Bittersweet Endings


I watched as Jacoby left the room. Anger radiated off of him. I gripped onto Dimitri's arm tighter, resting my head against his shoulder. I heard him sigh, his muscles relaxing.

"He needs to keep that temper of his in check." Dimitri mumbled.


"Don't blame Ivan." Dimitri stated quietly. "I know Ivan is a womanizing pervert who can't keep his hands to himself, but Jacoby should know better than to act that way. If I hadn't intervened when I had Ivan would be dead and Jacoby would be in a holding cell right now. I can't have dangerous vampires as employees. Protocol would force me to arrest him and give him a trail. We both know what the outcome would most likely be."

I flinched. Death. Jacoby would be sentenced to death.

If Ivan had truly done something wrong then Jacoby would have been rewarded. Like treason, murder, or creating another vampire. Those were all great reasons for Jacoby's actions. Treason and murder, for obvious reasons. Making a vampire. Well that was against rules for the organization, unless given permission or the person was dying. Making a move on me, not so much.

"Nicolette I want you to be careful." Dimitri turned to face me.

"Of course."

"I see the way you look at each other. It makes me happy you are both finally together. I just need you to keep Jacoby in check. I know you don't like using your powers, but if necessary you must. Even if it's against Jacoby."

I nodded. Everything he said was the truth. I didn't like using my powers, they scared me. I was telekinetic. Meaning I could move things with my mind, as could Jacoby, and listen to others thoughts. I stayed away from mind reading altogether, not wanting to invade privacy.

I could also shape shift. Any animal I wanted to be I could be, which came in handy when getting into small places. I could also communicate with animals. I had plenty of animal friends all over the world who could feed me information. I had my own pack of wolves up in Russia, and a small pack in the States.

"Now if you'll excuse me I must check on Ivan. As much as everyone detests him, he needs to recover, or Jacoby could be facing charges. For now, I'll label it as a combat fight that went out of control." Dimitri said with a sly smile.

"Thank you Dimitri." I said softly.

He nodded and left the room. I followed, only turning a different way in the hallway. I walked past Bettina, who had an unusual smile on her face. She seemed pleased yet the smile was slightly evil looking.

I stopped once she had past me and stared after her. A part of me wanted to read her mind, just to know what she was thinking to make her smile that way, but the part of me that was all about privacy overpowered it. I shook my head and continued walking.

If something was up with Bettina, then Dimitri would know.

I got to the apartment ten minutes later. It was empty, and felt dead. It was to quiet and lonely. I glanced around the room, finding my book lying on the other end. It made me think back to last night.

The night Jacoby told me he liked me. I smiled thinking about it.

Jacoby's lips grazed gently across mine, slowly moving down my jaw to behind my ear. "I am going to be very blunt with you right now. I like you Nic... I like you a lot." He whispered, planting a soft kiss behind my ear.

My smile grew. When I had heard those words, everything felt right. My heart leapt as though it were still beating. I couldn't speak, couldn't think straight. Jacoby had admitted feelings for me. The thing I had wanted to do forever.

And he almost left, because I couldn't find my voice fast enough. Luckily I was able to stop him, and tell him my feelings too.

I walked over and picked up the book. I figured I could read a few chapters before Jacoby walked in. He would probably take the book and throw it somewhere else. Making me have to find it all over again.

I groaned as I glanced at the clock. It was late, really late. Almost midnight.

I had never stayed up this late. I never felt the need too. But now, I did. I need to see Jacoby before I slept. He wasn't here yet, I hadn't heard any movement from outside the door. Not even a mouse, though I didn't think we had mice running around the base.

I had finished my book hours ago. I even read the last three chapters twice, making sure I understood the ending. It was now on the coffee table, bookmark lying on top of it. It was now gathering dust.

I had also eaten. I made Tacos. It was the only recipe that the apartment had food for. I could have easily gone down to the kitchen and gotten better ingredients or even a cooked meal. I didn't want to miss Jacoby coming back.

I needed to make sure he was okay.

I sighed and stood.

I couldn't force myself to stay awake any longer. I wasn't tired or even sleepy. I just needed something to pass the time faster and sleeping always worked well.

I quickly changed into a pair of Jacoby's boxers and white t-shirts. I needed something to remind me of him or my body would never rest. I crawled into bed, on my side. Hoping Jacoby would come back soon. Then I slept.
♠ ♠ ♠
So it's kind of short.
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