Bittersweet Endings

Temorary Housing

Dimitir left the preparation room, I followed suit. Needing to take my anger out in the gun room. Like Dimitir said, and he didn’t want anything broken. So I decided it would be best to shoot my frustration out then beat shit up on a punching bag as well. Nicolette was right by my side as soon as I was out the room. I think this really shook her up, normally she doesn’t get shaken up. Then again, she has never been hunted like this before.

We passed several people on our way to the gun room. Ivan smirked at Nicolette but then looked at me and ran away. I think he is finally getting the picture, that I will murder him if he tries anything with Nicolette. I am quite glad he is grasping that concept now.

I walked into the gun room, a couple other vampires were here too but where on one end of the long shooting range. I walked to the opposite end and set up there. Grabbing any gun for me to use, whatever ones were laid out. Nicolette took a seat in a chair behind me, she watched me shoot targets and dummies.

“Damn I’m good.” I commented on my grouping. All in the bulls eye area. I glanced back at Nicolette and smirked, she giggled and smiled at me.

“My god Jacoby.” she said shaking her head.

“Hey now, I am just beastly,” I said smiling too. Setting down the rifle I was using. “let’s go to the combat room, I need to beat up on the punching bag.” I walked over to Nicolette, she stood up and linked her arm with mine. She was holding on much tighter this time, I thought it was cute.

We walked to the combat room, Nicolette offered to set up a punching bag for me while I changed. I told her she could go for it, so I went to change into my black gym shorts and a white V-Neck. Which I knew was going to come off later, I can never use the punching bag while wearing a shirt. Another OCD thing.

I grabbed a set of boxing gloves and pulled them on walking over to Nicolette. She was sitting in a chair drinking some water. I cracked my neck and stretched my arms, this was going to be one hell of a punching session. I tightened my Nike’s in the locker, so I was ready to go.

Nicolette laughed at me, I was bouncing and getting ready to punch. I smiled at her and then wailed on the punching bag. I swear I was punching a hundred miles per hour. Whap-whap-whap-whap. That was all you heard from me and the punching bag. I think I might have to use the speed ball too, it is much smaller and I can go a lot faster as well.

I jumped back and forth, kicking it as well. Throwing some kickboxing moves at the punching bag, I was wishing Ivan would show up. I was ready to beat up on him. “Come on fucker!” I grunted at the punching bag.

I heard Nicolette laugh, I stopped and looked at her. “Settle down Jacoby, it is just a punching bag! It is not doing anything to you.” she teased, sticking her tongue out at me. I smirked.

“So? Fine then, I shall beat up on you.” I ran over to her, she screamed and put her arms up in defense.

“Jacoby Anthony Watson! Don’t you-”

Too late. I scooped her up and threw her over my shoulder, she wailed her arms and legs laughing. I spun her around in a circle then threw her onto the mat gently. I straddled her, pretending to punch her.

“Oh what now Nic! How do ya like that!” I kept pretending to punch her and she kept laughing. I couldn’t help but laugh too, she was so damn cute oh my god.

“Jacoby!” she pushed me over. I fell onto my back and stared up at the ceiling, sighing. I was sweaty, I was icky feeling. I was a lot calmer than I was before. I glanced at Nicolette, she sat up next to me.

“I feel better now.” I stated.

“That’s good. You stink too.” she smiled down at me, I smiled back at her.

We heard someone clear their voice in an annoying way. We both looked and saw Bettina standing there. Her clipboard attached to her hip like normal. I pushed myself up with my elbows. “What?” I snapped.

Bettina narrowed her eyes at me, I glared right back. Change of thought, I would rather beat her up. I thought glaring.

“Your temporary housing is ready.” she snapped.

“Why don’t you lead Nic there, I gotta change. Tell me which one it is and I will be there.” I snapped back.

“Just go get your clothes and we can wait.” she said fiercely. I was ready to snap on her. My angry was coming back, just when it was gone.

“Jacoby relax.” Nicolette whispered.

I got up abruptly and walked off to grab my clothes then come back. Carrying them in one hand, I had a towel draped over my head, I was sweating badly and it was gross. Bettina lead us to level one, and down the way to an apartment type thing. Fuck, we even had our own little front door and everything. How cute.

“Here is your temporary-”

“Yeah yeah we get it. Now get the fuck out of my face.” I said grabbing Bettina by the arm and basically tossing her aside.

I opened the front door and Nicolette walked in quickly, I slammed the door behind me. Our apartment sort of looked like mine. Decent size, not huge but not small either. You saw the living room right away when you walked in, then on your left was the kitchen then in the living room and on your right was a bedroom and bathroom.

“This is cute.” Nicolette said walking around the living room. Taking in everything.

I shrugged and walked into the bedroom, I opened up a drawer in one of the dressers. It so happened to be mine, I saw my boxers and socks. I laughed. “Yes!” I said loudly. Nicolette came running in.

“What’s wrong?” she asked walking over.

“Nothing is wrong, they just got me plaid boxers. My favorite kind.” I smiled grabbing a pair. Then opened the next door and finding gym shorts and sweatpants. The drawer under that was pajama bottoms, lounge pants. I grabbed a pair of plaid pajama pants.

“Wow Jacoby,” Nicolette shook her head. “so they bought us all knew clothes?”

“Basically. I am showering.” I said walking to the bathroom. One long hot shower was calling my name.

I emerged from the shower an hour later. I felt like a girl being in there for so long but damn did it feel good. I pulled on my boxers and shorts, not bothering with a shirt. Walking into the bedroom with my dirty clothes, I tossed them in the hamper.

Peeking into the living room, I saw Nicolette spread out on the couch. Her nose stuck in a book, she wore pajama pants and an over size T-Shirt. I wondered out there and spread out on the other couch. I rubbed my eyes, knowing I was going to need to feed soon. Real soon.

“Uh Jacoby.” Nicolette said.

My eyes flashed toward her. “Hm?” I mumbled, draping an arm over my eyes. I was suddenly tired.

When Nicolette didn’t say anything for a minute, I removed my arm and looked at her. “What Nic?” I asked.

“Oh, uh thanks again for everything.” she said looking away.

I smiled. “No worries.”
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