Bittersweet Endings


Welcome to Russia, the Artic wasteland. Not really but where we were heading was. No civilization anywhere. This was going to suck AND I just hope my Lamborghini would still be there when I returned.

Pechora. It was a big town in Russia, covered all in snow right now. Looks like winter was just beginning and the snow was already three feet high. Of course these people were all use to the goddamn snow this deep.

It was not fun walking around this town in that deep of snow for two hours. We were trying to find a diner to stop at and eat. Because we were both getting very hungry. Also we stopped and bought a map of the town. Trying to figure out where we needed to go to get to the river. If Nicolette’s pack of wolves didn’t answer soon.

We found this tiny diner on the outskirts of town. The sun was beginning to set, oranges reds and yellows filled the sky. Nicolette and I sat in a booth, Nicolette was hunched over the map while I sat back sipping my soda. I sighed, the sunsets here were gorgeous, I would give Russia that.

I glanced down at Nic, she had her compass, protractor and other map thing. She was trying to figure out how long of a hike it would be to this village thing. I was not looking forward to this. Meaning we would have to buy hiking boots meaning I could not wear my Nike’s. Goddamn Bettina, you are a fucking bitch and I cannot wait to kill you with my bare hands.

“There.” Nicolette said dropping her pencil and sitting back in her booth, taking a sip of her tea.

Drawing my attention back to Nicolette, I smiled. “So. How long of a travel will it be?” I asked.

She sighed and raked a hand through her hair. “If we travel at a good pace, two or three days.” she said looking up at me.

My shoulders sank and I sat forward. “Fuck.” I said under my breath, glancing away. My eyes traveled around the diner. It was not really busy.

“I’m sorry Jacoby.” she said. Nicolette reached across the table and took my hands into her’s. I squeezed her’s and sighed.

“It’s not your fault love. We just got to think of how we are going to get there.” I said softly.

“I don’t mean to intrude on your conversation but where are you two trying to get too?” I looked up at the man that was standing by our table.

It was the definition of wilderness guy. He had on the coon hat and huge animal pelt jacket with a ton of fur on it. Boots and a belt with knives and other things on it. Big bushy dark brown beard that matched his hair. I cocked an eyebrow, he had bad fashion taste in my opinion.

“The Pechora river.” Nicolette said politely.

“Awh, the Pechora river. It’s a very nice river. You two need a lift out there? It is quite the hike, you will never make it there with this sun going down.” the mysterious man said.

“Who are you?” I blurted out. I kind of would like to know whom I was talking with.

The man laughed, he had a deep booming laugh. Matched his deep husky voice. “My name is Wilson son. How bout your’s?” he asked nodded toward us.

“Jacoby, this is Nicolette.” Nicolette gave him a polite smile and looked away.

“Nice to meet you two. Now if you want, I can send you two in the direction of the Pechora river tomorrow morning. I have a cottage on the outskirts of town, just about ten minutes away. You two can spend the night there if you want.” Wilson said.

I thought for a second. It was free and it was close to this fucking river. “All right, that would very kind of you Wilson.” I said getting up and throwing some money onto the table.

The man laughed again. “Son don’t worry bout it.” he patted my shoulder before turning and walking out the diner doors.

Nicolette and I slipped on our jackets, Nicolette grabbed the map and we followed after him. Wilson had a old beat up pick-up truck. There was a dog in the passenger seat who was barking happily at us. I jumped, both Nicolette and Wilson laughed. Nic knows how much I don’t very much care for dogs but I put up with them for her.

“Now that there is Toby, don’t mind him. He loves people, he is just a young pup.” Wilson said getting into his truck.

“He’s a husky right?” Nicolette asked. Did I mention she loves dogs? Oh I didn’t, how dumb of me.

“Yeah, you like dogs?” Wilson asked as we drove away from the diner.

I let out a harsh laugh and shook my head. “Like would be an understatement.” I said.

“Dog lover. Nice. Don’t find too many of the around here anymore. You will love my place then.” Wilson said.

Oh god. I thought.

We pulled up to Wilson’s cottage. He was right, Nicolette would love his place. Outside he had kennels full of husky’s. Who were barking as we parked, jumping up in their cages. My guess was that they were happy to see Wilson. Wilson was laughing as he got out of his truck.

Toby jumped out after him, there was another dog on his porch. He looked old, rather old. I got out and helped Nicolette out. Who was staring at all the husky’s with her jaw hanging open. “Jacoby they are so cute!” she said jumping up and down. I rolled my eyes and sighed.

“Yeah now let’s get into the cottage.” I said picking up my backpack. We walked into the cottage, only to be greeted by the old husky.

“Now now Shadow, be good to our guests. That there is Shadow, he is an old dog. Been around the block a time or two. And the girl dog over on the couch is Mia, she is pregnant and should be having pups soon.” Wilson said starting a firing. It roared to life and he walked into his kitchen.

Nicolette gasped and ran over to Mia. She knelt in front of the dog and started petting her. I just smiled and shook my head, Nicolette was a sucker for dogs. I set my backpack down and took a seat at the table. Looking around the cottage. It looked just like Wilson. Animal pelt all over the walls with wilderness paintings. Animal pelt rugs, rugged furniture as well. Total outdoors theme, there was an upstairs surprisingly.

“All right, I just put some coffee. I am going to go feed the hounds quick then start dinner. Then we can sit down and talk.” Wilson said rubbing his hands together.

Nicolette immediately stood up and smiled at Wilson. “Can I come with?” she asked.

Wilson laughed and smiled. “Of course. Why don’t you ask princess if you can.” Wilson nodded toward me. I narrowed my eyes at him.

“Jacoby can I please go with him?” Nicolette begged. I honestly didn’t care.

I held my head up with my hand, I shrugged. “I don’t care. Go for it. Have fun.” I said. Ignoring Wilson’s princess comment.

Nicolette squealed and ran over to give me a quick kiss then she followed Wilson out the front door. Before they left, Wilson looked at me. “You two like meat right?” he asked.

“No, I hate meat. I am a vegetarian.” I said.

He looked me up and down and nodded. “I figured as much.” then he was out the door with Nic.

“What the fuck is that suppose to mean.” I glared at the door.

Shadow and Mia looked at me, I looked at them and cocked an eyebrow. “What the fuck are you two looking at.” I said.

Shadow just barked happily and wagged his old tail. I rolled my eyes. This is going to be along night.
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