Bittersweet Endings


I held back a sigh as Jacoby got comfortable next to me. I chickened out, again. Every time I went to tell him the truth, how I felt about him I got scared and chickened out. I held my book closer and began reading again.

Jacoby was never bothered by my reading, or choice in books. I loved vampire novels. It was strange, they were always wrong on facts but I found it interesting to read human writings. I was currently reading Shadow Kiss by Richelle Mead. I found it funny how a character was named Dimitri.

A sudden burning in the back of my throat stopped me in my tracks. I had been ignoring my hunger while on the mission but with being back at base there was no need to. I placed my bookmark in and closed the book.

I glanced over at Jacoby. He was leaning against the back of the couch, eyes shut. The bags under his eyes were deep. He also needed to feed.


"Yes Nicolette." Jacoby opened his eyes and sat up.

"Let's go eat." I stood.

"I'm not in the mood to eat."

"Let me rephrase that. Let's go feed." I grabbed Jacoby's hand and began to lead him to the elevator.

Jacoby didn't resist.

The blood supplies were held on the second floor, along with the infirmary. We passed the infirmary on the way to get some blood. The room was almost empty, with the exception of Erik and Danika.

Erik was sitting in the bed, his chest wrapped in gauze. Danika was sitting next to him, tears streaming down her cheeks. I could tell she was trying to be strong but didn't like seeing Erik like this.

Erik was Danika's partner, in more than one way. They went on missions together but were also mates. They had been for years, three weeks after their first mission together. It was odd for some, them moving that fast. But for others it was normal.

I snapped out of my thoughts had the smell of blood. We had arrived in the supply room.

It wasn't really a supply room. It was more of a kitchen, we thousands of areas to store blood. Some was in a fridge to keep it cold. Others out in the open and some in special heating chambers, making it the temperature it is when taken out of the human body.

I immediately went over to the fridge, preferring my blood cold. I grabbed a packet of AB negative and opened it. I poured it into a glass, not liking to drink it out of the nasty plastic packet.

I saw Jacoby drinking his as well, from a cup just like mine. Few vampires drank from the packet. If it was an emergency I would, just sink my fangs into it and drink, but only in an emergency. The plastic left a funny taste in my mouth.

"What you drinking?" I asked, curious.

Jacoby loved O blood but didn't care what temperature. He could drink it warm, cold or certain temperature. As long as he got his blood.

"Room temperature O." He said with a smile.

I laughed. His teeth were lightly stained with blood. It wasn't enough to count and would dissipate within the hour. Our saliva would dissolve it leaving our teeth perfectly clean. But that wouldn't matter. After this we would go back up to the room and Jacoby would brush his teeth. OCD major.

Jacoby frowned and covered his teeth.

"It's fine Jacoby."

"To you maybe but not to me. I can feel it, it bugs me."

"Then finish quickly and we'll go back upstairs. You can brush your teeth with the nasty human tooth paste."

Jacoby gulped down the rest of his drink and waited impatiently for me to finished. I didn't want to torture him so I finished quickly. I placed both glasses in the dishwasher so they could be cleaned later.

I smiled at Jacoby. He smiled back, but didn't show his teeth.

I laughed and grabbed his hand again.

Ivan was entering the room as we were leaving. I sent him a glare when his eyes went straight down to my chest. I heard Jacoby growl. Ivan didn't stop looking until we left, and even then I think he was staring at my ass.

"What the fuck is his problem?" Jacoby asked pissed off in the elevator. "What can't he get the damn message?"

"What message is that?" I asked with a smile.

"To leave you the hell alone. You're not a toy to be used and forgotten." Jacoby yelled.

I smiled. I knew he was made, but it was a cute mad. I was beginning to think he was jealous.

Jacoby's rant turned into a mumble of one. I don't think he wanted me to hear what he was rambling on. I squeezed his hand reassuringly. He looked down at me. His deep brown eyes were so pretty. I felt like I could get lost in them.

I looked away. I knew if I were human I would look like a tomato. It was embarrassing thinking the way I did about Jacoby. He would never return the feelings. I was his partner. Sure he protected me, often, but he felt the need to.

"Let's go get your teeth brushed." I said pulling him off the elevator.

He smiled, without showing his teeth and followed me. I wasn't technically pulling him. He was willingly following me. He never resisted me when I wanted to go a certain way, unless his gut told him otherwise.

He always led me away or to a different area. All before I even noticed. I would be in one area one moment and in another the next.

I liked him so much it didn't matter where I was, as long as it was with him.
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