Status: Active

Your Love is a Razorblade Kiss (A Ville Valo Romance)

8. Ville and a Hockey Game

As the pair of you parted, you found that Ville was grinning. You smiled as well and pulled out of his arms.
"Ville," Bam yelled from the top of the stairs. "What the fuck are you doing?! Or shall I say who the fuck are you doing?!" You laughed shortly. "OH MY GOD!!! THAT'S NOT RIGHT!!!" Bam yelled after he heard you laugh. You heard the heavy clunks of his shoes hitting the stairs as he ran down them. When he appeared at the bottom, he had his hand over his eyes. "Do both of you have your clothes on," he asked, twitching slightly.
"Quick! Ville! Give me my shirt," you said, making the sound of putting clothes on. Bam's face went completely pale. He moved his hand slowly to reveal you and Ville very close to him. You and Ville looked first at Bam, then to each other and completely lost it. Bam stood there, completely clueless, as always.
"I'm confused," he wailed. You rolled your eyes and patted him on the head.
"We weren't doing anything," you sighed. Ville shook his head slowly, as if to confirm it.
Bam sighed, "yeah... whatever." He turned to leave and you let out a small moan. "Oh my god... That's just not right," he said, shaking his head as he walked up the stairs. You and Ville laughed before following him. When the three of you joined the rest of the table again you were given strange looks.
"What," the three of you asked in unison. No one said anything, but you were sure of what they were thinking.
"You guys all have sick minds," you said, sitting back down. Ville agreed by nodding his head, but Bam was once again in the dark. "They think we were down there having a gang bang Bam," you explained bluntly. Linde, who was sipping at the cherry 7-up in his glass, started laughing and spit it across the table at Gas. He covered his mouth as to try and keep the rest of the liquid in it, but failed and spit it into his lap. Gas just stared at the used drink that now covered his plate and chest. Mige twirled his fork innocently while Burton licked his lips in Bam's direction. You put your head in your hands while Ville put his head on your shoulder. Rake and Raab held each other and pretend to make out, while Dunn turned around to face the opposite direction of them. Dico ran up to Bam and pretended to be a reporter and interviewed him about his 'Gang Bang.' While this was all going on, April tried to ignore it and ate her food quietly.
"I do believe you guys have ruined my appetite," you said, pushing your plate back and standing up. Ville, who still had his head on your shoulder, fell foreword and tipped your glass of sprite all over him. IT WASN'T ME WHO SPILT THE DRINK THIS TIME APE!!!!!!" Bam danced around the table, rejoicing that he wasn't the one who spilt something all over himself at this meal. As he danced beside Mige, Mige threw his glass of Coke at Bam, thus covering him in the brown carbonated sugar.
Bam licked the soda off of his lips, "thanks buddy..." Mige nodded his head and stole Rake's Pepsi. Rake either didn't seem to notice or didn't care. You left the craziness of the dinner table and threw yourself onto the couch. You were clicking through the channels when you found the Detroit Red Wings were on.
You watched as the hockey game came back on. With 5 minutes to go in the 3rd period, you were joined on the couch by someone else. You looked up and found it was Ville. "I'm not turning this 'til it's over just to let you know," you said, turning your attention back to the TV.
"That's fine... You like hockey, love," he asked.
"I love hockey," you said slowly. You were intrigued in the game that was before you.
"Ahh, this should be interesting," he said.
"Ahh," you sighed as the game switched over to a commercial. "I love the Red Wings!"
"Why's that?"
"Dude, Flippula and Zetterberg are friggin hott." Ville laughed.
"I'm dead serious!! Flippula practically god in my books! And he's a pretty good hockey player too." Ville laughed again. The game came back on and the two of you were practically mesmerized by it. Bam came in and stood in front of the TV.
"He SHOOTS HE SCORES!!," the announcer said.
"BAAAM MOVE," you and Ville both shouted.
"What the hell are you watching? I'm sorry, but in this house we only watch real sports."
"And porn," Dico shouted from the loft.
"Yes, and porn."
"And that’s puts the Red Wings ahead 4-3 with 30 seconds left.”