Bittersweet Endings


I groaned as a dull pain rippled through my stomach. It wasn't nearly as bad as earlier. Earlier it was on fire, burning with pain. Now, now it felt like drugs were keeping the pain to a minimum.

I opened my eyes, blinking a few times to adjust to the bright florescent lights. Florescent lights? I thought looking at the ceiling that should have been a sky. Someone had moved me, but who was it.

Fear flooded me when I thought Dawson had won, but then I felt stupid. Dawson couldn't have won, Jacoby was to strong to lose. Meaning that Dimitri had moved me, or Jacoby, or maybe even another.

I groaned again and sat up. Or at least attempted to sit up. A hand instantly gripped my shoulder and pushed me back down. I looked over to the hand, confused slightly and followed up the air until I came to the persons face. Dimitri was smiling slightly.

"Hey." I whispered, it came out slightly slurred.

Dimitri laughed quietly. "Hey yourself." He lifted his hand off my shoulder and looked over his own. People were moving around behind him silently. I tried to look around Dimitri but didn't succeed.

"What's going on?" I asked looking back at Dimitri.

"You're back at Vipor headquarters, in the infirmary. Let's just say it wasn't left in the best of conditions. Almost everything was destroyed. We're in the middle of reconstruction. Luckily the outside of the building was untouched, or we'd have a big media problem." Dimitri explained.

I was finally able to see the vampires reconstructing a wall across from me. From the looks of things they took things down to put them back up. All the working vampires were wearing the neon yellow vests, signifying their job.

"How long have I been out?" I asked turning my attention back to Dimitri once again.

"A few days. You and Jacoby had been going nonstop for a few days. You've both been on blood IV's since we got back. I was able to contact a rescue team who picked us up once Jacoby had returned. Both of you were unconscious the whole ride." Dimitri smiled. "I'm kind of glad. I hate flying with Jacoby when he's awake. He's too impatient. I don't know how you deal with it."

It was my turn to smile. "I have experience."

We both laughed, mine weaker than his. "Get some rest." Dimitri said standing and walking away.

It wasn't that hard to follow the order. The drugs helped quite a bit. Darkness took over quickly, and a blissful sleep came along with it.

When I woke up again the room was back to normal. All construction had been finished and only nurses and doctors remained. One of them wondered over as I propped myself up on my elbows.

"Feeling better?" Doctor Jackson asked.

"Much better." I smiled. The pain in my stomach was gone, the skin just a little tight. I sat up fully, loving the feeling of stretching.

"Good. Your stomach wound is completely healed. I'm sure everyone would love to see you walking around."

I stood. Nobody stopped me. I was healed enough to leave the infirmary. Now it was time to find Jacoby. He wasn't in the infirmary, it was the first place I looked. The only bed that had been occupied was the one I was recently in.

I checked everywhere, being careful to stay out of the way of the construction workers. He wasn't anywhere to be found. Not in a dojo or the gun practice room. I checked the locker rooms twice and the infirmary again.

I groaned and wondered to the last room. Dimitri's office.

Although I didn't have to search far. Jacoby was shaking hands with Dimitri as I turned the corner. Dimitri smiled my way causing Jacoby to turn. A large grin immediately appeared on Jacoby's face.

Dimitri disappeared back into his office and Jacoby wandered over.

"Hi." I whispered as I got pulled into a hug.

Jacoby hugged me tightly before pulling back. I couldn't help but smile. Jacoby looked so happy and content as we stood staring into each other's eyes. I smirked and slapped him in the arm hard.

He yelped in surprised and rubbed where I had hit him. "What was that for?

"You tell me you love me and jump out a window?!" I asked loudly, smacking him in the arm again.

"I thought it would make you happy knowing it." He defended.

"It does!" I shouted.

"Then why are you upset?" Jacoby was confused now, extremely confused.

"Cause you didn't give me a chance to say that I love you too." I smiled now.

It took a minute but then Jacoby's grin came back. He pulled me up and closer to him, planting a very hot and passionate kiss on my lips. I smiled into the kiss, happy breathing wasn't a requirement. I didn't want it to ever end.

"I love you." Jacoby said when he finally broke the kiss.

"And I love you." I smiled and pulled him back into the kiss.

It was perfect. Everything was back to normal. Or as normal as our lives could be.
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Its almost over!
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