Status: Active

Your Love is a Razorblade Kiss (A Ville Valo Romance)

2. I've Already Been Left Once

There's no way you thought to yourself as who the five guys starting towards you were registered in your mind. The guys strolled slowly up to you, as if unsure whether or not you were there for them. "You here for us honey," one asked. You shook your head. "Do you remember us," another said. "Yes, yes I do remember you...” They all exchanged smiles before hugging you.
Linde hugged you first, followed by Gas, Burton, Mige, and Ville.
"Hey sweetheart," Ville whispered in your ear. You kissed his cheek as he pulled away from you.
The guys followed you out to your car, where they all piled in.
"I am definitely NOT sitting on anyone's lap," Ville laughed, moving furthest away from the car. He got in last, giving himself the front seat.
"Bam should be back by now... But hey, it's Bam, so I dunno," you said, trying to remember how to get home. You'd only been to that particular airport once, and you had forgotten to grab directions.
"Take a left love," Ville said, seeing you were lost.
"Thanks," you laughed. "Shish, you live in an entirely different country, and you can tell me how to get to my own house... Pretty sad," you laughed. The rest of the car agreed.
After only getting lost one more time, you made it back to Castle Bam. Bam still wasn't home, leaving you and the guys by yourselves. Raab was still passed out somewhere, making the entire house quiet. You led the guys upstairs.
"Just, pick whichever one you want," you told them. They all left in frenzy, trying to find their favorite room. The one that Ville usually used had been having slight rain issues lately, but he moved into it nonetheless.
"If it storms, you know you won't be able to sleep in there right," you warned him. He nodded, not even thinking the situation over.
Later that evening, Bam had finally returned. He'd gotten pizza and such for dinner. After talking with the boys for about an hour, you all sat down to eat.
Near the middle of dinner, someone's phone rang. Each of you dug yours out, even if the ring tone wasn't yours. It ended up being Ville's, and he took the call quickly. After listening to something that seemed to trouble him, he hung up. Everyone looked to him for an explanation, but he shrugged it off.
A few moments later, the house phone rang. You stood to get it.
"WHERE'S VILLE," an angry female voice barked.
"He's eating dinner right now, would you like to speak with him," you asked politely.
"YES," she nearly screamed.
"One moment please," you said, setting the phone on the counter. "Ville," you said, returning to the dining room. "There's a lady on the phone wishing to speak with you now."
He sighed and stood up. As he passed you, he kissed the top of your head in thanks.
You returned to the table, feeling everyone's eyes on you. "Who was it," they all asked at nearly the same time. You shrugged. They all sighed, apparently disappointed.
After about 10 minutes, Ville returned, looking much different. "Don't even ask," he warned everyone. They all seemed to take heed to this warning and stared down at their plates.
After you finished dinner, Bam led your group to the Pirate Bar to drink. Ville grabbed a few beers and left to sit on the patio. As the night wore on, everyone except for you and Bam had either gone to bed or passed out drunk somewhere.
"I'm going to bed," Bam burped.
"What about Ville," you asked, pointing to the door.
"Make sure he's alright," Bam said, patting your shoulder as he passed.
You sighed and headed for the door. The angry night wind whipped around you, stinging your eyes. You could see Ville's huddled figure a few feet away. As you got closer, you could see that he was crying.
"Ville," you gasped, falling to your knees next to him. For a moment, he didn't seem to notice you. You took him in your arms and held him tightly. He sniffed and wrapped his arms around you. You weren't exactly sure what was going on, but Ville obviously needed your help, and there was no need to ask questions.
He mumbled something in Finnish. You could barely make it out, but you heard the distinct words love and bitch. You cringed, hoping what you'd suspected hadn’t happened.
"Come on Ville," you said gently. You tried standing up, only to have him climb into your arms like a baby. You laughed slightly and carried him towards the house.
You somehow managed to carry him upstairs and into his room. You laid him down in his bed and pulled the covers around him. You wrapped your arms around him in a tight hug and felt him pull you the whole way on top of him.
"Thank you," he whispered as you stood up. Just as you reached the door, he beckoned for you again.
"What is it," you asked softly.
"Please don't leave me... I've already been left once today... Please don't make it twice," he nearly begged.
You sat down on the end of the bed next to him. Half out of sympathy for the poor guy, half out of motherly instinct. Just as you were beginning to suspect he was asleep, you heard him begin crying again. You moved him from under the covers and held him tightly again.
"It's all right Ville," you repeated gently.