Bittersweet Endings

Level One

I held tighter to Jacoby as my tears started to come to an end. I didn't want to let go. Jacoby was perfect, he knew just how to make me feel better. He would always let me cry, not complaining about my emotions.

I felt his fingers running up and down my arm, even through the hoodie. It felt nice, it was gentle but with enough force so I could feel it. I smiled and reached up, wiping my eyes.

I wanted to stay like this forever. I wanted to be with Jacoby.

But what I wanted and got were two different things. The plane was landing, and as much as I didn't want to leave I would have to let Jacoby up and go with him to inform Dimitri of what had happened.

No matter how much Dimitri already knew, he always wanted to hear it from us. I guess he liked to know if he was right or not.

I listened carefully as the engine slowed and stopped. We were back at base. Jacoby shifted underneath me. I figured he was going to move me to where I was sitting next to him, but he didn't. Instead he lifted me up, carrying me off the plane.


"Can it wait until we're alone?" I heard Jacoby ask quietly.

"Of course."

It wasn't long before I was being set down in one of the comfy chairs in Dimitri's office. I pulled Jacoby's hoodie tighter around me, feeling very secure in it. Jacoby didn't sit, he walked over to the viewing window and stared down at the pool.

"How many attacked you?" Dimitri asked, he had a file before him and a pen in hand.

"Two." Dimitri scribbled down something, possibly the answer Jacoby had given.

"What time?"

"Around ten this morning."

"In the hallway that your room was located?"


"Any injuries?"

Jacoby turned his attention towards me. I pulled the jacket sleeve down and allowed Dimitri to see the bandaged up knick of a gun shot wound. Dimitri nodded and I pulled the sleeve back up.

"What about you?"

"Nope." Jacoby said, popping the P.

Dimitri wrote a few more things down before closing the folder. The room went silent for a few seconds. Dimitri and Jacoby were both staring at each other. When they broke eye contact Dimitri sighed.

"I cannot allow you to go home."

"What?" I asked, speaking for the first time.

"They know you. I won't risk them being at your homes."

"Where will we stay?" I asked.

"Haven't you ever wondered what was on level one?"

Jacoby and I both nodded. Level one, or negative one, was a secret level. Nobody, except those who had been given permission, had gone to level one. It wasn't used often, and only after dangerous missions.

"It's bedrooms. I know that's not what everyone thinks. Let them think otherwise. It was designed for situations like this. To keep you safe yet allow privacy. Each room is designed like an apartment, so you feel like you are home but truly aren't." Dimitri explained. "Now I can assign you separate-"

"No." I said, fear coming over me.

"Or a room together." Dimitri finished with a small smile. "Jacoby?"

"I have no problem sharing a room with Nicolette. After all, I have been for the last two days." Jacoby smiled at me.

I smiled back at him, happy he had been okay with it. I just really didn't want to be alone right now. I would have settled for any roommate, minus a few obvious ones, if they were available. But few know of the upper levels and the females that do are all on missions.

"I'll have a room prepared for you two. For the mean time I suggest Jacoby take some anger out in the gun room, or combat room. I don't want anything breaking." Dimitri said with a laugh, Jacoby joined him.



"Everything we had was destroyed and we aren't allowed to go to our apartments."


"I need clothes." I smiled.

Dimitri and Jacoby both laughed. I don't know if it was at me, or supposedly with me. It was true though, I would need a change of clothes. It just meant I would get to go shopping, something that I loved to do. Or would someone shop for me since I wasn't allowed to leave?
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