Bittersweet Endings

Wanting It

I groaned as something cold touched my face. I slowly opened my eyes to see Zander standing before me. I smiled slightly at him. I reached up to rub behind his ears but he backed away. He was staring at something, my wrist.

I quickly pulled the sleeve of my shirt down to cover it.

I thought you said those bites were dangerous. Zander scolded, although his words were light and full of concern.

They are but-

He didn't have to stop, he might not have if he didn't have feelings for you. I've seen vampires go to far Nicolette.

I know, he needed the blood though. We can't succeed if he's not at his best.

What about you?

What about me? I'm just in the way. Jacoby might have already finished the mission if it weren't for me.

Don't say that.
Zander snapped. Jacoby would be dead if it weren't for you. You are a team, Dimitri placed you together for a reason. I've also seen your powers. I've also seen the ones that are still developing.

What do you mean developing?
I was shocked, I had more powers.

You have fire in your soul. It's new and recent, but I believe Jacoby brought it forth. You can use that power, that fire, to do tremendous things. Good or bad, once you have control you could be unstoppable.

I shook my head. I didn't want more powers. I didn't even want the ones I had. They scared me, all except talking with animals. I wish they would just leave, but that wouldn't happen, ever. If anything, Zander was right.

After that Zander got up and left. Probably to get food for Rita. She was asleep, curled up as best she could.

I looked back down at my wrist. I rolled up the sleeve and stared at the fresh bite.

It was great, amazing, the most pleasurable thing ever. It was even better than the first bite. As soon as Jacoby's fangs touched my skin I burned for him. My nerve endings erupted in pleasure. I tried to control it, cuddling into the Jacoby. That only made the feeling worse.

The dirty thoughts I had the first time were nothing compared to last night. Just the slight pressure of Jacoby's fangs had my mind racing. I even thought of biting Jacoby back, letting him feel the pleasure I had.

It would have been easy to take things to far last night. I wanted it, if it weren't for the wolves I would have gotten it. Even Jacoby wanted it. I had seen his arousal last night. His tight pants were twice as tight. He couldn't hide it, even if he wanted to.

A sharp bark brought me out of my thoughts.

I looked over at Rita. She was awake, her blue eyes staring at me.

I've never known you to be so…sexual. Rita said, a smile on her muzzle.

It's the bite talking. I defended.

Sure it is. That's why after his fangs leave you still think that way. Rita was right.

The thoughts would be easy to stop, if I truly wanted them to. Part of me really wanted Jacoby, and the other part of me wanted to stay innocent. It was an internal battle, that I was sure to lose.

I was beginning to think I would lose it before the mission was even over. If we kept up the bites things would go to far. I know I would never regret it but Jacoby might. He might think he force me, which would be an utter lie.

I heard Jacoby groan.

I smiled and brushed the hair out of his eyes. He smiled at me. He was still in pain, his eyes told everything. He was trying to hide it but it was easy to see.

"Hey." I whispered kissing him softly on the lips.

"We need to get moving." Jacoby said sitting up.

I winced in pain for him. I wouldn't have moved for a week if I was injured like that. I just hoped we would get this over quickly so Jacoby could recover. He needed a good nights rest in a bed drugged up on morphine.

"The snowmobile is waiting outside." I muttered standing up.

Zander walked back in, a dead rabbit hanging from his mouth. I could see Jacoby looking at it with lust. He could smell the blood and he wanted it. Zander dropped it in front of Rita but she didn't touch it. She turned away from it.

Let Jacoby drink first.

Zander growled but picked it up again. He dropped it into Jacoby's hands. Jacoby wasted no time in sinking his teeth into the dead thing. After he was finished he placed in it front of Rita, this time she ate it.

The bags under Jacoby's eyes were better. A lot better than they had been last night. He would be able to go on for a while, as long as his injury stayed wrapped up.

I helped Jacoby stand and we walked outside. He was a little wobbly at first but got his footing.

Zander followed us outside. Occasionally nudging Jacoby in the leg, getting him to turn a certain way.

I'm coming with you. Zander said as Jacoby sat down on the sled. You'll need all the help you can get.

We can't ask that of you. It's not your battle.
I argued.

Zander growled loudly. I'm making it my battle.

What about Rita?

She'll stay here. Her and the pups from last year.

I smiled and climb on in front of Jacoby. Zander howled loudly and the wolves surrounded us. Jacoby groaned silently as he adjusted himself on the sled. He wrapped his arms around my waist and buried his face in my shoulder.

I just hope this is over with soon.
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