Bittersweet Endings

It's Not Over

The fall through the trap door was painful. I landed on the floor and reopened my wound. Some big guys yanked me off the ground and drug me to the infirmary to patch up my wound so I wouldn’t bleed all over the place or on their fancy suits.

I remember being thrown onto a metal table and my shirt ripped off. A vampire doctor stood before me with a cloth in his hand, he covered my mouth and I tried to get away. I failed and soon relaxed, I was drugged. They laced that cloth with something, my body fell limp and he began attending my wound. Which I found odd.

Soon I was yanked off again and thrown into a small dark room. I was too drugged to even function. They threw a black t-shirt at me and told me to get dressed. They also threw me my hoody and jacket. I couldn’t even dress myself, I was too doped up.

The drug wore off and I was able to dress myself but I was still feeling dopey. Like the drug was still in my system. I laid there in the middle of this cold dark room. My eyes feeling like they are bugging out of my eye sockets. I had no idea what was going on.

I heard foot steps walking to my door, some keys jingling then the door opened. Bright light poured in and I flinched. A big husky guy walked in, grabbing me by the jacket yanking me to my feet. Ouch. I thought.

I gasped in pain and the guy just laughed. “Dawson wants to have a little talk with you. He has a surprise for you as well.” the man said.

I was in no condition to talk to anyone, I would just slur my words and sound drunk. “I need to use the bathroom, I been having to pee for awhile.” I said.

The man glared down at me, I shrugged or as best as I could for a shrug. He sighed. “Alright, one minute.” he said turning a corner then throwing me at a door.

I caught myself and threw open the door. “A minute? I might be able to unbutton my tight pants,” he pushed me in and closed the door. I shook my head. “tough crowd.”

I went to the sink and ran the water, chugging as much as I could. I needed to drain the drugs from my system so I can function correctly. A fight is about to happen, a very big fight is about to happen. I can feel it.

After chugging water for a minute straight, I had to pee. Like badly. “Holy fuck!” I said doing the potty dance.

I did my business and the guy banged on the door. “Hurry up!” he shouted.

I rolled my eyes and flushed, washing my hands I walked out. Only to be grabbed and shoved down the hall. I was getting tried of this guy pushing me around. I stopped and pushed him hard into the wall. He looked stunned. “You know what! I am getting tired of you pushing me. It is causing me a world of pain with this gigantic wound on my side!” I said shouted shoving him again, harder into the wall. Which cracked a little.

The guy grabbed me by the neck and slammed me into the wall. I grabbed his hands and starting gasping for air. “You wanna play punk?” he growled.

“Take my air away… I take your’s away…” and I did, I took his air away as fast as he took mine. His eyes bugged out and he dropped me gasping for his own air. He leaned against the wall.

I wiped my mouth and noticed there was blood coming from my mouth. Great, not good. I thought. I spit some blood on the ground and coughed.

“Don’t mess with me punk, I am a hella lot more powerful than you. So don’t go thinking you are badass because you are on the bad side.” I growled, narrowing my eyes at him.

He gasped more and I gave him his air back. He fell over and stared at me, horror in his eyes. I smirked, I was having fun with this. That was until I got smacked on the back of the head. My eyes widened. “Ouch..” I fell forward to the ground.

Whoever hit me grabbed me and drug me along to wherever we were going. My head throbbed with pain, it was very uncomfortable.

After being drug along the hall for awhile, we came to this guarded door. The vampire who guarded looked at me and smirked. He opened the door and I was thrown into the room. I tumbled around on the floor, gasping in pain. I held my side and curled up into a ball. Goddamnit people! I thought.

“Ah Jacoby, finally you made it.” I very creepy voice said.

I looked up and saw Nicolette, she was tied up and in a chair. I looked around then at the desk. Someone was standing behind it, I stood up to get a better look. My jaw hung open. It was the guy from the diner. “Hello Jacoby, my name is Dawson. I am the head of this organization.” he said in a cheery tone.

This was not good.

I looked over at Nicolette, looks like she’s been injured. “What did you do to her?” I shouted. Rage was building up in me, I was a ticking time bomb now.

Dawson merely chuckled, he rose from his chair and walked over to his window. Which looked over his layer. He folded his arms behind his back, he stared out his window. “I didn’t do anything, it was Bettina who did it.” he said simply.

“Okay, where’s the bitch. She’s dead.” I said looking around the room. I was ready to rip her head off, literally.

Dawson laughed, he turned around to look at me. A smile on his slimy face, I was ready to rip it off. My hands balled into a fist. I was starting to shake.

“My my Jacoby, you do have quite the little temper now don’t you. Bettina was right, we do have to watch out for your attitude,” he said looking me up and down. I was one step away from flying across this room and punching him. “no worries though, that can be solved. Put you through or training and you will be whipped into shape. Surprise Dimitir hasn’t whipped you into shape with that attitude of your’s.”

He unfolded his arms and clasped his hands together in front of him. He was really starting to piss me off. “What are you talking about?” I snapped.

Dawson chuckled lightly, sitting down again. “How silly of me not to tell you. Jacoby, you will be joining me.” Dawson said with a smile, crossing his leg again.

I stared at him wide eyed, then shook my head. “Stupid mother fucker say what?” what did he just say to me.

Dawson let out a creepy laugh and smiled at me. “You and Nicolette shall be joining me in this organization.” he said again.

That. Was. It.

I shook my head laughing hysterically. “You know what Dawson, I really don’t like you. And there is no way in hell I will be joining. Same with Nicolette, and there is no way in hell you are going to get away with any of this. I will kill you myself.” I smirked.

The smile fell from Dawson’s face. Like that, I threw the guards out and locked the door with the lock and my powers. I flew across the room and slammed Dawson into the window, he fell out but I caught myself. I ran over to Nicolette.

I untied her. “Nic baby listen to me,” I said handing her my silencer pistol. I had my 9mms tucked under my arms in my shoulder holster. Don’t ask how I got them back. “you need to go find Dimitir and get the fuck out of here, you hear me babe?”

Nicolette took the gun and nodded. I cupped her cheek. “I will come back for you Nic, I promise. Take care of Dimitir when you find him. Show these mother fuckers not to mess with Nicolette Rousseau.” I said with a smile.

Nicolette smiled, I leaned in and kissed her, I kissed her. Not knowing if I was gonna make it out alive or not. “Take care babe, I love you.”

With that said, I turned and jumped out the window. Setting off to find Dawson and kill him.
♠ ♠ ♠
Intence! :O
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