Once A Princess Now A Queen

New Power

After Chris took me to my room, he explained to me that his room was right next door so he could hear anything that went on in my room.

I quickly got dressed in tight pants, flats, and a warm sweater. Now only to get Chris back into my room.

“Ow! Help!” I yelled lightly. I made a few noises and waited. Soon my door was slammed open to reveal Chris without a shirt.

He had a gun in his hands and was looking around the room frantically.

“Sorry I just wanted to see you.” I said seductively. He looked at me and grinned bringing the gun down.

“You could have came into my room.” he said walking over slowly to me. Ok stay calm, I told myself.

“I know, but you just look so handsome.” I stated walking over to him and placing my hands on his chest.

He smirked and dropped the gun onto the floor then closed the door with his bare foot.

He put his hands on my waist and started to kiss my neck. I moaned as his hands traveled my body.

“Chris look at me.” I said causing him to stop. He pulled back and looked in my eyes. “You will bring me to back to Damien’s castle. And when that is over I want you to forget you ever met me.” I stated smiling.

“Yes my lady.” he stated bowing down. He grabbed my hand and pulled my out of the bedroom and down the hall.

We ran outside and to another building. It was small and cemetery like. He pulled a key out of his pants and unlocked the door.

Inside I could see a purple waving mirror standing tall at the end of the room.

“That is the portal, just think about where you want to go and it will take you there.” he stated bowing to me. His back tensed and he looked up.

“Who are you?” he asked alarmed. I looked into his eyes and smiled.

“I am a friend going through the portal.” I stated before turning around and walking to the portal.

As I closed my eyes I thought of the castle. Bright white and standing tall. I think of when I first got there how scared I was yet excited.

I walked forward and into the portal. I opened my eyes and grinned. It worked.

I ran up to the door and knocked. The door opened revealing a very tired Damien. Yet that changed once he saw me.

“Sky!” he exclaimed picking me up and spinning me around in the air. I laughed truly then, I was happy with where I was. Where I belonged. It was there I finally kissed Damien, under the bright white moon.
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Wow its been so long since ive updated this thing
Its because i was over this story so i stopped
but ima hurry and just finish it for the heck of it