Bittersweet Endings

Burned Out

I sat in shock for a few seconds. Had Jacoby really just said that. Yes, yes he did. Jacoby had told me that he loved me. It gave me mixed feelings. I loved that he had said it, and if he had given me a chance I would have said it back. I'd have to tell him when this is all over. The other feeling, that I wouldn't see him when this was over.

It scared me. But I had to think positively. Jacoby would make it, he always did. He was too stubborn to die in battle. He also promised me I would see him again. Jacoby wasn't one to break a promise, if he couldn't keep it he didn't say it.

I shook my head and stood. I grasped the gun tightly. I hurried over to where Zander was tied up in the corner. He was whimpering slightly.

I quickly untied him. "Get out of here. That's an order." I said untying his paws. He whimpered once, nosed my arm and ran out the door.

"Now to find Dimitri." I said running out the door.

The hallways looked similar and it was hard to tell where I had been. Every door I kicked in stayed open, I was using that as my hint of where I had been. But there were too many damn hallways in this damn place. Some doors I opened were just walls on the other side. They had built this place like a maze.

I kept the gun held up and my breathing quiet. Or as quiet as possible.

The knife wound was burning and bleeding. I could feel the blood soaking through my clothes. With every step I took more blood seeped out.

"Goddamnit!" I shouted running into another dead end.

"Poor poor Nicolette."

I didn't even have to turn to see who it was. Bettina Laverock was once again asking for death. I turned to face her, gun held up ready to shot.

She stood at the opposite end of the hallway. A gun at her hip and one in her hand. She was also aimed to fire. Her hair was once again pulled tightly against her skull and her clothes were to revealing for a fight.

"Where's Dimitri?" I asked stepping towards her.

She shot causing me to step back. A sick smile came to her lips. "Dead."

"You're lying. I can sense his presence." I snapped. It was a lie. My sense could penetrate what ever this base was made out of, but it worked. Bettina's smile dropped.

"So, not like you'll make it to him." She said and fired again.

I dodged and fired at her. She dodged and we went through the sequence again. We did this until we were both out of bullets. I had shot her other gun off her hip, across the room breaking it.

I tossed the gun to the side and pulled off my jacket. I couldn't fight hand-to-hand combat wearing it. It would just get in the way.

"I see I was successful in hitting you." Bettina commented seeing the blood stained shirt.

"You wouldn't be so lucky now." With that I went at her.

She wasn't quick enough and flew across the hall, hitting the other end. She hissed and quickly got up. She ran at me, pulling a blade out of nowhere. I side stepped and grabbed her arm. I twisted it as hard as possibly causing her to drop the knife and for her arm to snap.

I winced at hearing the bone break. For a second I wanted to feel sorry, but then remember how she had betrayed us.

"You bitch." Bettina hissed kicking my feet out from under me.

I hissed in pain as my head came in contacted with the hard concrete floor. It took me a second too long to recover from the fall. Bettina had gotten up and kicked me in the gut. I slid a few feet across the floor.

The pain doubled in my stomach. My vision began to blur.

I'm a goner. I thought sadly. I then began to think of Jacoby. What would he do? He'd been in thousands of situations like this but was able to win in the end. How did he do it? He fought, using his powers.

I felt Bettina's leg come in contacted with my stomach once again. I saw her pulling back for another go, when she suddenly stopped. I had caught her leg, using my powers. I hated doing it, but I wanted to live. I needed to survive.

I smirked the best I could and sent her flying across the room.

"Burn bitch." I muttered, using the fire within to send her body into flames. She screamed but was soon silent. I had the fire so hot it was blue. When I knew she was finished I let the fire burn out.

I was burned out.

Get to Dimitri. I heard Zander's voice.

I pushed myself off of the floor and started down the hallway to my left. I don't know why but I skipped a bunch of doors. Opening the one in the hall that was calling to me. I smiled when it opened fully.

Dimitri was lying behind bars. He was awake, and looked over when the door opened. A wide grin appeared on his face when he saw me, but then he frowned.

"You look like shit." He muttered as I grabbed the keys and undid his cell.

"I feel like it too." I whispered.

Dimitri hurried out, helping me support myself as we walked out. He knew exactly where to go, leading us from the hell hole. We had run into a few people, but when they saw us they ran in the opposite direction.

"We did it." I cheered weakly as we found the stairs upward.

"Yeah, you did." Dimtir whispered as we walked up.

The guards were no longer by the door. Blood stains were in their spots. I smiled, the scent of wolves was all over the place. Zander had been sure to make the exit easy.

I began leading the way into the woods. Where we had left the snowmobile. Zander was lying by it. He looked tired but was awake and waiting. A few of the pack wolves were also there, watching over him.

Thank you Zander. Go home. I didn't have to tell him twice. He jumped up and ran off with his pack, a simple 'you are welcome' rang through my mind.

Dimitri helped me to lay down. I hissed in pain when I had to bend at the stomach. Dimitri's eyes were full of concern. He didn't voice it for he didn't have to.

"Wake me when Jacoby gets back. I have something important to tell him." I whispered closing my eyes.

"Nicolette you have to stay awake." Dimitri stated patting my cheek.

That was the last thing I heard before things went black.
♠ ♠ ♠
She's not dead, don't worry.
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