Bittersweet Endings

Huntees or Hunters

I finally felt so much calmer now. The walk I went on helped a lot. I needed it, I needed to do a better job at controlling my anger. Dimitir was right, I would get my ass fired if I kept this shit up. Fuck my life.

I just arrived home now, ha ten in the morning I get home. I stood in the door way, staring at Nicolette. Who was fast asleep in bed right now, the blankets pulled over her. I smiled slightly and walked over to her. Sitting on the edge of the bed on my side, trying not to wake Nicolette. I needed a shower, I hadn’t showered since yesterday. Not even after I beat Ivan up.

So I took a quick shower, slipping on some boxers and gym shorts. Pulling on a black wife beater. I crawled into bed quietly, still trying not to disturb Nicolette. Nicolette stirred quietly but settled back down. I didn’t realize I held my breath but I let it out and breathed again.

I sunk low into bed, my hands resting on top of my head. I stared up at the ceiling, I wasn’t even tired but I decided to lay down anyways. One of my hands went and gripped my necklace, holding it in my hand. I closed my eyes and sighed.

“Jacoby?” my head snapped to look at Nicolette. Her green eyes were peeking out at me from within the covers.

I quickly scooted over to her, taking her in my arms and holding her. “Shh shh Nic. I am here now.” I said softly, stroking her hair. Nicolette snuggled into my chest, her arms wrapping around me.

I rested my cheek against the top of her head, stroking her back softly. “Where were you? I was worried sick.” Nicolette said.

“Don’t worry bout it,” I said. Still stroking her back. “just try and get some sleep.”

She yawned and snuggled closer into me, I hugged her tighter. I don’t know if Nicolette was awake enough or not but I felt like I was being… watched. Like someone was hiding somewhere in the room and staring at me, just me not Nicolette.

I sat up a little bit and looked around, Nicolette stirred and lifted up her head. “Jacoby-”

“Shush Nic,” my eyes scanned the room and focused above the bedroom door. Or around it. “it is nothing babe, go back to sleep.” I pushed Nicolette down and laid on top of her, my hand moving underneath her pillow.

“Jacoby what is going on?” she whispered. Turning her body to face me.

“Sit tight,” I whispered back. My hand wrapped around my 9mm underneath the pillows, aiming it at the door. “close your eyes.” she did and as did I, I peeked one eye open.

Someone walked into the room pointing a gun at both of us. I sat up whipping out my 9mm and shooting the person dead with two rounds. One in the head and chest. They fell to the ground and Nicolette screamed. I jumped out of bed and ran around the house checking it out. Someone was hunting us.

I came back into the bedroom looking around again. “Nic get dress now.” I said grabbing myself some black skinny jeans. I pulled those on.

Nicolette got out of bed and pulled on some jeans and a T-Shirt. I rushed around the room grabbing some things and stuffing them into my skateboarding backpack. I tossed Nic her sneakers, she gave me a look. “Put the goddamn sneakers on.” I said slipping my feet into my Nike’s. Nicolette complied.

“Jacoby what is going on?” she demanded.

“Nic, honestly. I think someone is hunting us. Someone wants us dead.” I said sighing. Zipping up my backpack, I yanked on a zip-up jumper which was just plain black. I grabbed my dark gray coat with a brown fur hood.

Nicolette pulled on one of my jumpers and grabbed her jacket as well. I took her hand and we walked out of the apartment. I tucked my 9mm into my jeans as we crept along. “We got to be quiet, so don’t make any noise.” I whispered.

We stalked the halls, which were empty. Which I found not right because normally there was someone walking around or a group of vampires walking around. It is never quiet in this office building but right now it was. It was starting to freak me out.

There was talking at the end of this one hall, I pulled Nic behind these crates and told her to sit. I took off my backpack and peeked over the crates, then immediately sat down. “Shit.” I cursed under my breath, I pulled out my silencer pistol and screwed the silencer on.

“Whose down there?” Nicolette mouthed.

“Nobody who works here.” I mouthed back.

I slowly laid onto my stomach and peeked around the corner of the crate. There were two guys, standing casually talking. Yeah, standing casually with machine guns. I sighed and rolled my eyes, they were talking and I wanted to know what they were talking about. I tuned in my hearing.

“Yeah, no one can find them in this fucking place. I wonder if Dimitir got them out of here before we got here. We shouldn’t trust Bettina on this sort of shit.” the taller one said.

“For real, she isn’t nothing but a hoe. Everyone else left, Dawson wanted us to take hostages. And not to leave until we had Jacoby and Nicolette. Dimitir is captured right?” the shorter one said.

“Of course, he went willingly. Not putting up a fight like most of these bastards did.”

“Bettina said Jacoby has a temper and is rather strong. He will be hard to bring down unlike Nicolette. Shouldn’t we be trying to find them? We are the only ones left in this building.”

I shook my head and cocked an eyebrow. I had no idea what was going on but they needed to die. God damnit don’t kill them! You need to find out where everyone is first stupid. I thought. I sighed and looked at Nicolette.

She looked scared but confident. “I know you hate invading privacy but you got to this time. Look inside their minds and see if there is a place floating around in there.” I whispered. She nodded and closed her eyes, trying to focus.

Seconds later her eyes opened and she blinked. “All I got was Russia.” she whispered back.

“All right.” I turned and raised my pistol. Two quiet shots and they were down. I jumped up grabbing my backpack and ran toward them. Nicolette following me, she was pulling on her jacket.

I knelt by them and dug through their pockets. “Did you hear what they said?” she asked.

“Yeah. So if you got Russia out of reading their minds. Then Russia is where we need to go first.” I said pulling out some papers. They were useless, everything was useless. Standing up and raked a hand through my hair, pulling out my black beanie and slipped that on.


“Come with me.” I grabbed her hand and took off running, my 9mm still out and ready to go.

We made it out to the entrance of the office building, I pulled Nicolette to a stop and glanced around. “I think they are only obstacles right now. I think we are clear but need to get the fuck out of London.” I said tucking my 9 back into my pants.

“So where do you suppose we go?” Nic asked zipping up her jacket.

I couldn’t help but smirk. “To my secret hanger to get my car.” I said grabbing her hand again and we walked out the doors.

The guys car was out here so I just hot wired that we used it to drive to my secret hanger. My secret hanger where I kept my baby, my precious car. The one I value you most. The one I put so much time, love, effort, and care into making it pimped out as fuck.

“What’s in here?” Nicolette asked as I took out a pair of cutters for locks. I snipped the pad lock on the service door of my hanger.

“My baby.” I said kicking open the door.

We walked in and I flipped on the lights, slowly all the lights turned on and in the center of this huge hanger was my car. A terry cloth draped over it to keep the dust off of it. I smirked and walked over to it. Taking out my pack of Newports and sticking one between my lips. Nicolette was right behind me.

I sighed with a smiled. Gripping the terry cloth, I yanked it off. Before me was my black Lamborghini Diablo. I lit my cig and kept smiling, Nicolette laughed at me. “You don’t appreciate cars like I do love. Now get itn” I said unlocking the door with my key.

We both got in, I opened the hanger door before getting in. Running back over and hopping in I slammed the door closed. Revving the engine I grabbed Bring Me The Horizon’s CD, Suicide Season and popped that in. “Do we have to listen to them?” she groaned.

“Helps me calm down. Now, to Russia we go. You know Nic, when we get there you are going to have to use your talking to animal power thing and call your batch of wolves over. They might be able to help us.” I said.

Nicolette nodded, I turned up the music, enjoying my cigarette. Now off to the Artic we go.
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