Bittersweet Endings

Mushy Times

I cursed under my breath as I attended Nicolette’s arm. A bullet grazed her arm, if I would have been smart I could of prevented this from happening to her. Seeing Nicolette hurt, god it kills me. She was my partner, she was my best friend…

I softly dabbed the wound, soaking up the blood. Nicolette sat in a chair, I was kneeling by her side on the floor. I was carefully cleaning and attending her wound. Nicolette protested but I was not going to allow her too. I needed to protect her, I needed to know she was okay, and okay in my book not her’s.

I worked as fast and as gently as I could, I knew Nicolette didn’t like the pain but I needed to make sure it was fully clean. It’s an OCD thing, I have to live with it and so does she. I picked up the tweezers again and gently removed some bullet shard. Tossing it into a little jar, I set those down and wiped the wound clean.

Grabbing a small cotton swab, I dipped it into some healing shit and pressed it lightly to her wound. Nicolette flinched and I quickly removed the cotton swab. “Nicolette-”

“Don’t worry Jacoby, it just startled me that is all.” she said weakly. I stared at Nicolette, her bags underneath her eyes were just as bad as mine I think. All this fighting and shit takes a toll on our bodies, we needed time to recover and fast.

Slowly I pressed the swab back on her wound. Holding it with two fingers I grabbed the wrap and began wrapping her arm. Tight but too tight to the point where it is uncomfortable. I just want to make sure so badly that she is all right. I am like a worried boyfriend… but I am not her boyfriend…

Nicolette and I dating? We’ve been partners for so long, it would be odd… wouldn’t it? I mean- ah who am I kidding. I don’t know what it would be like. I thought.

I watched myself wrap her arm slowly. Taking my time, which is funny. Normally I like getting things over with quickly but not this time. The way Nicolette’s skin felt against mine, her skin felt like silk. It was soft against mine, I fingers loathed for her skin. It was like… indescribably.

Finishing up wrapping her arm, I cut the end of it and tied it off. Slowly letting my hands drop from her arm. Nicolette placed a delicate hand over her wound, rubbing if gently. She looked down at it, I started cleaning up my mess I made. Or at least I attempted too, I had a lot I was thinking about. Which was making it hard to focus.

“Thank you Jacoby.” Nicolette whispered.

I stopped and looked up at her. Her gorgeous green eyes looked down at me, with care written all over them. They were glazed over, she’s been crying silently. There was something else in her eyes, something I couldn’t quite pick out but I had a hunch.

I gave her a warm comforting smile. “No problem.” I said softly.

Standing up and I dumped the first aide shit by the flight attendants. Letting them take care of that shit. I didn’t know what to do with it. I just made my way back over to Nicolette, sitting in the chair next to her. She was looking out the tiny window, Nicolette seemed to be lost in thought. I stared at her, admiring her was more like it.

Without thinking, I slowly took off my zip-up jumper. It was my favorite one, Bird Brainz one from Drop Dead, it was black and I had a red one just like it. I handed it to Nicolette, she looked at it before taking it. She gently pulled it on over her dress, which she looked amazing in by the way.

I leaned forward, my elbows resting on my knees. My chin resting in my hands, I stared off into the distance. Getting lost in my own train of thoughts. Thinking back to the hallway, how I could of protected Nicolette, taking the bullet myself. I would of rather gotten hurt than seeing her get hurt.

“Thanks again Jacoby.” Nicolette whispered.

I was torn from my thoughts, I lowered my arms and looked over to Nicolette. She had a tiny smile on her lips, from her eyes I could tell she was blushing. Even though we cant really blush. I can tell in her eyes, oh god those gorgeous eyes.

“You’re welcome Nic, someone has to watch over you. There is no one better than me for the job.” I said softly. Did that just really come out of my mouth? Yeah, I really just did.

She chuckled softly and smiled. I couldn’t help but smile too, her smile was so contagious. Like a lot of things about her. “Jacoby, you are not ordered to protect me.” she said. Nicolette leaned forward in her chair a little bit.

I turned mine so I was facing her, I leaned back in my chair. My chin resting in one hand. “I know Nic I know. But I have too, you just don’t understand. I have too. It is something I cannot explain, something I am not even sure why. All I really know is that I need to protect you with everything I got. And I failed tonight, you got hurt.” I nodded toward her arm. Her hand immediately went to cover it.

Nicolette looked away, I continued to gaze at her. There was another thing I couldn’t explain, man it seems I cant explain a lot lately, these funny little tingles in my stomach every time I think about Nicolette. Or even just say her name, or the simplest of them all by looking at her.

Could I really… I thought.

Our eyes were locked. Neither of us wanting to look away nor did either of us really want too. Dare I wonder into these waters? They were rather dark and unexplored. I have never been in them, so I was not sure. Honestly, I have never really liked anyone let alone love anyone. There was one but she just fucked me over so I haven’t thought about dating anyone since then. Nicolette was there to comfort me through the whole thing.

“Oh Jacoby… you are… amazing. You really are, you aren’t assigned to protect me yet you do it anyways. I honestly couldn’t ask for a better partner.” Nicolette said, her eyes were getting all teary eyed.

I saw one tear escape her eyes, I leaned forward and stroked it away. Nicolette leaned forward and buried her face into my chest. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her into a hug. Gently stroking her back, letting her just cry. From watching TV, crying is the best thing girls could do at a time like this. So I just let her cry.

If only you knew, if only you knew Nicolette… my feelings for you. I thought, sadness washing over me.

I don’t think Nicolette would return the feelings I had growing for her, I just don’t think she could.
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A little short but oh well. :3
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