Bittersweet Endings

So It Begins

Secrets are the worse things ever to keep from people. Believe me, I would know. Especially my secret, my secret is one that has to keep hidden from everyone on this planet. If I were to expose my secret, well it would be simple. I would have to die, and personally I have been around long enough that I would rather not die.

I sat there on the edge of my bed, in my boxers. I gazed out my apartment window, the sun was just barely starting to rise. It was peeking up over the horizon, casting its orange yellow hues on everything. It looked beautiful, I could see Big Ben off in the background, I smirked slightly.

I slept great last night, even though I found it remotely odd. Me being a vampire and all and I was sleeping. Surprisingly we can sleep, we don’t need it but we can actually sleep. It helps pass the time when you are not at work.

Sitting there I held my shirt in my hands. I rubbed my mouth, adjusting my snake bites. I brushed my bangs out of my eyes and sighed. I had a feeling that today was one of those days. Another boring day at work.

Oh yes, vampires can have jobs. Well, certain vampires do, like me. I am part of a secret organization, here we go again with secrets, called Vipor. Awesome name right? It stands for: Vampire Intelligence Preparation Operations Recon. Our little organization headquarters is here in London. We have a office building located near Big Ben. Our job is simple. We help out new born vampires whose creators abandoned them. Or we take out those who are evil and want to expose our secret. Some cant handle being a vampire.

I scratched my head and glanced around my bedroom, the rising sun illuminated everything inside and out. I could hear the cars and buses driving around outside. A few pedestrians heading to work by foot or catching a taxi and/or bus.

Standing up I tossed my shirt toward my hamper, I cocked my head to one side. “I need to do laundry soon, wonder if I can get Nicolette to do it.” I chuckled at the last part. Like Nicolette would do anything for me, she would just gave me the look and walk away. Love hate relationship going on here.

Ah, Nicolette. She was my partner in all this madness of our world. She has been my partner in crime for oh I would say at least two hundred years. So we know each other fairly well. Oh Nicolette, she’s a little smarty pants who likes to get her way. She thinks things through a little too much some times. She doesn’t do a lot of the fighting like I do, I tell her what we should do then she disagrees then I go and do what I said to do. And turns out to work, she always furrows her eyebrows and cross her arms over her chest. Then pouts for the rest of the day. Or until I fail at killing someone and she kills them.

I walked into my bathroom and flipped on the light. I looked at myself in the mirror, there was a little cut above my right eyebrow from last night. The bloody fucker got me with his nails. It should be gone in a matter of today. I just cant believe he cut me, I never get hurt. Nicolette laughed at me, of course she would.

Shaking my head and I grabbed my toothbrush and toothpaste. Technically I don’t really need to brush my teeth but acting human for so many years, it is kind of a pattern. Also I fed last night, got a little blood on my teeth still. OCD much.

Walking back into my bedroom I headed over to my dresser. Pulling open the top drawer and grabbing my black skinny jeans. Tossing those on the bed I opened another drawer, pulling out my dark purple V-Neck T-Shirt. I slipped that on over my head and grabbed my jeans. Pulling those on I headed back toward the bathroom.

I grabbed my necklace off the counter top and put that on. It was light brown twine woven together with a turquoise ball gem in the middle. I got it on a trip when Nicolette and I went to Hawaii. I didn’t pay for it, I did the five finger discount. Nicolette wasn’t happy when I told her I stole this, she slapped me.

I walked to my closet and opened it, grabbing my black zip-up jumper. I pulled that on, zipping it just above the pockets. I grabbed my black pinstripe suit looking jacket, it is not a tux jacket or anything. Nicolette gives me shit for it.

Putting my black beanie on I walked out of my bedroom and out into my living room. Grabbing my keys off the coffee table. I slipped on my red and black Nike high tops then I was out the door.

Walking down to the parking garage is interesting every morning. One because there are a couple lasses that know when I leave for work, so they are always out and about. Waiting to see me and say hi. Fan girls much. Actually speaking about them, here is one now.

Rebecca. She lived on the third floor and I pass by her door every morning to headed down the stairs. I live on the fourth floor, she was standing outside her door holding the paper. She smiled at me, it wasn’t a friendly one. It was one of those where she was trying to seduce me. Only if she knew my secret.

“Morning Jacoby.” she said twirling a piece of her hair. Biting her bottom lip and eyeing me up and down.

I just smiled out of courtesy and nodded toward her. “Morning.” then I descended down the stairs. I shook my head when I knew she couldn’t see me anymore.

Finally reaching the parking garage I smirked, my eyes landing on my baby. My sleek black BMW, it was a sick. I actually had about five cars, I keep some in storage. Switching here and there. Nicolette laughs at me, because I have a thing about cars. She is such a girl.

Unlocking my baby I got in. The interior was amazing, black leather. It was gorgeous looking, I was in love with my car. Is it possible to be in love with a car? Well I think so. Sticking the key in the ignition, I started it up. It purred to life and I smirked. “Yes, I love this car.” I said putting it into gear.

Then turning my body slightly I glanced out the back window. “No one coming, good.” I floored it backing out and did a donut. Stopping quickly I shifted gears fast and sped out of the parking garage. I had a need for speed.

I zoomed through the streets of London, they were starting to get packed. The sun was rising further above the horizon. Smiling I turned on my stereo, looking through my iPod and found the perfect music to bother Nicolette this early in the morning. Bring Me The Horizon.

Drumming my finger tips along to the music on the steering wheel. Bobbing my head slightly, I weaved in and out of traffic, receiving lots of honks and fingers. I just laugh at them, only if they knew how much fun it is for a vampire to drive super fast. If only.

I was heading to pick up Nicolette, since we work together we car pool together. Today was my turn to pick her up. I personally would rather drive everyday, Nicolette takes to long. She is such a girl in the mornings, its ridiculous.

Pulling up to her apartment complex, I fished my cell phone out of my pocket and scrolled through the numbers. Finding Nicolette’s I pressed talked, I held the phone to my ear and looked at the lobby’s door of the complex.

A girl answered on the other line. “Hey Nic, get your ass out here. I am here.” I pressed end and stuck my phone in one of the cup holders. She hates it when I hang up on her like that. I am gonna hear about it when she gets into the car.

Minutes later Nicolette appeared through the lobby doors. Her lovely blonde hair blonde hair flowed around her. Her green orbs looked at me, I unlocked the doors and sat back. The door opened and in came Nicolette. She set her crème designer purse on the floor and put on her seat belt. Nicolette and narrowed her cute little eyebrows at me. I smirked.

“Do you have to hang up on me every morning?” she demanded. I chuckled.

“You are so fun to pick on Nic.” I said speeding away, shifting gears and weaving in and out of traffic again.

She crossed her arms over her chest and glared out the front windshield. I couldn’t help but laugh, she always did this every morning I drove.
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