Bittersweet Endings

Creatures Of Night

Sleeping on that couch of Wilson’s was not the most comfiest thing in the world. To be honest, I didn’t even sleep at all. I did however get up once and awhile to go check on Nicolette. I had this funny feeling in my stomach again, like we were being watched. From outside the house and not in. I made sure all the windows and doors were locked. Call me a basket case, but I didn’t want Nicolette getting hurt or Wilson for that matter.


What a crazy mother fucker. I heard him stir around five in the morning. I remember sitting up and looking at the stairs. I guess Wilson is one of those early birds, for I am not one of them. I prefer sleeping in ’til oh I would about noon. That is the time I like to roll out of bed.

Sighing I laid back down, my back to the open. I pulled the dusty blanket up more, rolling at my eyes. Does he honestly think Nicolette and I would do anything. I mean come on now, so we make look young. Doesn’t mean that we were horny bunch of vampires! I thought, grumbling under my breath

A floor board behind me squeaked, I jumped up so fast that I scared myself. I saw Wilson standing in front of a window, a shotgun resting on his hip. He held a cigar between his fat lips. I cocked an eyebrow. “Wilson, you scared the shit out of me.” I said wiping the sweat from my brow.

“Sorry bout that son, just keeping a watchful eye outside.” he said, not taking his eyes from the window.

“What do you mean?” I asked, sitting up, tucking my 9mm back under my pillow.

He blow some smoke out and put the cigar back between his lips. “Something or someone is out there. Watching this house, I can see movement. Cant quite tell what it is yet, waiting for it to get lighter. Which it will, in an hour.” Wilson said. He pulled up a stool and sat down, still holding his shotgun.

I threw back the blankets and walked over to him, bending over a little to peek out the window as well. He was right, there was movement out there. Oh god… I thought.

I glanced down at Wilson, I don’t think they would attack with a human here. They might kill him quickly then try to take Nicolette and I out. They seriously need to stop underestimating us, especially Nicolette.

Suddenly the dogs started barking outside, a wolf’s howl was off in the distance. It sent shivers down my spine. I stood up and looked out another window and jumped. I stared wide eyed at someone, it was an outline of a person. Their blood red eyes looking at me, a smirk smothered all over them. Their white fangs showing, I felt my heart beat increase. I was breaking out in a sweat and panting slightly.

“What’s wrong boy?” Wilson stood and put a hand on my shoulder, which made me jump.

“Goddamnit nothing!” I cursed under my breath, Wilson was looking out the window I just looked out. I quickly looked and saw the vampire was gone, I sighed and raked a hand through my hair.

“Why don’t you lay down.” Wilson said squeezing my shoulder. I just nodded and walked back over to the couch, laying down.

While laying down, I forced my shield out around the house and Nicolette and Wilson. It was very tiring and painful, I was thirsty, exhausted and that was making it harder to keep my shield up. The burning sensation in the back of my throat killed me, but I clenched my jaw tight and tired to relax. God fucking damnit, where is Nicolette when I need her.

Morning light peeked in through the dusty cottage windows. Casting its rays on the floor, you could see the dust floating around the house. Wilson still sat in his same spot, shotgun resting on his hip. His second cigar in an hour. Boy could I go for a cigarette right about now, but I couldn’t move. If I did, the shield would snap back to me and I would be in even more pain.

My arm was draped over my eyes, my jaw still clenched. I felt my shield was getting weaker and weaker. The burning sensation was getting worse, much worse. There were no humans around here that I could drink from. I couldn’t drink from Wilson. I just couldn’t, I would end up killing him and his dogs need them.

Shadow was laying at the end of the couch on my feet, Toby was laying on the floor right in front of me. A toy in his mouth, he wanted to play. Mia was laying in front of the fire, her big ole belly up in the air. Waiting for someone to scratch it.


I flew up from my spot, my shielding snapping and whip lashing back at me. I let out a yelp and clutched my head, burring my face into my knees. This whip lash was terrible, just plain terrible. The pain was intolerable, indescribable.

“Jacoby!” I heard Nicolette say. She ran down the stairs and was by my side in minutes. I heard Toby get up too and let out a happy bark at her.

Nicolette knelt down by my side, her hand on my back and arm. Toby was sitting next to her, I was trying to calm my breathing and ignoring the pain. The thirst was overwhelming me, Wilson’s blood smelled delicious. It made my mouth water, but the blood that smells oh so good to us vampires. Was the kind that was bad for us, one suck of that shit and you are a dead man.

“Jacoby what’s wrong?” Nicolette whispered in my ear. I could hear the panic in her voice. I felt myself trembling.

I looked at Nicolette, she gasped quietly. Her finger tips gently stroking the huge dark bags underneath my eyes. I closed my eyes and sighed. “You’re thirsty.” she whispered. I nodded my head.

“Wilson’s blood isn’t helping.” I barely whispered back. My lips were parched, dry and crackling. I licked them but that did nothing for me.

“Wilson, can you get Jacoby some water please?” Nicolette asked.

“Of course.” he said. Hearing his heavy boots thud against the floor as he walked to the kitchen. He came back over to us, Nicolette took the water glass from him handing it to me.

Water wouldn’t do me any good but it was calming me down some. I took it and gulped that shit down. “I am going to go tend the dogs. Be back in a jiffy.” Wilson said, opening the door. Toby didn’t even run after him, he stayed by Nicolette and I.

“Babe you need to drink.” Nicolette said hastily. She rolled up her sleeve of the long sleeve shirt she wore. Exposing her wrist to me.

“No!” I said smacking her wrist away.

“Come on Jacoby, if you don’t drink you will die and we wont make it out of here.” she said desperately.

“They’re out there Nic… they found us. They will be waiting for us to leave. They wont attack until night fall,” I said, staring off into space. Nicolette gasped and covered her mouth with her other hand, her wrist still expose to me. “I saw them, saw them running around outside. Scoping out Wilson’s house. The dogs were barking.”

Slowly I took Nicolette’s wrist into my hands. I brushed my lips against her exposed skin. Nicolette shivered and groaned. It didn’t hurt to have blood drunk from you, it was rather pleasurable. I would know.

“I’m sorry Nic.” I whispered against her wrist.

Sinking my fangs in, I lapped up her blood with my tongue. Nicolette fell forward against me, groaning. I could feel what she was feeling, and hot damn was it a good feeling but terrible at the same time. That pleasurable sensation.

I didn’t wanna drink a lot of Nicolette’s blood but just enough to get me back on my feet and moving. Until we can find some blood for me, should of brought some blood packs. I don’t know how long we sat there like that, I kept drinking Nicolette’s blood, feeling my energy coming back to me. I felt terrible because Nicolette kept wiggling from the pleasure and moaning. I had to stop.

I let her wrist go and shook my head. “I shouldn’t of done that Nicolette!” I said, clutching my hair. I was angry with myself.

“Jacoby!” she whimpered. “please… don’t stop.” I looked at her, she pleading eyes begged me to continue drinking blood from her.

I shook my head and stroked her cheek. “No Nic… no.” I said softly.

She whimpered and buried her face into my side. I pulled her onto my lap and held her tight. Toby was scooting his way closer to us, that damn toy still in his mouth. I looked at the dog and cocked an eyebrow.

“Toby you and that goddamn toy.” I said shaking my head, I rubbed Nicolette’s back.

Toby barked and smiled at me. Could dogs really smile? Because I think he just smiled at me… I think I’m going insane. Just when I was about to say something to Nic, the front door opened and in walked Wilson. Toby ran up to him and greeted him. Shadow still laid by my feet.

“All right, they are fed. Now time to feed us.” Wilson said with a laugh. He took off his hat and coat. Hanging those up he walked into his kitchen. Toby and Shadow right by his side.

I kissed Nicolette’s temple and hugged her tighter. “I need a cigarette.”
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