Bittersweet Endings

Get Out Alive

I threw myself out the broken window, falling to the ground and landing. I looked around before running straight ahead. I sensed where Dawson was, he wasn’t that far ahead of me. So it will be practically easy to catch up with Dawson, and finish him off.

Ran around this under ground layer, or the one part I was in. There were columns everywhere I went, I spun around in circles observing everything. I knew Dawson was here, I could sense him. He was close… very close.

“Come on out Dawson! You are not gonna hide from me are you!?” I yelled.

My hands at my side, I continued to walk around in a circle. Where was he already, I just want to kill him and get this over with. So I could get out and go be with Nicolette and Dimitir. I hope they got out all right.

“Please Jacoby, cant we talk.” his voice echoed. Trying to loose me huh? Wont work. I thought.

I pulled out my 9mm and pointed it to my left pulling the trigger. The shot rang throughout the layer, then I heard his footsteps, he was running. I turned more to my left and shot again. His footsteps increased. I put my gun back and smirked. “Nice try Dawson.”

I spun around and caught his leg that was about to come down on me. I gripped it tight then threw him into a column. Causing it to crack a little, he fell to the ground. His evil eyes looked up at me.

“Not bad.” he commented, slowly getting up.

I smirked. “Thanks.” I shoved my hands in my pockets, leaning on one leg, smirking.

“But how is your hand to hand combat?” he vanished. I turned around and blocked his fist, throwing it aside I jabbed him in the stomach.

He stumbled backwards then came again. I blocked his punches and kicks, training in the combat room pays off. He kept coming back at, causing me to keep walking backwards. I kept blocking his punches, I have to admit. For being a leader, his moves were kind of sloppy.

“You know Dawson, your moves suck.”

He narrowed his eyes at me before kicking me in the stomach. I went flying back into a column, coughing up a little blood. That one kind of hurt… a lot.

“This is sad to see ." Dawson said, standing perfectly straight, his arms folded behind his back.

I rested my back against the column and looked at him. Blood dripping from my mouth. “What’s that?” I asked.

Dawson began to slowly walk toward me. “Jacoby, you are the great Jacoby Watson. The man that can do anything. The vampire that has amazing powers that are going to waste by working for Dimitir,” he said. Stopping two feet in front of me. That wicked grin back on his face. “and what is sad that you refuse to join me. So now I must kill something great. This is quite tragic.” he eyes were full of evil, it was disgusting.

I laughed. “Ha, that is funny. Because I honestly think you cant kill me. I can freeze your body right now, make you unable to move.” which I did, Dawson’s eyes widen in horror. I don’t think he was expecting me to actually do so.

I stood up, wiping the blood away from my mouth. “It would be so easy to kill you right now Dawson. I could break your leg.” I looked down at his left leg and all you heard was a loud crack. Then a cry out in pain.

I let his body fall to the ground, he squirmed around in pain. Cradling into a ball, his cries of pain was like music to my ears. I heard his other leg crack, then more cries of pain. I laughed. “Oops, my bad.” I grinned.

“Please stop! Please just stop! Cant we just talk this out!” he cried.

I knelt down in front of me smiling. Putting a hand on his shoulder. “Sorry Dawson. That is impossible. You invaded my apartment, you sent people after me, invaded Vipor, you kidnapped my boss, you tried to kill Nicolette and I. I don’t think you can live after that.” I simply squeezed my hand and his shoulder cracked as well.

More cries of pain. I was loving this but then suddenly Dawson pulled out a remote. My laugh and smile faded. “If I die, so do you.” he said before pressing the button.

All that could be heard was an explosion and all that I knew was that I had to get the hell out of there. Taking out my 9mm I shot Dawson in the head, with a single bullet. Then I ran, going back the way I came. Maybe I could remember how to get out.

The place was collapsing everywhere I ran. I cant remember how to get out, it was starting to get smoky and it was hard to see. Shit was falling everywhere, I had to watch out for my head and run.

“Fuck shit cunt mother fucking fuck!” I cursed as I ran.

My eyes scanning the place for an exit. I came to a stopped and looked at the window that I jumped out of. With all the energy I had left, I jumped in through the window and ran out the door. It was getting smoky and hard to breath, I fell forward and started coughing.

I laid there on the floor staring at the ceiling. More Jacoby move. Remember you promised Nicolette. I thought.

“Fuck yeah I did.” I wheezed and forced myself up.

I staggered forward and onward I ran. This place could cave in any minute and I needed to get out. I started opening doors and hoping to find some stairs or something. “Come on!” I yelled.

Finally opening one door, it was stairs. I bolted up those and came to a bolted door. “Fuck! This cant be happening!” I screamed and gripped my hair. Tossing my beanie behind me I started kicking the door.

I gripped the bolted and yanked that shit off. Tossing it behind me, I kicked opened the door and sunlight poured in. I ran out of there as fast as I could. Running into snow, I stopped. Falling to my knees, I gasped for air.

“Nicolette.” I whispered looking up, in the distance I saw Nicolette and Dimitir sitting by the snowmobile.

I tired to smile, pushing myself up I ran toward them. Or limped my way over there. Dimitir looked at me, a smile coming to his face. A smile came to mine, I suppose Nicolette was passed out. Which I felt like I was about to do.

My knees gave out underneath me, I face dove into the snow. I just laid there, breathing heavily. I just need a break…

I closed my eyes and my world faded to black.
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It was shitty, I know.