Bittersweet Endings


A sharp pain shot through my body as I gasped for air. My whole body tensing, I clenched my jaw tight and squeezed my eyes shut. The wound on my side hurt like a mother fucker. Every little movement of mine caused me pain, I can only sit still for so long before I needed to move and get comfy.

“Jacoby.” I heard someone whisper. More than likely Nicolette, I felt her hand gently caress my cheek then brush the hair out of my face.

Slowly I peeked open my eyes, my vision a little burry but soon became clear. Clearer than before I should say. I blinked and glanced around. “Where are we?” my groggy voice asked, I tried sitting up but Nicolette gently pushed me back down.

“You need rest Jacoby before we move anywhere. We are in Zander’s den. He is letting us stay here until you are capable of moving again. Your wound is pretty bad.” she said softly, her eyes gazing down at my wound. I didn’t even wanna look at it.

I let out a painful sigh and tried to get comfy again. I started spitting, there was fur in my mouth. I lifted my hand to my mouth, trying to get the fur out. Nicolette let out the cutest giggle, I glanced at her smirking. “Glad I can make you laugh at times like this.” I teased. She covered her mouth and looked away.

“Sorry Jacoby.” she said.

Painfully I reached over and took her hand in mine, she looked down at me. I smiled up at her, god was she gorgeous. The fire that was in the cave danced across her angelic face. The black bags underneath her eyes were gone, thank god. I am glad she fed.

Gently I stroked her hand with my thumb, my arm laying across my chest. Nicolette scooted closer to me, tucking her hair behind her ears. “I killed them babe… I killed them.” I barely whispered. It hurt to talk let alone breath for that matter as well.

“I know Jacoby, I know. Zander told me. He and the other wolves disposed of their bodies. Just incase some hunters pass by and see them.” she whispered. Her finger tips softly touched underneath my eye.

I took her hand in mine, kissing her palm softly. Then holding it against my cheek, I felt better with Nicolette by my side. “Zander is smart, for a wolf.” I stated, chucking slightly.

That made Nicolette smile. “He respects you, you know.” Nic said.

Something about that made me feel all warm inside, and it wasn’t from the fire. Which was keeping me nice and toasty by the way and so was whatever I was laying on. “Hm, something about that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside.” I teased.

Nicolette rolled her eyes smiling. “So who am I laying on? What am I laying on?” I asked, trying to look at the white fur.

Nicolette laughed quietly. “Rita, she is sound asleep though.” Nicolette said.

“Mmm good.” I said pulling Nicolette down to me. Our lips meeting, something about this kiss was intoxicating. I wasn’t on any drugs nor was I drinking. Something was different about this kiss.

Gently I placed my hand on Nicolette’s hip, stroking it. Her arm draped across my chest, I pulled her closer to me, deepening our kiss. Slowly I kissed down her jaw to her neck, Nicolette buried her face into my neck. I stilled kissed her cheek smiling. Nicolette sat up a little to look at me, her hair falling in her face.

She tucked her hair back behind her ears again, we continued to stare at one another. I could hear the wind howling outside, I glanced at the cave door and back at Nicolette. Her fingers touched underneath my eyes. “Are they bad?” I asked. Meaning how bad were my bags.

She shook her head. “No, I mean they are still a little dark but while you were out. Zander helped me feed you. The wolves killed two deer and saved one for you. I mean all the blood is gone, I am sure they can go get you something else. If you still are thirsty.” Nicolette said with a kind smile.

The burning feel in the back of my throat killed but it was tolerable. I could hold up until we got to the village. I had a feeling Nicolette wasn’t gonna allow that. I could read her eyes, they basically screamed what she wanted to do.

I shook my head slowly. “No Nic… no.” I said.

“Please Jacoby… I… I just wanna feeling that feeling again.” her pleading eyes begged me. I bite my lip and looked away.

“No Nic… that was a one time thing. I am not drinking blood from you again.” I stated sternly, or as sternly as I could.

Nicolette whimpered silently and I sighed. I hated making her sad but… I couldn’t. No matter how badly I wanted to drink blood for her again I just couldn’t. Her pleading eyes continued to stare at me. Do you know how hard it is to say no to those eyes? Extremely.

I groaned and covered my eyes with my arm, Nicolette was not helping. “Nic you have the worse timing to not wanna be innocent anymore. You do realize that, right?” I removed my arm to look at her.

Nicolette smiled, her fangs showing. “Yes I do realize that.” I let out a sigh.

Nicolette continued to look at me. Her hands rubbing my arm, she was a little brat. I shook my head sighing. I groaned. “You’re killing me Nic!” I turned my head to look at the ceiling of the den.

Nicolette gently leaned against me, her face in my view once again. Nicolette stroked my cheek and kissed me. I licked my lips and grunted. Slowly she brought her wrist up, I took her hand in mine.

My thumb stroked her wrist, over the spot where I bit her before. It would be gone by tomorrow but for now it was still there. I stared at her wrist, my thirst was telling me to do it. Because honestly, the burning in the back of my throat was worsening. But my mind was yelling at me how stupid I was and not to do it.

I kissed her wrist then looked up at her. “You know Nicolette, you are going to be the death of me.” I said.

Slowly a smile grew on her face. Bringing her wrist to my mouth, my teeth pricked her skin and my tongue lapped up her blood again. Nicolette’s body went limp as she fell forward, laying next to me. She curled up into a ball, trying not to move around. She let out a quiet moan and she squeezed my hand.

Slowly did that burning feeling disappear but only to be replaced by my cursed sexual sensation. Nicolette seriously is going to be the death of me. Quietly Nicolette let out tiny moans, her wiggling around got worse. I let go of her wrist and pushed it away. Gasping for air, Nicolette sat up immediately.

“No more Nic, no more.” I said in between gasps. She whimpered but laid down next to me, her head resting on my chest.

I wrapped a arm around her, stroking her shoulder. Trying to surpass the happy feeling in my lower region. Goddamnit Nic. I thought closing my eyes.

She continued to whimper next to me. “Hush Nic hush. Calm down.” I whispered.

Soon Nic quieted down and her breathing fell into a steady one. She was asleep, which was a good thing. Sighing I got comfy and closed my eyes. Sleep soon took me.
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