Bittersweet Endings

Split Up

The ride to the village was a painful one. Hitting bumps and shit like that. I know Nicolette tried to avoid some but other’s were unavoidable. I just clenched my jaw and sucked up the pain. We were almost there, or that was what Nicolette told me.

Zander and his pack were running along side us. We came to a ridge and stopped, Nicolette killed the engine, I got off and looked around. The little village was below us, not many houses or buildings there. Pretty deserted if you ask me.

I turned back to look at Nic, who still sat on the sled. “Zander and his pack should stay close just incase we need them. They can scope around and check things out. See if they can come up with anything.” Nicolette nodded, I looked at Zander and he seemed to understand.

Nicolette started the sled again, I got on the back and down the ridge we went. Zander and his pack still stayed at the top, making sure we got to the diner in the village without problems. Arriving at the diner, I parked and killed the engine. We got off, glancing at Zander. I nodded toward him and he nodded back. Then, Nicolette and I walked into the diner.

Everyone looked at us when we walked in but then looked away when we didn’t seem interesting. I rolled my eyes and lead Nicolette to a corner table. Away from everyone, we both needed some decent food in our stomachs. We took a seat and took off out jackets. I glanced around quickly, making sure there was no threat.

A fairly young waitress came over to us, smiling a little too much at me. I peeked at Nic and she looked ready to rip the girl apart. I laughed on the inside. “Hello there.” she said giving us menus.

“Hey.” I nodded and flipped through the menu.

“Can I get you two anything to drink?” she asked me, not really Nicolette.

I hid my snort with a cough. “Uh, me and my girlfriend would like tea please and water.” I smiled and looked at Nicolette.

The waitress glared at Nicolette before walking away. I snorted and sighed happily. “That girl is asking for a death wish.” Nicolette growled under her breath.

“Babe calm down. No harm done.” I smiled at her, she smiled back.

“Oh come on, I wont make it painful for her. Please Jacoby?” Nicolette flashed me one of her gorgeous innocent smiles. I looked away slowly shaking my head.

“You’re killing me Nic, you’re killing me.” Nicolette reached across the table and took my hands into her’s, she smiled at me.

Nicolette was asking Zander how the scooping was going. I was looking around the diner one more time, a funny feeling the pit of my stomach. Then, my eyes landed on the reason why I had a funny feeling in my stomach. Across the diner in the corner was a vampire. Not a Vipor vampire, a evil vampire.

“Oh shit.” I said under my breath.

This vampire was a guy. He had on black slacks and a maroon long-sleeved button up shirt. With a black suit jacket over that, which hung loosely open. His winter jacket resting on the back of his chair. His sandy blonde hair was ruffled a little on the top of his head. His bangs pushed off to one side, he crossed his leg and read a newspaper. He had on shiny black shoes, I mean really? Who wears shiny black shoes, besides Dimitir, Nike’s are were it’s at.

A waitress walked over to him refilling his coffee cup. He nodded at the girl then his eyes, oh those blood red eyes landed on me. They lit up, like he was expecting me or he recognized me. They smirked at me, taunting me, waiting for me to charge across the room and kill him.

My body tensed and Nicolette squeezed my hand. “Jacoby wants wrong?” she asked.

I watched as the vampire folded his newspaper casually. Taking a sip of his coffee, he dropped some money on the table before standing up. Slipping on his jacket he started walking toward us. Then turning toward the door, his red eyes still on me. Still smirking at me.

“Nic, I need you to have Zander follow the man that just walked out of the diner.” I said looking out the window at the guy.

“All right,” she nodded and focused. She went still but then stirred again. “he said he’s on it.”

I nodded, we ordered our food then got it and ate it. I was in a hurry, so was Nicolette. We rushed out the door and got on the sled, meeting up with Zander in the woods. We stopped, Zander and Nicolette talked.

They finished up and Nicolette turned to look at me. “He said they followed him into the woods. But then they lost him.” Nicolette said with a sad face.

“Shit!” I kicked some snow. Yanking my beanie off I raked a hand through my hair, then putting my beanie back on. I sighed, this was just great.

“I’m sorry Jacoby.” Nicolette said, probably speaking for Zander.

“No, I am not mad they lost him. I am just mad that I could of got him in the diner but didn’t. They are sneaky little fuckers and it is pissing me off.” I said.

“Well, Zander said he can lead us to where they lost him.” Nicolette said.

“All right.”

I climbed back on the sled and started it. Zander and his pack took off running and we followed. Zipping through trees, weaving in and our of rocks and more trees. Oh how this reminding me of driving my Lamborghini in traffic. And all my other fancy cars, god I missed my cars and apartment.

Zander came to a stop in the open, I stopped the sled killing the engine. Nicolette and I both got off the sled and walked around. Looking around the area. It was a small open area, trees hung over it. Blocking out the setting sun. I sighed.

“Well, now what?” Nicolette asked, walking over to stand next to me. She linked arms with me.

I kissed the top of her head and sighed again. “I dunno babe, I dunno. We came to a complete halt.” I said.

Zander whimpered beside us, I looked down at him and scratched his ears. “You tried bud, you tried.” I said. I swear I heard Zander sigh.

Suddenly I heard a twig snap and something shake underneath our feet. “Shit! Nicolette move!” I shouted shoving her out of the way.

She flew into the snow and the ground beneath me cracked and opened. I grabbed Zander and tossed him toward Nicolette before I fell further underground. They tricked us, they tricked us good. Now we were split. I was on the inside while Nicolette was still on the out.
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