Bittersweet Endings

Flash Back

“God, where’s the fuckin’ fire. Why do they need us in already, what happened to the twenty-four hour rest and recover policy? Or they not gonna follow that anymore.” I grumbled, shoving my hands in my front pockets. I softly touched the cut above my eye, last night flashing back to me.

“Jacoby just wait!” Nicolette yelled, it was too late I was already way ahead of her.

“We cant wait anymore Nic!” I screamed at her. I turned toward the new born, hunched over on the ground.

Those blood red eyes gleaming up at me, hunger was written all over them. I licked my lips before walking closer to them. “All right, Eliza. Just calm down and come with me and Nic. We can help you.” I said. I tried to sound not annoyed and ready to just kill her, I knew Nic would of smacked me over the head.

Her eyes glowered at me, her midnight black hair draped over her shoulders. Her bangs swept across her face, those eyes of hers peering through them. I felt myself shiver, out of all things to make me shiver this one did. Perfectly creepy setting, midnight, full moon, in the middle of the park by a bridge.

“Get away from me!” she growled. Pulling back her lips to reveal her pure white fangs. I sighed, this wasn’t going to end good for her tonight.

The new born named Eliza sprang for me, catching me off guard for the first time in a decade. “Shit!” I cursed under my breath and tried to dodge.

I felt something cut me, I stopped and stood still. Something was dripping down my face, my hand went to above my right eyebrow. I brought my hand back down and saw blood. My own blood on my finger tips. I looked at the young vampire, she was crotched on the ground. Ready to spring at me again. I just stared at her.

“Jacoby!” Nic yelled again, I could hear her heels clicking against the pavement walkway. Then I heard her heels stop making noises. “god damnit Jacoby don’t restrain me!”

Glancing at her, I restrained her in mid run but I moved her body so she was just standing there. Turning my attention back to Eliza, she sprang. I held up my hand and she froze in mid spring. She let out a nasty growl, I frowned and walked over to her. “You’ll never win a guys heart with that nasty growl.” I stated. Stopping in front of her, her blood red eyes glared at me.

“Let me go!” she screamed.

I looked away and laugh then straight back at her with a straight face. “No.” I pounded my fist into her stomach and sent her colliding into the bridge. I sprang at her straddling her, I gripped her head. Twisting her neck and snapping off her head.

I stood up and let her head fall out of my hands. I stared down at the mutilated body. Reaching into my pocket I pulled out matches and set her a fire.

“Jacoby.” I snapped out of my day dream and glanced around. Nicolette held the elevator door open, Nicolette was looking at me, a hit of concern in her eyes.

Shaking my head I walked out of the elevator, taking a right and heading down the hall way. Nicolette’s heels were right behind me. “Jacoby are you all right? You are rubbing your cut again.” she asked walking next to me.

I didn’t even realize I was rubbing my bloody cut again. I dropped my hand and sighed. I hated when Nicolette went all soft on me, being all worried and shit like this. “I’m fine Nic, don’t worry bout me.” I said looking straight ahead.

I looked into one of the gun firing rooms and froze. Oh shit. I thought looking at the short girl run out of the room and right up to me. Causing me to stop. “Jacoby! Oh my god, I heard about what happened to you last night! Let me tell you, it scared me to death. Like you have no idea, I was bawling my eyes out. But I knew you would be okay because you are Jacoby for crying out loud. You’re tall, you’re strong, you’re handsome, you’re fierce.” she breathed the last part, she was gnawing on her bottom lip. I widened my eyes and glanced at Nicolette for help. She was already walking ahead of me trying not to laugh.

That bitch. I thought glaring at her back, then cocking my head to one side. “Yoo-hoo Jacoby. Did you hear what I said?” Fannie asked. I looked down at the short brunette, she had a pixie cut. Her brown eyes beamed up at me, adoration in them.

“I’m sorry, I was distracted. What did you say?” I hated the girl but I cant be a dick to her.

“So I was wondering maybe if you wanted to get some dinner tonight. Either my place or your’s.” Fannie bit her bottom lip. I noticed she still had a gun in her hand. Uh-oh. I thought.

“You know what Fannie-”

“Jacoby get your ass over here now!” Bettina yelled down the hall. Slipping past Fannie I hurried down the hall. I hated that bitch with a passion but right now she was my savoir.

I entered the Preparation room, Nicolette was already seated and Bettina stood next to the large wooden desk, which had a very nice dark stain I might add. Bettina glared at me and I narrowed my eyes at her. “Dimitir will be with you in a moment.” she snapped and rushed out of the room.

Bettina. Everyone in this building hated her guts. She was seriously the biggest bitch out there. Always so bossy and shit like that, just because she was Dimitir’s little fuck buddy doesn’t mean she can over power us. She wore dark blue or black business suits everyday. Sometimes she will throw in the knee length skirt once and awhile. Her blonde hair was pulled back into a tight bun everyday. Her glasses rested on the bridge of her nose or around her neck.

I shook my head and walked over to the table with coffee. “Didn’t you just have coffee?” Nicolette asked. I turned to smile at her while pouring myself a cup.

“It isn’t with me right now, is it?” I asked with a smile. Nicolette rolled her eyes.

I leaned against the table and looked at Nicolette, she was looking off while twirling a piece of her hair. I sipped my coffee and continued to look at her. Today she wore black slacks and a teal Cashmere sweater, a white tank top underneath. Her blonde hair was in a loose half pony and she had the natural waves going on today. Her make-up was done light, bringing out her green gem eyes. Her tan trench coat complemented her outfit. Of course, she had on her black stilettos to finish it off. Don’t ask me how I know, Nicolette is my partner for crying out loud.

I took another sip of my coffee and looked out the window, into the pool area where they do submarine testing. I walked over to the window and stood in front of it. My right hand resting in my pocket while my other hand held my coffee.

“Wonder what they want with us. What happened to the twenty-four resting period.” I said, sipping my coffee again.

“I don’t know, I was kind of wondering the same thing.” Nicolette said behind me.

I glanced over at my shoulder at her and smiled, she flashed me back with her perfect smile. I looked back out the window. “I bet Dimitir wants to go over the mission yesterday and tell me that I fucked up. Just because the new born cut me. Big whoop.” I said.

It still made me mad, that the fact that she new born cut me. I never get hurt so this is quite odd. I wonder if the new borns are getting stronger fast. I didn’t know, I just didn’t know.
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Man we're on a roll today!
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