Bittersweet Endings


As we sat eating breakfast it was silent. Dead silent. Everyone was buried in their thoughts. Wilson was worried about who had been outside as was Jacoby, but for two completely different reasons.

Yes, I was reading their minds. But only as a distraction. I wasn't able to stop thinking about the bite. I smiled as I rubbed the spot on my arm Jacoby had sunk his teeth into. It took a lot of self control not make any sounds about it.

It was...the most pleasurable sensation in the world. Every nerve ending of mine had been on fire, receiving pleasure from even the slightest pressure. The more Jacoby drank, the better it felt. I wanted nothing more than for him to drain me dry. I would have died happy.

When he stopped. I felt hallow, alone and unloved. I begged him to continued. To finish what he had started and give me the pleasure once again. But he didn't, which was a good thing. After a few minutes of cuddling into Jacoby I had gained my senses back.

Then I began to think...dirty thoughts. Ones Jacoby would be shocked to hear me say, even the cleanest of them would send Jacoby into shock. To him, I was the little innocent Nicolette who didn't like to dirty her hands. And I was, I was proud of it too. But after that bite, no. I wanted nothing more than to drag Jacoby upstairs and have my way with him. I didn't want to be innocent anymore. I wanted Jacoby, like I've never wanted him before.

But more than anything I wanted both. I wanted to know what it would have been like to get both, at the same time. The pleasurable bite and Jacoby. I would have died and gone to heaven.

I shook my head, ridding myself of those thoughts once again. It was wrong. Jacoby and I would take the next step in our relationship when we both were ready. Also when we were not in mortal danger everywhere we turned.

Jacoby looked up at me. I gave him a small smile to indicate I was fine. But I wasn't.

Jacoby had taken blood from me. I was tired, sore and weak. I would be fine within the hour. After my body got used to the lower level of blood. I would need to feed soon, just not as soon as Jacoby. My blood could only last him so long.

What the hell didn't we bring blood? I asked myself, then thought of the answer. Cause we were being hunted like animals and there was no time to stop.

I sighed and pushed my plate away from me.

"Not hungry?" Wilson asked.

"Not particularly." I whispered.

"Nervous about meeting your new family?" He asked a slight smile.

"Huh? Oh yeah. Of course." I said, remembering our cover story of last night.

Jacoby was staring at me. He wasn't buying it, but I didn't expect him too. He knew something was upsetting me and I couldn't hide it from him. I've never been able to, no matter how hard I try.

"Can I go see the dogs?" I asked Wilson, and only Wilson.

Wilson nodded with a smile. As I stood I saw Jacoby tense. He didn't want me out there, but it was daylight. He told me they would attack at night, only when they could get away with it.

I walked outside, pulling my coat on as I went. Toby followed me, toy still in his mouth. Shadow also followed, only slightly father behind.

Once outside I opened my senses completely. No vampire was within a two mile radius from here. I could feel Zander and his pack, they were only a mile away if needed. I felt the presence of a few humans, but thought nothing of them.

I made my way around all the cages. Gathering as much information as I could possibly get.

They all had the same image burned into their brains. A man with bright red eyes and blond hair. He was tall, almost taller than Jacoby. I also saw his fangs. In a few of the dogs minds his fangs were dripping with blood and in the rest they were clean and shiny.

"Why are some images different?" I asked myself, kneeling in front of another cage.

Then it hit me. It hit me like a ton of breaks.

There were two different people. Two different people who looked exactly alike. Someone had turned a set of twins into vampires. Most likely as a strategic plan to make us think he was super fast, or something along those lines.

I stood up quickly and hurried inside.

Jacoby was back on the couch, rubbing Mia's stomach aimlessly. I don't think he even realized he was doing it.

"Where's Wilson?" I asked.

Jacoby looked up at me. "Upstairs, showering." He stood up and walked over. He took my hands in his and I finally noticed that I was shaking. "What is it?"

"There wasn't just one man here last night." I paused taking in a shaky breath. "There were two."

"How is that possibly? I only saw one." He asked, getting a little angry.

"Calm down." I said slapping his cheek gentle. "One of them was out by the dogs. While the other was closer to the window."

"I should have sensed that." Jacoby growled running a hand through his hair.

"That's not all. They were twins. Completely identical. If it had been light out I might have been able to see a difference, even the tiniest but it was too dark. Someone created them on purpose."

"Damn it." Jacoby shouted.

Mia jumped. She rolled over onto her stomach, protecting it. She gave a short growl before resting her head on her paws. We both stared over at her until we heard Wilson coming down the stairs.

"I think we're ready to make our leave." I said politely.

"Of course. I prepared one of my snowmobiles this morning when I fed the dogs. I'll be happy to lend it to you, just so long as you give me your word you'll bring it back." He said with as smirk.

"Would you like that word in writing?" Jacoby asked, smirking back.

They shared a laugh. I rolled my eyes at them, but couldn't help it. I smiled at the sight of them. I wouldn't say it out loud, for Jacoby to hear. But they looked like father and son the way they were acting.
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