Status: Active

Your Love is a Razorblade Kiss (A Ville Valo Romance)

1. You've got a Special Mission

There was a heavy weight on your back, and you couldn't seem to move it.
"Baaam," you groaned, trying to get out from under him. Somehow, he always managed to squeeze into your room.
You'd tried living in a small flat down town, but they managed to get into that one even easier. They asked you to move back to Castle Bam so they wouldn't have to break into your house every morning to give you proper wake ups. You laughed at this, but agreed. Now, Bam was pulling one of his infamous wake ups.
You tried sitting up, but the weight held you down. You opened your eyes, noticing it was still dark. You always kept your curtains open, so the sun had to have still been down.
"Alright Bam! I'm up!!"
He laughed and rolled off of you. You sighed and rolled onto your back. He then got up and sat so he was straddling you.
"You have a special mission today," he said, his face inches away from yours.
"What," you groaned.
"You have to go pick up a few friends of mine from the airport."
You groaned.
"I'd send Raab, but he's passed out in the back yard," Bam laughed. "And everyone else already has plans," he sing songed.
You groaned again.
"And they specifically asked for you," he put his finger to your nose as if you were a bunny.
You pushed it away and sat up. This sent Bam flying off of the bed and onto the floor. He stood up and rubbed his ass.
You slid your feet to the floor and made your way to the shower slowly. You had no idea what time you had to be there, but it was apparently an early flight. You left the bathroom and slapped on your usual make up. You didn't really think you had anyone to impress. You pulled on a pair of converse and a Random Hero T-shirt.
It used to be a plain black top, but Dunn customized it, along with half of your wardrobe with a glue gun, sequins and fabric paint.
Bam sniggered when you walked in wearing Ryan's logo. He gave you a slip of paper that had the time and gate number of the flight on it. It was going to be there at 8. Meaning you had to be there at 7, meaning you had to leave in 20 minutes.
You grabbed the coffeepot and turned it on. Within a few hours, Castle Bam would be bustling with people wanting coffee.
Once it was done, you filled a mug with it and added a lid.
"Later Bam," you said, hugging him. He returned the hug, then kissed your cheek.
You climbed into your car once more and were on your way to the airport. I wonder if all of his friends'll fit in here, you wondered to yourself. You shrugged, hoping he only had 4 friends, but knowing the whole jet would undoubtedly be full of 'em.
Once at the airport, you sipped your coffee gently.
They'd be arriving at gate 32 B. It was, of course, the entire way across the airport.
The heels on your sandals made a slight clicking on the tiles that made up the floor.
You glanced at the clock that hung on the wall and noticed that the plane would be landing in 10 minutes.
"Traffic must have been worse than I imagined," you said to yourself. You made it to the gate just in time to watch ground control leave their spots. "Just on time," you said, sipping your coffee.
About 15 minutes later, a large blue aircraft pulled next to a small bridge. It was hard to see who was on the flight, but it was an out of country one.
You watched as many people filed off the plane.
"Either these people are slow or Bam sent me on a wild goose chase," you said to yourself, just as someone waved at you from the plane. You nearly gagged on the mouthful of coffee you had.
There's no way you thought to yourself as who the five guys starting towards you were registered in your mind.