Sequel: My Safe Haven
Status: Complete. Sequal soon.

Where Is My Happy Ending

My Answer.

Chapter 6

They let Landon and I leave two days later. Thankfully there was nothing wrong with him. Bailey’s funeral was set for this Thursday, and I still hadn’t told David. I didn’t want to, but knew that I had too. I felt some one tug my hand and looked up. Jack looked down at me and told me we were home. Apparently I had fallen asleep.

“Hey buddy.” Jack said in a little kid kind of way and took Landon into the house. I followed suit and we took him up to his room. When I went in I could see that Jack had already taken down the other crib and I was thankful for that. I didn’t want to be reminded of Bailey every time I looked at that crib.

“Kasey?” I heard Jack call and I looked up.

“yeah?” I asked quietly.

“Do you think that I could maybe… claim him as my own when he gets a little older?” he asked and looked down. I was quiet for a few minutes and then looked up again. Jack was over by Landon’s crib and watching him sleep. I walked up behind him, and put my hand on his shoulder. He turned around and looked at me, waiting for my answer.

“You didn’t have to ask me, you already know my answer.” I said, and wrapped my arms around his waist in a hug.

“Thank you, you have no idea how much this means to me.” he said into my hair since he had his face on my head.

“You’ll be a great dad.” I said and went to kiss him on the cheek, but he turned his head and captured my lips with his. I smiled and pulled away after a few seconds. He smiled too, and turned on the baby monitor, and walked with me out into the hallway and lightly closed the door behind him.

“I guess I have to call David now.” I said and made my way to the kitchen. I picked up the phone, and dialed the number I knew by heart. Some one picked up the phone after the third ring, but I can tell you that it was not David. It was a female.

“Hi can I please speak with David?” I asked in a polite voice.

“Umm… he’s sleeping right now can he call you back some other time.” he said in a semi-bitchy voice. I had to say something to him now, because I knew I wouldn’t be able to ever say it to him again.

“Tell him it’s about his children.” I said, hoping that would make her wake him up.

“Oh… I’ll get him.” she said and I could hear her walking into the bed room and wake him up. I few minutes later a sleepy David picked up the phone.

“Hello?” he said groggily.

“David it’s about the kids.” I said and took a deep breath. “Bailey didn’t make it.” I said, and waited for his reaction.

“WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?” he yelled though the receiver.

“Nothing, the umbilical cord was wrapped around her neck, and they did get her out in time.” I said on the verge of crying.

“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to yell. I’ll be over in a few minutes.” he mumbled and I heard him stumble around.

“No don’t bother just go to your late night fuck.” I said and then I heard a click signaling that the conversation was done and we wouldn’t be talking for a while.

“How did it go?” I heard Jack ask from some where behind me.

“Better than I thought.” I said and started to make breakfast for the two of us. I made pan cakes with Canadian bacon and a western omelet. We ate in silence and did the dishes after. I went and checked on Landon, and he was out like a light. I walked back down stairs, and Jack was making a fire. He looked like he was concentrating really hard, and I couldn’t help but laugh. I think I scared him, because he jumped and spun around quickly. I had the fire poker raised up above his head and I put my hands up to shield myself.

“It’s only me chill out.” I said while laughing.

“You scared me.” he said and put the poker down.

“Oh don’t be such a girl.” I said and walked over to him and kissed his cheek.

“You know if you kiss a little to the left I wont be so scared.” he said and put his arms around my waist.

“Well if you insist.” I said with an over-dramatic sigh. He bent down so I could kiss him. Why did he have to be so damn tall?! I pulled away after a few minutes only to have him kiss me again. He pushed me back towards the couch and gently pushed me down. He followed suit, but supported his own weight. I laughed as he trailed kisses down my neck because I am so darn ticklish. He kissed his way back up to my mouth and captured it again with his. I heard Landon crying though the baby monitor and pushed at Jack’s shoulders.

“What is it? Did I do something wrong?” he asked and had back on his knees. If anyone walked in at this point it would look really weird and awkward. I laughed at the thought and he cracked a smile, waiting for my reply.

“No Landon is crying.” I said and pushed him backwards so he almost fell off the couch.

“We’ll continue this later.” he said and I smiled.

“Maybe.” I said and walked upstairs. I walked over to the crib and smiled down at my baby.

“Hello precious.” I said and picked him up. I changed him quickly, and took him downstairs and starting to prepare his bottle. Jack took him while I finished his bottle and I sat down in the living room in the over plush chair and Jack handed him over to me.

While he drank his bottle I looked at him. I mean actually looked at him. He was going to have my wavy hair, but dark like David’s. The strange thing was his eyes. They were a mixture of blue and green and grey. When he was finished he looked tired so Jack took him back upstairs and put him in the crib. I walked over to the couch and laid down on it, and turned on the T.V. to the Sirius channel and looked at the ceiling. It was a cream color and then suddenly it was replaced with Jack’s face and we continued with we had started earlier.
♠ ♠ ♠
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I really hope you liked this one. The next one will most likely be the funeral.

Oh and did i forget to say Comment? Well Comment! (please)