked into the bathroom to brush my hair and teeth. I walked back out when I was done and he was flipping though the channels on the T.V.

“You have a appointment with your OBG-YN in an hour, and since you didn’t call me at nine like you were suppose to, I decided that I would come here, and wake you up.” he said and looked back at the screen.

“I completely forgot! Thank you Jack, you are a life saver.” I aid and rushed into the bathroom with a change of clothes. When I was finished dressing, I walked back out and all of my things were packed and the bed was made.

“Ready to go?” I asked him and he nodded and walked out the door to the receptionist’s desk to check me out. I gave her my key as she looked Jack up and down, and then she registered what she was doing when he cleared his throat.

“You must be the one who got her this package of treatments.” she said and smiled.

“The one and only.” he said and put his arm around my shoulders.

“Well aren’t you sweet.” she said and winked at him.

“So I’ve been told, but if you’d excuse us we have to go to an appointment.” he said and ushered me out the door. I got into the car and we went over to Dr. Erica’s office. When we got there we went to the waiting room and waited to be called in.

“Kasey W?” one of the nurses said as they walked out of the door. I stood up and Jack followed me into the room. They took my vitals and then left Jack and I alone and said the doctor would be with us soon. A few minutes later I heard the door open and in walked Dr. Erica.

“Hello Kasey.” she said in her overly cheery voice.

“Hello Dr. Erica.” I said and smiled back. She wasted no time getting the ultrasound machine hooked up and the cold jelly on my stomach. I looked at the screen and saw one but not the other.

“Uho. “ I heard the doctor say as she frantically moved the wand around my stomach.

“What’s Uho Dr?” I asked her nervously.

“Well I can’t find the other heart beat because I’m afraid it’s umbilical cord it wrapped around it’s neck. This baby has to come out now.” she said as she wiped the jelly off of my stomach. She pressed a button on the wall and an alarm started going off. They rushed me to the E.R. and got me into a gown and told me they were going to do an emergency C-section. By this time I was to stunned to cry, but I did feel Jack squeezing my hand as they numbed me from the waist down.

They put a sheet up so I couldn’t see what they were doing, but a few minutes later I heard the cry of my baby and silence from my other baby. I grabbed at the sheet and the nurses holding it accidentally let it go and all I saw was a very blue baby, and that’s when I realized I had just lost one of my first children.

“Congratulations here is your baby boy.” the nurse said and I smiled but started crying when they put the sheet over Bailey.

“Hello Landon.” I whispered. They took him away a few minutes later to make sure every thing was okay because he was born prematurely. I sighed and fell asleep. I woke a few hours later in a hospital room, and Jack was in the chair next to my bed with Landon in his arms.

“You’re going to have the best life possible little man.” I heard him whisper and then looked up when he heard me fidgeting.

“Hi.” I said, and gestured for him to hand me the baby. He did and I looked at him.

“He’s so cute.” I said and Jack nodded in agreement. A few minutes went by and Landon fell asleep.

“You’ll help me with the funeral right.” I said as I put Landon in the crib next to me. He nodded and hugged me tight as I started to cry.
♠ ♠ ♠
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