Status: Active

Your Love is a Razorblade Kiss (A Ville Valo Romance)

5. I'll Only Do More Harm than Good

“Hangovers," Dunn chuckled, coming into the Pirate Bar.
"Nope," both of you answered happily. There was a crunching sound that you presumed to be that of Dunn stepping on one of the 200 popsicle wrappers that were littered all over the floor.
"Umm, then what the hell are you two fruits doing then," he asked, surveying the mess you'd made.
"We had a Popsicle eating contest," Ville answered as if it were nothing. Ryan just gave the two of you a weird look and walked away. You and Ville cracked up once he'd left.
"He thinks we're hammered," you laughed.
"I think my brain freeze has subsided," Ville said, looking up at the ceiling.
"What're you doing? Trying to look at your brain to see if it's thawed?" You joked, noticing Ville trying to roll his eyes back in his head.
"Maybe," he laughed. "I have to go call the boys in Finland for flight arrangements," he said abruptly. He stood up and helped you up too.
"You're leaving us already Mr. Valo," you asked.
"Not for another few weeks, I just don't wanna be stranded at the airport in Helsinki by myself," he chuckled.
"Alright," you sighed, "just leave me with dumb and his crew of dumbers."
"That's... An umm, new name for him," Ville laughed.
"Yeah," you agreed, grinning. He kissed your forehead quickly before leaving. You could hear chatter on the stairs before Bam appeared. Ville had apparently run into Bam before he could make his getaway.
Bam slid across the counter of the island as he always did, but he hit the stack of popsicle wrappers and the stickiness of them.
"Ouch," he laughed, pulling his leg out of a blue puddle. "I think I'll do that in jeans from now on," he gestured to his shorts. You grabbed the trash can and begun cleaning up the mess.
"Wipe off the counters and the floor for me Bam," you said, throwing a wet wash cloth at him. He ducked, letting it hit the table. "Thanks’ a lot," you grumbled, doing it yourself.
"I ran into Villlllllllllllllllllle," he said, stretching out his name, "on the stairs. He had some interesting things to say."
"Oh yeah," you said, only half listening to him.
"Yuppers! He said he wants to take you to dinner tomorrow night." You dropped the rag you were holding and you could feel yourself trembling. "What's the matter," Bam asked, slinging an arm around you.
"I'm not sure," you answered honestly.
"Are you gonna go," he asked.
"I... I'm... I'm not sure," you said, feeling a mix of several different emotions.
"He wants to you go come and tell him later," Bam said, causing your stomach to start doing gymnastics.
"Alright," you sighed.
"What's the worst that could happen," he asked suddenly. Images of your past relationships flew before your eyes.
"We could hook up and end up figuring out we aren't right together. One of us could end up moving half way around the world for the other and then we'd fuck each other over. I could hurt him. We'd get really close then something would happen to him or me, causing the other one a lot of pain..." You were ready to continue on, but Bam's hand over your mouth prevented speech.
"Raquell, just stop. You're not going to go that far on one friggin night all right? He just thought that since you seemed to be getting along pretty good that the two of you could spend one lousy evening together. It's not that big of a deal."
"Yes Bam, it is a big deal. I know how he gets when he's hurt... The last time he was here while he was having trouble with his girlfriend, he was trying to kill himself. Numerous times I've stopped him." Bam gave you a slightly alarmed look. "Yupp, while you all were out partying and getting drunk off of your asses, I was saving Ville's."
"No..," was the only thing that Bam could say.
"Yes," you said, dead seriously.
"Wow," Bam murmured.
"And I don't want to be the one to push him that far," you concluded. Bam dropped to his knees and took your hands in his.
"Please," he begged, sincerity filling his icy blue eyes. "Please please please just go with the poor man. You'll crush him if you don't.... He really thinks you'll be good for each other." You sighed, but shook your head.
"I think that too Bam... But I think I'll just end up doing more harm than good."
"Will you go anyways," he asked, hope filling his eyes.
"Fine," you sighed. "Yes Bam, I'll go with him. But I swear to god, you're solely responsible for him.... If he does anything, and I mean anything at all to harm himself due to me, it's all on you." Bam saluted you as you left the Pirate Bar. You planned on telling Ville you'd go with him a little later on.