Status: Active

Your Love is a Razorblade Kiss (A Ville Valo Romance)

4. Clutches Head in Agony: BRAIN FREEZE

You wrapped your arms around Ville's waist and buried your head in his chest. You sighed in content as he rocked you gently.
"Look baby," Ville said gently. "I've known Bam for quite a long time... And he just tends to get carried away with things sometimes... I'm sure he doesn't mean to upset you... He just.... ahh, put it this way; he's a man."
You giggled lightly, causing Ville to smile.
"What," he asked, smiling as well. "Do you enjoy having me rag on my own kind?" You shook your head and he dropped you. This caused you to roll out of his lap and land with a 'thud' on the floor. He peered over the edge of the bed cautiously.
"Hello," you giggled from where you lie on your back. He suppressed a laugh before joining you on the floor. "Did you fall off of the bed on purpose," you asked.
"If I said yes, would you think I was an idiot?"
"Then no." You giggled again.
"You're hyped up tonight aren't you," he asked, finding it hard not to smile.
"Yupp," you grinned, pointing towards the corner of your room. Ville's eyes fell upon many many Popsicle wrappers and sticks strew about randomly.
"I take it you don't like the orange ones," he noted, pointing to the melted orange popsicles, still in their wrappers. You made a gagging noise, sticking out your tongue.
"How many exactly did you eat," he asked, trying to count them.
"Four hundred sixty two and three quarters," you answered, flopping backwards to face the ceiling. Ville's mouth fell agape.
"And how long did this take you sweetheart?"
"Three hours and forty seven minutes."
"You really need to find a hobby," he chuckled.
"I have one... Eating popsicles 'til I either puke or get a bad enough brain freeze that I pass out." Ville made what was becoming his infamous click with his tongue.
"I so bet I could eat more popsicles faster than you," you challenged him.
His eyes narrowed, "you're on."
You jumped up from your place on the floor and raced him down to the Pirate Bar. You slid across the linoleum floor easily in your socks. Ville followed a few moments later, not so easily however. He slid on his bare feet, creating traction and crashing into the island in the middle of the room.
"Ouch," he laughed. You grabbed two large bags of popsicles from the freezer and threw them on the table.
"There are only a hundred in each bag... Dico took the rest," you sighed. "First to finish all of them wins." Both of you grabbed scissors and tore open your bags.
"Ready.... Set.... Go!" You and Ville both begun downing as many popsicles as your mouths would hold. Within minutes, Ville was clutching his head for dear life. You sniggered and continued eating. A few moments later, Ville was back in the race. He was then knocked out again due to a brain freeze. "Amateur," you laughed.
45 minutes later, you only had three to go.
"What now bitch," you giggled, seeing that Ville still had a nice stack left. You were struggling to get number three open while Ville ate quicker. You soon gave up on it and went to number two. Your whole mouth was numb at that point, making it quite difficult to eat frozen foods. Ville was quickly catching up on you.

"Damn it," you mumbled to yourself, dropping part of it to the floor. You bent over and begun lapping the orange puddle from the floor. As you stood up, you noticed that Ville only had 5 left. This meant that he had to eat twice as fast as you to win.
Wow, I'm friggin competitive, you thought to yourself, seeings as how it was only a small Popsicle eating contest.
"Less talking, more face stuffing," you mentally told yourself. You and Ville were then both on your last popsicle. You were still struggling with the wrapper though. Just as he took what looked to be one of his final bites, yours flew open. You shoved as much of it as you possibly could in your mouth, but apparently, it wasn't enough. Ville collapsed on the floor clutching his head again.
"I win," he laughed, holding his head tighter. You swallowed the fruity ice you had in your mouth and collapsed next to him, holding your head as well.