Bittersweet Endings

Cat And Mouse


Fucking twins, who would of thought of that. Seriously, this was pissing me off. Just when I think I figure something out they fucking throw a curve ball and I miss it. This is getting out of control I must say. Seriously out of control.

Nicolette held the map as Wilson pointed out what trail we should take to the river. I sat on the snowmobile and sighed. I looked over at Nicolette and Wilson, Nicolette smiled and took the map back. “Thank you Wilson, for everything.” she said politely walking over to me. I stood up.

“No problem kids, just make sure after your visit with your family you return that sled. It’s the only way I know I will be able to see you two again.” he said with a sad smile.

I studied Wilson for a minute, it looked like he didn’t want us to leave. I think he liked having company. By the looks of it, he doesn’t get company often. Which is sad really, he’s a good guy. Big heart, who wouldn’t wanna visit him.

With that thought pushed aside, I started the snowmobile and Nicolette climbed on. I sat behind her, giving Wilson one last look I sped away. Looking over my shoulder one last time at the older man, who was waving goodbye. Toby was barking with his toy in his mouth. Surprisingly, I was going to miss them. I think Nic was gonna miss them more.

Nicolette pointed where to turn and which direction to go, I glided the sled along. Snow flying up behind us and along side of us. The snow was deep in these parts of the woods, we were going to meet up with Zander first. See what information he collected. I think Nic asked him to go check out that village for us. Letting us know all about it. Thank god Nicolette can talk to animals.

It was quite peaceful out today, almost eerie. Actually, it was starting to feel very eerie. Everything was quiet, nothing was making a sound, no animals were out and about. I looked around and then back ahead. Something is not right here. I thought.

Out of the corner of my eyes I saw movement and out of the other corner of my eye I saw movement as well. Well shit, they’re gonna attack in day light. I suppose, middle of the woods. Wont cause a scene. I thought.

I lowered my head down to Nicolette’s. “Keep driving babe, whatever happens don’t stop. Go to Zander. Find him and stay with him.” I whispered. Nicolette looked at me with a horrified expression. I gave her the look. Nicolette just nodded and took control of the sled.

Like that, I jumped off the sled while the twin vampires jumped at me on either side. “Drive Nic drive!” I yelled.

One of the twins was going after her but I caught him in mid air with my powers. “I don’t think so bud, your fight is with me not her.” I grabbed his leg and tossed him into a tree.

His twin came at me, I caught him and threw him at the same tree. I staggered backwards then stood still. Staring at the tree I threw the twins at. Something about their moves was slightly sloppy and uncoordinated. Are they newborns? I thought.

Slowly the twins got up, standing next to one another. Their red eyes glaring at me, lips curled back to reveal their fangs. I cocked an eyebrow and smirked. “Newborns huh?” I asked.

“Well aren’t you smart, Bettina was right. You must be Jacoby, she said you were pretty strong and smart and we needed to watch out.” one of them said.

I looked at myself then back at him. “I would like to think I am Jacoby, I sure as hell ain’t Nicolette. I am no fucking girl.” I snapped. That pissed them off, causing them to narrow their eyes at me. Apparently they don’t appreciate sarcastic comments.

“Don’t get funny with us boy, we’re here for one thing. And that is to kill you and Nicolette.” the other one said.

I let out a harsh laugh and shook my head smiling. “Ah you two make me laugh, you two are quite the characters. So what’s your names? So I can carve it on your tombstone.”

I think I pissed them off. “I am Sebastian and that is my brother Simon. Remember those names, they will haunt you for the rest of your life.” I snorted and they were gone in a flash.

Fuck! I forget how fast newborns are sometimes but they are clumsy and uncoordinated and sloppy at their moves. This is going to be a tough fight. I thought.

I honestly cant tell them apart but I think Sebastian wore the blue jacket and Simon wore the green one. Sebastian came up on my right leaping into the air, his claws drawn back. Ready to claw at me. Simon came up on my left. “Shit.” I said jumping out of their attacks. They collided and I landed away from them.

They had a tactic to their attacks. I just had to figure it out and counter attack them. Catching them off guard would not be an easy task that’s for sure. They work together, attacking based off the other’s moves. This was defiantly gonna be a hard fight.

Slowly they circled around me. I circled in my own little circle, they both surrounded me. Both of their red eyes narrowed in on me, blood lust written all over them. They had one thing and one thing only on their mind. Which was to kill me.

“You cant win this fight Jacoby, you know you cant.” Sebastian said. I glared at him.

“Then you two apparently don’t know what I can do or what my powers are.” I smirked. They were pissed again, apparently I just piss them off with my sarcastic comments.

They jumped at me. “Ah fuck!” I cursed and kicked Sebastian in the gut, sending him into a tree. I grabbed Simon and threw him to the ground. Causing the earth to crack underneath him. I flipped away and looked back at them.

Take them out easily or have fun with this fight? I thought. They both got up and spun around glaring at me. Fun with this fight, at least for awhile.

The twins were once more circling around me. If I didn’t figure out their tactic soon, I seriously think they could get me but I still have my powers to rely on. Make their vision go black then go in and kill them. Or I could torture them, that is always a fun thing to do. I find amusement in that, like I did to Ivan. Oh what a fabulous time that was.

Once more, they attacked and I let them hit me. It was the only way you could say for me to figure out this tactic of their. I was sent flying across this little open area, tumbling through the snow. “Ouch,” I gasped, clenching my side. I pushed myself up and looked down at my side. “Well shit.” there was a huge cut on my side and I was bleeding. This changes everything.

“Ha! So the great Jacoby isn’t all cracked as he’s suppose to be.” Sebastian taunted, Simon snorted next to him.

Slowly I got up, wobbling slightly but still managed to stand. I smirked. “I could kill you both so easily right now, but I am choosing not too.” I stated, slowly walking toward them.

“HA! I highly doubt that!” Simon snickered.

“Wanna bet?”

All that could be heard throughout the woods was the twins cries of terror. I made their vision go black and replayed scenes of bloody gory shit. Ripping them apart piece by piece, limb by limb. Showing them the most gruesome ways I could kill them. I stood by laughing and smirking. “Wanna place that bet?” I asked again. I cleared their vision and gave it back.

They fell to their knees gasping, one of my knees gave out but I caught myself. My vision was starting to fade from clear to blur. This wound of mine was bleeding more and more, I think I was going to faint soon. The burning sensation in my throat burned more, my throat felt like it was on fire.

Forcing my legs to move, I ran up to Sebastian and kicked him in the face, sending him flying into a huge boulder. I grabbed Simon by the jacket, yanking him to his feet. I started wailing on him. Punching and kicking him as much and as hard as I could. He cried out in pain and for his brother. “Sebastian! Sebastian come help me please! Kill him already kill him!” he would cry.

With one good punch, I sent Simon flying into his brother. I staggered backwards and looked them. They both leaped at me, I turned and jumped away but they were quick on their feet and began circling me.

I watched their feet. One two three… wait, one is always one step ahead of the other. One-one two-two three-three four-four five-five…

They were both lined up and this was perfect. No or never. I whipped out my two 9mms and aimed at both of them. Pulling the triggers, there were cries. Their cries. I watched as Simon’s body fell to the ground in a slow motion, I looked over at Sebastian and I didn’t get him but I wounded him badly. He fell backwards but got up and ran away.

“Ha… I win.” I gasped before falling to my knees. Facing planting into the snow.

My vision stayed permanently blurry, I felt my blood draining from me. I let out a weak chuckle and smile. “So this is it, huh…”

My world faded to blackness, the darkness took over.
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