Bittersweet Endings

Beat Down

I was in a fabulous mood, I got the girl I wanted. I was in the combat room sparring with my sparring home boys. I was kicking Victor’s ass in sparring today. I was having a good time. My girlfriend was being kissed by Ivan… what!

My head snapped in the direction where Nicolette was sitting. Ivan was sitting next to her on the couch, he pulled her legs over his. His fucking filthy hand rubbing her thigh. Ivan was trying to kiss Nicolette, he was forcing his self onto her. Nicolette looked like she wanted nothing to do with him.

I socked Victor in the face and turned to face Ivan. My anger was rising so fast I could not contain it no more. I balled my fists and heard my knuckles crack. My body was shaking from how furious I was. I felt a hand on my shoulder. “Jacoby you all right?” I heard Victor ask.

“Fuck no!” I snapped. Sprinting over to Ivan and Nicolette.

“Ivan stop!” Nicolette said trying to push him away.

“Oh Nicolette baby don’t worry.” the filthy piece of shit said, his hand rubbing her thigh higher.

I ran up to them and came to a quick stop. “GET THE FUCK OFF NICOLETTE YOU PIECE OF SHIT!” I screamed.

Ivan looked terrified as I ripped him off of Nicolette by the shirt. I think I ripped his shirt a little too. I threw the shit across the room, he crashed into the wall. His body falling to the ground with a thud. I ran up to him, grabbing him again. Throwing him into the air and kicking him into another wall.

Yanking him up again I started throwing punches. He didn’t even have time to react or anything. I just punching and punching and punching. Finally he ducked and my fist went through the wall. He dodged past me. Ha, funny guy. I thought turning around and stomping him in the back.

He did a face dive into the matted floor. I pulled the fucker up by the shirt again, blood was coming out of his nose. Spinning him around and punching him some more, I was taking the air away from him as well.


“Nicolette get the fuck out here! Sit your ass back down!” I screamed at her. She was about to run away. I saw her flinch but she obeyed. I hated screaming at her but this was between Ivan and I, not her.

I glared down at Ivan and threw him harshly to the ground. I stood over him, glaring more and more. “You’re a fucking little piece of worthless shit! I tell you not to lay a finger on Nic but do you fucking listen?! Of course not! Because you are a fucking dumbass and think you got a chance with her.” I screamed at him, he flinched. His eyes were black and blood was pouring out of his nose.

“Jacoby calm down for a second will ya.” Victor said.

“NO! I will NOT calm down! Do you know how fucking sick and tired I am of having to deal with Ivan hitting on Nicolette?” I screamed. I could feel my anger rising more and more by the second. This was bad, this was just bad.

Ivan was choking because he couldn’t breath, I almost forgot I was taking away his air to breath. I smirked and would give it back then take it away. I made him watch some gory photos. Him being murdered and his family. Slowly killing them all. Ivan screamed out of horror but I kept showing him the pictures.

I watched as his head snapped around, he was wailing his arms trying to block things that weren’t really happening to him. He was only imagining it, no one else could see it. Unless I wanted them too.

Ivan wiggled around on the ground screaming while trying to gasp for air. “Stop moving you little baby!” I yelled and pinned him down, throwing more punches at him. I punched him in the ribs and heard a cracking nose.

“Jacoby stop!”

“Dude you’re going to kill him!”

I brought my fist back, ready to sock him another time but before I could land a punch. My body was being thrown into the wall and pinned. I tried getting out but their had a good retrain on me. “Jacoby knock if off right now!”

I opened my eyes and saw Dimitir’s glaring at me. “He fucking kissed Nicolette-”


I flinched at that last part, I know he could never fire me, I was one of his best agents. But still, hearing that scared me. “Could you really fire your best agent?” I spat, a smirk coming to my lips.

I felt a stinging pain on my cheek, my head turned toward the side. Dimitir slapped me across the face. He let me go but only to grip me by the shirt and shove me back into the wall. “Don’t get smart with me boy. True I couldn’t fire you but this kind of behavior might make me change my mind. Keep this up, your ass it out of here. You hear me?” he whispered furiously. His eyes never leaving their glare towards me. He threw me one more time before letting me go.

I almost fell but I caught myself, I just stood there rubbing my cheek. I glared at his back, I knew he was right but hearing it come from your boss hurts your self-esteem a little bit. He stopped and looked down at Ivan. “Someone get him to the infirmary please.” he said rubbing his temple.

I was shaking again, glaring at Dimitir more. He turned his head slightly towards me. “Would you really kill your own boss, Jacoby?” he asked.

Nicolette peeked around Dimitir, her hand resting on his bicep. She looked terrified, I felt my body go numb. I sighed and looked away from her. What have I done. I thought.

I looked down at my hands, they were full of blood. Scraped from hitting Ivan’s teeth and from punching him so many times. I was in a sweat and breathing hard. Seeing how scared Nicolette looked, it killed me.

Shaking my head I turned and walked away. “Jacoby-” I heard Nicolette say but Dimitir stopped her. Honestly, I did not want to be around her right now.

“Let him go Nicolette, Jacoby needs some time to himself. He needs to cool off before he talks to anyone, including me. With his powers and strength, he could kill everyone in this room right now.” Dimitir told Nicolette.

I walked right out of the combat room, taking a tour of the place might help me calm down. I heard talking at the corner of this hall. Curious I walked up to it and peeked around. Bettina was on her cell.

“You should of seen his break down. It was intense. It wont be easy to take him down. Nicolette on the other hand, she is rather easy.”

What the fuck… I thought.
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My favorite chapter! :D
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