Status: Active

Your Love is a Razorblade Kiss (A Ville Valo Romance)

10. Goons

You giggled as Ville pushed Raab out of the room. You sat down on his bed, folding your legs beneath you. Ville went to the desk that was in the corner of the room and began flipping through papers. He made his way back across the room and fell onto the bed next to you. He placed one of the few papers he had in your lap. You read it slowly, amazed. There, in Ville's scratchy handwriting was one of the best poems you'd ever read.
"Do you like it," he asked. You shook your head, giving it back to him. "This one's long," he said, handing you both of the papers he was holding. The poem told the story of a girl longing for love, and just as she thought she found it, she lost it. It ended with her living her days in loneliness and misery. A tear slid down your cheek as you handed the papers back to Ville. He set them on the floor beside the bed and turned back to face you. By then, tears were pouring out of your eyes.
"Baby," he said gently, taking you in his arms. "What's wrong?" You put your head to his chest and sighed shakily.
"My greatest fear is ending up alone..." He put his head atop of yours.
"As is mine love," he murmured. He stroked your hair gently and rocked you like an infant. He wiped the last of your tears away with his thumb.
"I'm sorry for upsetting you sweetheart," he said sincerely.
"Ville," you smiled through tears, "it isn't your fault." He kissed the top of your head softly. You pulled his face down to yours and kissed his cheek softly.
"I'm sorry babe," he said again, kissing your cheek as well. You threw your arms around his neck and pulled him close to you.
"Ville Valo, you're going to make one girl very happy." He wrapped his long arms around you and rested one hand on your hip and the other in the small of your back. "But there's only one girl I want," he half sighed. You looked up at him.
"And whose that," you asked. This question seemed to catch him off guard.
"Um, she's umm... The girl that's perfect for me..."
"What girl would be perfect for you," you asked.
"Well...One that would let me hold her. And that would love me as much as I loved her. And one that would understand that my music is one of the most important things to me and I don't want to sacrifice it unless it would mean losing her, and in that case, it wouldn’t be right now would it? Also, she'd have to understand my needs to come back to West Chester and visit all of you goons. And, she'd just... she would have to be perfect in my eyes."
"Well Mr. Valo, you don't seem hard to please," you said sarcastically.
"Well, let's hear your requirements."
"Hmm," you thought. "I'd want someone who, too, understood my passion for music. And someone who could live with Bam. Someone that would love me no matter what. And someone that would always be there for me when I needed them." A slight smile was on Ville's lips.
"What," you asked, noticing it.
"Nothing," he said, looking around. "So why doesn't a pretty girl like you have a boyfriend," he asked. You shrugged.
"Maybe guys are just afraid to come up to me now because I've ignored everyone who's liked me in the past 8 years."
"Except for Bam."
"Yes, except for Bam... But that was different.... He knew..."
"Knew what darling?"
You bit your lip, "umm."
"It's alright if you don't wanna tell me," he said softly. You pulled fully out of his arms and crawled to the top of his bed. You pulled the blankets down then around yourself and made yourself into a little ball. Ville crawled up next to you and put his head on the small bump your knees made beneath the blanket.
"When me and my friends were in high school, three of them went up to one's camp for a weekend. While they were there, Kay met a guy and they magically fell in love. I didn't believe it, and after talking to the kid on the internet once, I hated him to death. My other two friends were iffy about him, but neither would say anything. After knowing each other for two days, they knew everything about each other. He was at her house a lot, and they talked all the time. Well, one day about a year and a half later, they went back up to the camp. But only Kay and the other one went. The third one was playing tennis with me. I guess Kay and her guy went off together somewhere to be alone. And he um..." A tear slid down your cheek. "He k-killed her. My friend and I were at the courts when my phone rang. I picked it up and within seconds it was on the ground. I told my friend to come over there and told her that we wouldn't be seeing Kay ever again. An old friend of mine from high school was on the court behind ours and I think he held me for almost two hours while I cried over here. Right there at the tennis courts, crying in the arms of a kid that I'd only known for 2 years. Ever since then, I've hated love. I despise it with every bone in my body and I refuse to let myself fall victim to that." Ville took your face in his hands.
"Darling, I'm so sorry..." He kissed your nose gently, making you smile. "But you have to understand that all guys aren't that bad, I promise."
You sighed and avoided his eyes, "I know... I just don't wanna find one that is." He brought your face up to meet his gaze.
"I won't let you." He crawled under the blankets next to you and pulled you into his chest.