Bittersweet Endings


I sat in the cold snow staring. Staring at the spot Jacoby had fallen into. The whole in the ground was perfectly cut out. It was a trap down. That's most likely were the man from the diner entered. That's why Zander lost his scent.

Zander whimpered and stared down in the whole. He jumped back and growled as the trap door snapped closed. Once he was sure the door was secure he pawed at it, whimpering.

"Jacoby." I whispered.

Zander looked over at me. His eyes held sadness. The rest of the pack stayed off to the side, watching from the trees. Zander walked over slowly, placing his head in my hands.

"He saved us Zander." I whispered, feeling the tears build up but I wasn't going to cry. I refused to cry. I had to be strong now.

Yes. He saved us both. Zander was upset. Not about Jacoby saving him, just that he couldn't sense something like that happening. He felt he had failed us as our guide. I should have been able to-

No. It was something none of us could account for.

Then I sensed it.

We were no longer alone.

I whipped around to where I was facing them. Standing before was the bitch who started it all. Bettina Laverock. Only her hair wasn't pulled tightly against her skull. It hung straight, framing her face. I hated to admit it but she looked kind of pretty.

"Bettina." I hissed, feeling anger rise quickly within me.

"Nicolette." she hissed right back.

"Where is he?" I ordered stepping forward.

"Jacoby?" I nodded. "In the lair. He's probably being tortured as we speak. It should be too long before he breaks and joins us. Then we'll have you as well. We all know that little Nicolette hasn't had to protect herself in over two hundred years. Ever since Jacoby was assigned to be your partner you've slacked off."

"I can protect myself just fine." I stated with a growl. Zander growled from beside me, followed by the pack.

"Of course. That's why your little wolves are with you." She pointed out.

"Shut it Bettina."

"No. It's the truth. Dimitri knew you wouldn't use your powers so he had to protect you somehow. He needed you in the field. You were to smart to be given a normal human job. So he saved Jacoby and partnered him with you. Then you fell in love, making you even weaker." Bettina smirked.

I felt something strange. For the first time since my change I wanted to kill someone. I breathed deeply, gaining some control over it.

"Love doesn't make a person weak." I replied.

"Of course it does. If Jacoby didn't love you he would have saved himself and allowed you to fall. He would be up here, I would most likely be dead. Then he would save Dimitri and they would leave. It would be to late to save you and he wouldn't care."

That was it. I was sick of hearing her goddamn voice. It was too high pitch, too squeaky and just too much Bettina.

I reached for my gun. She must have sense it for she moved when I did. I whipped out my Jericho and shot her near her heart. She threw something towards me. It was silvery and shiny. It was a knife.

I didn't dodge in time. The blade ripped into my stomach.

I screamed out and fell to my knees. I yanked the blade out and put pressure on the wound. Zander jumped in front of me growling. Someone else was coming. Not one, a few more people were coming.

Bettina must have called for help before she even got here.

Smart ass bitch. I thought bitterly while holding my stomach.

As they got close I noticed the pack disappearing. Zander must have sent them away. I figured Zander would also leave to save his life but he didn't he stayed with me. He stood in front of me, growling louder than I'd ever heard him.

"Looks like we got here just in time."

My head snapped up at the voice. It wasn't familiar but it meant they were here.

Three men stood before us. Their red eyes glowing brightly. Two of them had black hair and one was a blonde. The blonde went and helped Bettina stand. She hissed in pain as she stood and glared over at me.

The other two came over towards us.

With lightning speed I was grabbed and so was Zander. Zander tried to fight but the man tied his muzzle closed before picking him up.

"Let go of me." I hissed as they dragged me along.

I fought them as hard as I could. It was hard. They were strong and I was injured. I had managed to get away a few times, only to get caught and punch in my wound.

We were lead to a small hut type house. Another vampire was sitting outside the door, guarding it. He smiled when he saw us walking up. The door was opened. The only thing inside the hut was a set of stairs and a couch.

I was dragged down the stairs, each step burned.

Finally when we stopped moving we were in a room much like Dimitri's office. Only instead of Dimitri sitting in his chair it was the guy from the diner. He sat, a smirk on his lips as I was thrown to the floor.

"Nice to finally meet you Nicolette." He said, his voice strict and deep. "I'm Dawson. The head of this organization."
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