Bittersweet Endings

Wolf Pack

I stopped the sled a few miles up. I knew Jacoby wouldn't appreciate it, I wasn't far enough away nor was I supposed to stop. I just had a really bad feeling that if I had kept going, I wouldn't have ever seen Jacoby again.

I killed the power on the sled and listened. I could hear footsteps. A lot of footsteps. They were all quiet and light.

I turned my attention to where they were coming from. They were headed here, to where I was. I reached for my gun, gripping it tightly just in case. I could sense them coming closer and closer.

Relax and put your weapon away Nicolette. Zander ordered coming out from behind the trees. His pack was following him, all cautious of the gun in my hand. Wouldn't want a misfire to happen.

I took my hand off my gun and showed my empty palms to the wolves. They all calmed down and came closer.

Where is Jacoby? Zander asked looking around. The boy is always running off. Off picking a fight again.

"We were attacked." I stated getting off the snowmobile.

That must be the reason I smell blood. Why from more than one though?

"There were two of them. The blood must be from them. Jacoby must have taken them out already. He should get here soon." I muttered pulling my jacket tighter around me.

No. No he won't. Zander stated sniffing the air. I raised an eyebrow waiting for him to elaborate but he didn't. Zander, along with five others, took off running in the direction I had just come from. I took a step forward, intent on following, only to be stopped by Rita.

They will come back. All will become clear. She stated rubbing against my leg.

Rita was the alpha female. A pure white wolf with mysterious blue eyes. Her grandmother had been part husky, which is where the blue eye gene came from. Rita also looked to be pregnant, her belly swollen and a certain air was hanging about her. She settled down in the snow by the sled.

"I hope you are right." I whispered sitting down next to her.

I looked around at the wolves. They were all different sizes and colors. Only a few of the wolves were resting, while the others were alert and waiting. Ready for anything that might happen.

We haven't heard from you in a while. Rita started. Zander began to worry about what might have happened. He was even tempted to get to London.

How would he have managed that? A sea would have been in the way.
I picked Zander swimming, it didn't fit right.

Wolves are sly Nicolette, never forget that. We appear in places many you would never imagine.

That does not answer the question. But then again I never get answers from Zander, just twists of words. Similar to what you just did.

It's how we communicate. You of all people should understand that.
Rita was staring at the sky now. Stories are still told of how you rescued Craven. If it were anyone else, they would have let him die or killed him on the spot. Why did you do it?

He called to me. He was the first animal I was able to communicate with. Even as a pup he helped me unlock my powers true potential. He was my mentor from that day on.

I'm glad. We run into packs that are disgraced by our connection to the two legged world. I believe it gives us an advantage against others.

I smiled. It was nice to know that they weren't just following Zander's orders.

I was starting to get impatient. It had been over an hour since Zander ran off. I was worried. What if they had all ended up hurt? It would be my fault. The wolves getting hurt would be all my fault.

Rita nosed my arm and growled. She had been keeping me distracted for the last hour.

The other wolves had gone hunting. Now two deer laid dead nearby. One was gutted, eaten and drained completely of blood. The other was just dead, the only flesh wound on it was around it's neck, where Lark had snapped it's neck. I had my fill on blood and the wolves were preserving the other for Jacoby, knowing he would need it.

A twig snapped from behind us causing both Rita and I to jump.

I stood and turned. Zander came walking through, blood matted his coat, but it wasn't his. Two other wolves followed, dragging and unconscious Jacoby.

"Jacoby!" I hurried over to him.

I helped the wolves get him over to the sled. I used his bag as a pillow for him, after taking out one of his shirts. He would kill me later for ripping apart a Drop Dead shirt, but I was using it was a bandage.

It didn't take long for me to clean his wound. The entire time he was flinching and hissing in his sleep. It wasn't the best but it would hold until I could get proper supplies. His coat served as bedding while mine was the blanket.

I was cold, but Jacoby's skin was like ice.

Zander had helped me force feed Jacoby some blood. It was hard and messy. I will not go into the gross details of how it was done but we did it. Jacoby had gained some warmth back from it.

"Jacoby you better wake up soon." I ordered caressing his cheek.

He looked peaceful as he slept. Too bad he wasn't. The wound in his side was causing him a lot of pain. It was easy to tell. Every once in a while he would groan or hiss from the pain, but never wake.

Tell me he'll wake up. I said to Zander, who was using his body heat to keep me warm.

He will wake. Jacoby is not one to go down easily. Zander said with respect. It was beautiful the amount of respect Zander had for Jacoby, even when neither of them ever communicated with each other. At least to my knowledge.

I hope it's soon.

As do I. He had taken out the twins. Bullets through the brain. His aim is excellent. We disposed of the bodies. Just incase a hunter came through he wouldn't find them.

Thank you.

Of course. As I said before. Anything for you.

I smiled at Zanders words. I laid down next to Jacoby, cuddling into his chest. Hoping the mix of body heat would warm him faster. I felt Zander lie down beside me, his head resting on my hip.

Get some sleep. We will keep watch.
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