Bittersweet Endings

Funny Feelings

I laid there gazing out the window. The sun was starting to rise, peeking its way over the horizon. I laid there on my back, my head turned to the left to look out the window. The covers were pulled up to my waist, I couldn’t sleep. A lot was buzzing around in my mind, Nicolette was one of them.

Nicolette. I thought, I glanced over at my partner.

She was buried underneath mounds of covers, only her mess of blonde hair stuck out. I couldn’t help but smile, she did so well of putting up with my mood swings. Nicolette knew exactly how to calm me down, like last night.

I shuddered at the thought of last night. That was really out of control but I couldn’t help myself. When I get angry, I stay angry. It like takes over me and I don’t even know what I do half the time, that is what scares me. I am afraid that one day I will get so out of control I will hurt someone. Worse of all, I could hurt Nicolette.

“No.” I whispered sitting up. I didn’t wanna think about hurting Nicolette, she was so precious, like an angel. I couldn’t live with myself if something happened to her, especially if it was from me.

I was going to make it up to Nicolette, I was going to take her out for breakfast. She always loves going out to eat, she loves getting all dressed up and looking cute. But honestly, she didn’t have to get all dolled up to look cute. Personally, I thought Nicolette looked gorgeous all the time.

I threw back the covers and swung my legs over the edge of the bed. I rubbed my eyes and checked my phone. The usual, a million texts from Fannie. Never give your number to that girl, she honestly will not stop texting me. It is getting old.

Grumbling and tossing my phone back on the nightstand, I got up and padded across the room to the bathroom. Closing the door and turning the shower on. I stripped down and got in. Washing up and getting out, I wrapped myself up in a towel then towel dried my hair.

Walking out to the bedroom I walked to my bag and grabbed some boxers and jeans. I walked back to the bathroom and got dressed. Using Nic’s blow dryer, I blow dried my hair then I used her straightener to straighten my hair. I was going for the casual comfy look today. My dark wash skinny jeans so far and black socks, I still needed a shirt.

I heard a groan and a grunt from the bedroom, I smiled and poked my head out. Nicolette was sitting up in bed rubbing her eyes. I smiled at her. “Morning Sleeping Beauty.” I teased. She narrowed her eyebrows at me and I went back into the bathroom. Spraying some Axe body spray, I was set.

I walked out there and sat on the edge of the bed, digging through my bag. “Why are you dressed already?” she asked in her morning groggy voice. She let out a yawn and stretched.

“I was going to take you out for breakfast but seeing as you are complaining I can just go by-”

Nicolette flew to the bathroom and slammed the door. I heard the shower turn on, I chuckled softly. I knew that would get her out of bed. Grabbing my Fresh ‘Til Death t-shirt from Drop Dead, I pulled that on then. Leaving Nicolette to dress in peace, I left the room closing the door.

I walked over to the couch and sat down, propping my feet and flipped through the channels. Hopefully something would entertain me. I twirled the car keys in my fingers. I hope Nicolette wouldn’t take long, I was kind of hungry and not just hungry for food. The aching burn in the back of my throat was painful. I am pretty sure there are black bags under my eyes from not eating.

“Okay, I am ready.” I looked over and see Nicolette walking while slipping on her flats. Not heels this time, what a shocker.

I admired Nicolette for a moment. She wore a cotton lilac summer dress that came down to her knees, the straps were thick. Her hair had beach waves and her make-up was done smokey eyed. Nicolette wore a tiny pearl necklace and bracelet to match. Her ballet flats were black with a little tiny white bow on them. She carried a crème cardigan in her left hand. I smiled to myself without her noticing.

“Gehen wir.” I said in German.

I got up from my spot on the couch and walked out of the hotel suite with Nicolette. We took the elevator down to the main floor and out the front of the hotel we walked. My Ashton Martin was already pulled up and parked for us. We climbed in and I drove away.

We chose a small little restaurant to eat at, neither us wanting to eat something fancy or huge. Where we had to yell to hear each other. We chose, or Nicolette chose, this “cute” little one with table and chairs outside on the patio. So we stopped and ate here, she always gets her way and it is pathetic.

Nicolette ate her food slowly, taking her teeny little bites. Me on the other hand, I barely touched my food. I wasn’t really in the mood for human food, I probably took about oh four bites of my pasta. Maybe a bite from my salad. I drank my soda and got many refills. Nicolette didn’t question my abnormal eating, but I had a feeling she will bring it up later. So be it.

“So what are we going to do after this Jacoby?” Nicolette asked politely, dabbing her mouth with her cloth napkin. She took a swig of her water and looked at me.

I just shrugged, looking down at my food and swirling my pasta around. “I don’t know, whatever you want to do.” I said, not looking up at her.

I couldn’t describe my sudden mood change, I was short tempered but today just seem worse than normal. I was trying to keep my cool and keep my mouth shut but I had this feeling. A feeling that something bad was going to happen, and I was going to loose my cool when it does.

Nicolette sighed and set her fork down. She finished up her pasta and downed the rest of her water. She glanced out at the river, a boat passing by. I looked too but then right back down at my plate. I knew she wanted to take a tour of Paris, we’ve been here many times before but never long enough to take a closer look at it. I know Nicolette has a thing about the Eiffel Tower and wants to see it badly.

I dug out my wallet and threw some money on the table. Standing up I slipped my wallet back into my back pocket and checked my front pocket for the keys. “Come on, let’s walk.” I said.

Nicolette quickly stood up and was right by my side. I stuck my hands in my pockets and walked, Nicolette linked arms with me as we walked down the boardwalk by the river. I knew the Eiffel Tower would be coming up soon. Hence why I decided to walk this way. I kept my eyes down or looking around, I had a feeling someone would be watching us. Whoever was watching us yesterday in the woods, I still got that funny feeling.

Nicolette swung her purse by her side, her arm loosely linked with mine. Her head resting on my shoulder, the only sound was our shoes scraping against the pavement. Of course other people walking and talking as well.

We reached the Eiffel Tower, Nicolette flipped out and almost wet herself. She ‘oohed’ and ‘awhed’ a lot while staring at it. I just let her have her fun, I chilled on a bench while she observed and walked around the thing. I wasn’t going to ruin her day with my bad mood. Which was only getting worse.

Finally after an hour, I couldn’t take being out in the open anymore. The funny feeling in my stomach was getting a lot worse. I walked up to Nicolette. “Come on let’s leave. I don’t like the feeling I am getting here.” I said, glancing down at her.

Nicolette’s green gems beamed up at me. She nodded and I lightly grabbed her elbow and moved her through the crowed back to the car. And we drove back to the hotel, faster than normal.

Pulling up, I got out and let the valet take the car and park it. I waited for Nicolette, she joined me and we walked into the hotel and over to the elevators. One opened and we stepped in, heading up to the top floor. Nicolette didn’t question my judgment, which I was thankful for. I didn’t know how to describe to her the funny feeling I had. Or why my mood was so suddenly cold and sour. I honestly didn’t know how to explain a lot of things to her.

We headed down the hallway to our suite, Nicolette’s head resting on my shoulder again. I had an arm around her waist, I just didn’t feel safe with Nicolette not close to me. Again, another thing that was hard to explain. I just hope Nicolette didn’t find it rather odd, that I was being a little over protective.

“Jacoby-” I didn’t hear what the rest of what Nicolette said. I stopped her and stared at our suite door, which was wide opened.

“Shit, Nicolette stay here.” I told her, pressing her against the wall, I pulled out my 9mm and slowly went into the suite. I didn’t wanna leave her but I didn’t want her to go into the suite either.

I emerged out of the suite two minutes later. Nicolette had a scared expression, I was pissed. I was furious, I was everything. I felt my temper rising, this was going to be a bad breakdown. “Jacoby please tell me what is going on!” Nicolette demanded, she grabbed my arms and looked up at me with pleading eyes.

“The room… it is destroyed… and it wasn’t me this time.” I said, trying to keep my cool. I don’t think Nicolette was convinced.

Hell, I wasn’t either. Whoever this was, liked watching me have terrible breakdowns. Did they want me to hurt Nicolette? I’m gonna murder them.
♠ ♠ ♠
Jacoby says: Let's go.

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