

It felt so strange being back in my room after four years. The last time I was here was the week before I started high school. I could not believe I was graduated. I sat down on my bed and stared around it. It still looked the same as it did when I was seven, I loved it. For the past thirteen years I had been going to an all girl boarding school. Yes, even during pre-school. Of course then we were allowed home during the holidays. But once the last four years roll around d we stay at the school until we graduate, even during the summer.

But I was back home now, since high school was over and I was now going into college. My parents had actually let me choose what college I go to. I had chosen a co-ed one. I have only known boys who were in my family, and Derek Peterson, so the experience of a co-ed college was going to be a really strange experience. Of course the college had a Christian program in it, or I would not be able to go there. My parents wouldn’t have approved it. My boarding school had been a catholic one.

“Violet, we are going over to the Petersons. Would you like to come with us?” My mother said outside of my door.

“Of course.” I said as I climbed off my bed.

“Grab a sweater. It is cold out and we are walking.” She said after I opened my door.

“Alright mother.” I went back over to my closet and grabbed one of my pull-over sweaters. I followed her and my father out of the house and over two houses to the family friends.

“Their son, Derek is here, you two can spend time together.” My mother knocked on the door while I sighed. They always spoke of Derek, who did not care for me and we only spoke to each other because of our parents. We both knew that they wanted us to marry each other, soon to. But neither of us was ready for that, and he had a secret girlfriend. That I have promised to always keep a secret from his parents. The door opened up and Mrs. Peterson stood in the door with her husband standing behind them.

They looked like a 50’s family. The wife in the dress smiling and the husband, the leader of the house, smiling also and just staying silent as the wife greeted the guest.

“Hello!” Mrs. Peterson said happily as she shook our hands. “Derek is up in his room Violet. Do you think you could go get him for us please?” I nodded as my mother looked worried, about me being in a room alone with a boy. She is always like that, worried something will happen and I will give up my virginity. Which I would never do, only my husband will be given that. No one else. I walked up the stairs to the first door on the right and knocked.

“Come in Vi.” Derek said immediately knowing it was me. He probably saw us coming from the window. “Hello.” He said from his bed. He was laying on it texting on his cell phone, which his parents had no idea about. Neither of us was allowed cell phones, our parents did not believe in them.

“Hello Derek. How are you?” I asked as I perched myself on the edge of his bed. He closed his phone and slid to the edge of his bed so he was sitting beside me.

“I am very well. And how are you?”

“I am very excited. I am leaving for college in a week.”

“Yes, I heard your parents allowed you to go to a co-ed one.” He smiled.

“They did. I am very excited.” I smiled brightly thinking about it.

“Well, as you know I am going to the same college. My parents right now are down there asking your parents if they would allow you to be my roommate there. You know, to keep you safe from other boys.”

“My parents would never allow that.” I said nervous. I had never roomed with a boy before. It would be very strange. He laughed.

“I know, but my parents are not always the smartest people.” We sat there for a few more minutes speaking.

“We should probably go downstairs now.” I said as I stood up from the bed.

“Yes, we should.”
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alright, so you might of noticed that this is the same first chapter from before, but i'm just going to keep this up until i finish a few new chapters of the re-write, then i'll have a new first chapter.