Bittersweet Endings


I couldn't stop from smiling. There were so many dogs. Old, young and everything in-between. It was amazing. I couldn't wait to have a dog of my own, but that wouldn't happen. With the missions it would get neglected. And now with Jacoby, I wouldn't put him through the hell of having to share me with a dog he didn't want.

"So, you have any pets?" Wilson asked as we arrived at the last kennel.

"No. My work interferes with it. Plus Jacoby-"

"Boyfriend wouldn't like it?" Wilson asked cutting me off.

"I wouldn't put him through it." I said kneeling down to pet another one of the dogs. I held back a gasp as the dog began showing me pictures and telling me information. Normally I would have to search for them, unless it was Zander.

I guess the huskies have enough wolf in them that they can give me images just like Zander. This one was telling me little things, mostly about it's past. Then I caught something interesting.

It was Zander.

Zander had been here, talking with the dogs here. He wasn't alone. Most of his pack hung around by him. The husky seemed proud when I sensed that he wasn't afraid. The only thing the wolf wasn't giving me was what Zander had said. Even when I tried, I couldn't get it.

"Have you seen any wolves around here as of lately?" I asked looking up at Wilson.

"No, wolves don't normally come around here. I scare them off." I gripped the kennel harder, afraid of how he scared them off. "Don't worry little missy. I love animals to much to shot one of those beautiful creatures. I just make a lot of noise."

I sighed in relief.

I'm coming back out tonight. I want to know everything. I told the dogs before standing up.

I followed Wilson back into the house after helping him clean up. Shadow greeted us at the door, tail wagging slowly. I patted him on the head with a smile.

Jacoby was in the same spot as before we had went outside, only slightly more slouched. He looked over at us, at me, with a smile. I couldn't help but smile back. I hurried over to him and sat next to him, causing Wilson and Jacoby to laugh. I even heard Shadow and Mia laughing.

Dinner was delicious. Steak, I loved steak. Jacoby ate what could have been called a salad. It wasn't the best, but Wilson tried and that's all that really mattered. Jacoby ate it without complaining. I was proud of him.

Shadow stayed at my feet the whole time. I secretly fed him bites of my steak, even though I was sure Wilson and Jacoby both knew I was doing it. Shadow would occasionally bump his head reaching for a bite. I would act as if it were nothing when Jacoby and Wilson looked over.

"So, why are you heading towards such a remote little town?" Wilson asked as we sat down after dinner.

"Family is there, or at least my family." I said quickly.

"If they were your family how did you not know to come more prepared?" Wilson's eyes gleamed, as if he knew the truth.

I decided to play the sympathy card. "My parents died while I was young. I grew up in an orphanage. I just recently received news I still had any family left. I guess I wanted to meet them so badly I forced us to leave while unprepared."

"Oh, I'm sorry." Wilson apologized, looking uncomfortable.

"It's alright. You didn't know." I said with a soft smile.

Jacoby kept up the act. Giving me sympathetic eyes, just so Wilson wouldn't suspect anything. Shadow laid his head in my lap. I smiled down at him, petting him on the head.

Oh how I loved dogs.

Wilson went to bed soon after that. I was given his guest bedroom while he told Jacoby he had to sleep on the couch. Apparently he didn't want any funny business going on. I thanked Wilson while Jacoby mumbled and took the couch.

As soon as I was sure Wilson was asleep I snuck downstairs. Jacoby was also awake. Tying his shoes when I walked into the living room. Mia was asleep, curled up as much as she could with her big belly. Shadow was waiting by the door, as if waiting for us.

"He's been there since Wilson went upstairs." Jacoby said nodding towards Shadow.

"What is it boy?" I asked walking over to him.

He's back.

I was confused at first by Shadow's statement, but then realized who he meant. Zander was back. Careful not to make any noise I snuck outside. I couldn't see Zander anywhere. At least not by the front of the house.

I went around to the kennels and sure enough Zander sat waiting. Zander in all his pure black glory. He was truly beautiful. His eyes instantly locked with mine. I smiled and could see somewhat of a wolfy grin on his muzzle.

You called Nicolette? He asked, although already knowing the answer.

I'm glad you came. We need your help, badly. I said kneeling down in front of him. It had always felt wrong to be towering above the alpha of the pack.

Anything for you.

I couldn't help but smile. Zander was such a gentleman. Our base was attacked. It was an inside job, from someone we trusted. It was foolish but that's not the point. We don't know where any of the other fighters went. All we know is that Dimitri has been taken captive. We have to get to him.

Dimitri went willingly I presume?
Zander asked, again knowing the answer. There is something you are not telling me. What is it Nicolette?

They want Jacoby and I. We don't know why but they do. I know it's foolish to walk into their hands but we can't let Dimitri die because of us. He save both of us. If it were not for him, we'd both be so lost.

You are right. It is stupid and foolish but I see nothing wrong with it. Of course we will help.
Zander stood and walked forward. Putting his muzzle over my shoulder in a wolf-like hug.

"Thank you Zander." I wrapped my arms around him and smiled.

When I let go Jacoby was standing a few feet away. Shadow was by his side, calmly standing and watching.

Zander nosed my arm before heading back into the woods. I'll follow silently, until the human is gone again.

I stood up, brushed the snow off my jeans and walked back inside with Jacoby. Shadow following us the entire time. I was happy I didn't have to force the information from the dogs.
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