Bittersweet Endings


“Honestly Jacoby, what is the difference between Starbucks and Caribou Coffee? Besides their names.” Nicolette asked as I handed her her large white hot chocolate.

“Really Nic really? How do you not know?” I asked. I knew she didn’t drink coffee but it was fun giving her shit about it.

“I don’t drink coffee, remember?” she rolled her eyes.

“It is all in the taste love, all in the taste.” I said sipping my fancy coffee drink, I get something different every time I go to Caribou.

“I don’t like the taste of coffee.” Nic said sipping her hot chocolate.

“Well I don’t like the taste of hot chocolate.” I said bluntly.

“Are we really having this argument right now?” Nicolette asked, she looked over at me and I flashed her a smile.

“Okay fine, I will be good.” I teased sticking my tongue out at her. I made her giggle, goddamn her giggle was adorable. How her eyes would light up when she laughed or smile. Her smile alone could brighten up a room.

I shook my head and focused back on the road. Focus Jacoby focus. You are going to start sounding like Ivan. I thought.

Technically no, because Ivan just wants to bang her and have nothing else to do with her. He looks at her in perverted ways, you dear sir do not. You look at her in a caring loving way, showing that you really-

“Holy shit.” I said suddenly.

“What?” Nicolette gasped, she held onto the holy shit handle bar above her door. She looked around hastily.

“Oh, my bad. Nevermind.” I muttered. God I can be such a idiot sometimes, I wonder how Nic can put up with me. I gotta stop listen to the voices in my head.

Unwillingly, my mind drifted back to this morning. When Nic walked out of the bathroom in a towel. I stared off on the road thinking about Nicolette in her towel, that cursing towel… Okay I seriously have a problem. Those thoughts need to go away now.

I shook my head and sighed. Taking another sip of my coffee. “I think I am going to need more coffee.” I stated.

“We just stopped!” Nicolette said throwing her hands up.

We pulled up to a park, I pulled into the parking lot and parked the Aston Martin, receiving some looks from people. Like they have never seen a Aston Martin before, come on now. I grabbed my phone and stuffed it in my pocket before opening my door. Nicolette grabbed her purse and got out too.

I glanced around before pulling my beanie over my head, adjusting it so it rested on the back of my head. Nicolette walked over to me and linked arms with me, I cocked an eyebrow. “We got to act like a couple enjoying a day at the park.” she said pulling me toward a path.

“Okay.” I shrugged.

We headed down a path, a path that hardly had any people on it that is. I kept glancing around, watching out for anything. Incase something popped out in front of us. I listened in to my surroundings, but I was distracted my the sound of Nicolette’s hells clapping against the pavement.

“Nic you seriously need to buy some sneakers or something. Those heels are getting old. I am ready to break the fucking heel off.” I said looking down at her.

Her mouth gaped open. “You wouldn’t!” she said.

I smirked. “Don’t try me.” I said looking straight ahead again.

Something appeared in my line of vision to my left. My head snapped in that direction and I stopped. I stared straight ahead, I’m not sure what I saw but I swear I saw something. Nicolette squeezed my arm, looking up at me.


I started walking into the woods. Glancing around to make sure no one was watching, then I broke out into a run. Leaping from tree to tree, whipping through the woods. I smelt something, I smelt something in particular. Newborn.

I landed on the ground and looked around. Nicolette was coming after me, I heard her coming. But I stood there still as a rock, observing the surroundings. Something felt out of place, I had that weird feeling in the pit of my stomach.

Nicolette landed next to me, she glanced around too. She sniffed the air and froze too. “Newborn.” she breathed. I just nodded.

Nicolette’s eyes landed on something ahead of us, she walked toward it and knelt down. Stood behind her, my hands in my pockets. Before us on a rock was some blood, not any blood but vampire blood. It smelt like vampire blood. I looked around, anger rising within me. “This is where they must of held the newborns.” Nicolette said softly.

Trees were scraped from their bark, more trees broken along with rocks. There were holes in the ground and it reeked of newborns. Newborns are terrible things, they are all so full of piss and vinegar that they pick fights amongst themselves. Killing each other, I had to witness this once in my life. Never again did I wanna relive that moment.

“This looks like about all we will get. Blood.” Nicolette said standing up, brushing leaves off of her skirt.

I clutched my fists into a ball. Normally creators are not smart enough to clean up after themselves. Only if they knew about Vipor, and trust me. Nobody did. So this creator obviously knew about us.

“Its clean.” I said.

“Yeah, someone cleaned this place of all the blood and body parts.” Nicolette said.

“FUCK!” I yelled grabbing the nearest tree and throwing it across the clearing. It crashed into another tree and fell over. Anger was pulsateing through me, it is never a good thing when I am anger.

I felt a hand touch my arm, I looked down at Nicolette. “Calm down Jacoby.” she said softly.

I tried to steady my breathing, I looked away shaking my head. “They obviously know about us! They’re fucking with us!” I shouted throwing my hands into the air. I stepped away from Nic and swore under my breath.

I heard a twig snap to my left, my head shot in that direction. I swear I just saw some crouching on a tree branch. I cocked an eyebrow. “Whose hunting who…” I said.

“What?” Nicolette asked looking around.

I heard something whiz through the trees. “Shit,” I swore loudly. “Nic get down!” I grabbed her and threw her to the ground, laying on top of her, protecting her body with mine.

A Chinese throwing star stuck in the trunk of the tree we were standing next too. I looked where it came from, my breathing quickening. “Nic, we gotta go.” I said pulling her up, I took her hand and we ran out of there.

My senses kicking into auto mode, whoever was following was still on our trail. “Shit.” I cursed again.

Without looking back we ran all the way to the car, lucky for us no one was on the path we took. We both got into the car and I burned out before pulling away. We needed to get back to the hotel, fast.

“Holy shit! What is going on Jacoby?” Nicolette asked, peering out the back window.

I shook my head and yanked my hat off, throwing it in the back. I brushed my hand through my messy hair. “I don’t know Nic, but someone is hunting us. We are not the only hunters anymore.” I said.

I looked at Nicolette, her angelic face gazed at me. All I wanted to do right now was protect her and it was what I was doing. I drove us back to the hotel.
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