Bittersweet Endings

P.S. I Love You

“Karl! Come on Karl! Don’t do this to me now!” I shouted as I chased after the newborn vampire.

He whipped through the trees carelessly. I was onto him; I was not that far behind him, Nicolette trailing on foot. Karl was starting to piss me off; he wouldn’t even stop to listen to Nicolette and It. I was getting mad. “NO! LEAVE ME ALONE!” he screamed as I closed in on him.

I was just about to jump him when he jumped away and I landed on a tree branch. Tripping forward and smacking my shoulder into the tree trunk. “Fucking shit.” I cursed.

“Jacoby you okay?!” I heard my beautiful angelic girlfriend shout from down below.

I peeked over the edge of the branch and smiled down at her. “Never better, let’s get him and go home.” I said. Before turning in the direction Karl was heading and jumping after him.

I could see Karl whizzing through the trees of London. The setting sun just below the horizon. The orange rays casting everywhere, it was quite gorgeous but I didn’t have time to admire anything. I had a newborn to catch and destroy… maybe.

This little fucker is pissing me off. I thought chasing him from above him.

Just when I was over him I pounced on him, tackling him to the ground and landing in front of Nicolette. Who skidded to a stop and laughed at me, I just smirked. Karl was thrashing around trying to get free. “Let me go! Let me go! Let me go!” he repeated over and over.

I punched him in the face and he calmed right now. I continued to straddle him and grip his arms tightly. Finally he was calm and listening. “Fucking enough Karl! You are pissing me the fuck off.” I growled.

“Easy does it Jacoby.” Nicolette said. Folding her arms over her chest and leaning against a tree.

“Now listen Karl-“

“I don’t want too! I cant help this! I need to find my master! I need this blood that smells so good!-“

“There’s no hope for you.” I grabbed his neck and snapped it. All you heard was a loud pop and Nicolette gasping and looking away. I let his head fall to the ground and I stood up, dropping a match on him and watching him burn.

I turned to look Nicolette and smiled, she returned a smile. “Dimitir wont be happy.” She said walking over to me, linking arms with me.

“Awh Dimitir can suck my dick. Karl was hopeless anyways.” I said kissing Nicolette, she giggled.

“Let’s get back.” She said pulling me along, I followed willingly.

“God damnit Jacoby.” Dimitir said, slamming the manila folder that was in his hand onto his desk top.

I tried to hide my smile and laugh, Nicolette elbowed me in my ribs. I glanced down at her, she hid her smile. “Sorry Dimitir, Karl was hopeless and was not listening to us.” I said with a shrug. It was true, whether he decided to believe it or not.

Dimitir sighed and shook his head, rubbing his temples. “You say that with all of them Jacoby.” He stated. Which was true.


“I don’t want to hear, you two are free to go.” He said waving us away.

“Come on hun.” Nicolette said grabbing my arm and pulling me out of Dimitir’s office, I followed.

Wow, it has been an amazing two months with Nicolette as my girlfriend. Two months since we were in Russia fighting Dawson and his posses. Two months since I have killed Dawson. A lot has happened in two months. One, Nicolette and I moved in together.

It is very nice to fall asleep with this girl in my arms and wake up with her still there too. I get this dopey smile on my face and I love it. Life has been so much better with her now. Words cant even describe this feeling I have for her.

We walked down the hallway hand in hand, I looked down at the ground thinking. My hand rested nicely in my pocket, while our arms swayed together. I stopped causing her to stop. Turning to look at her I took her hands into mine, bringing them up to my lips and kissing them.

“How bout we order some pizza tonight, rent some ridiculous movie and curl up on the couch to watch it. With lots of blankets and pillows, we can also drink a 24 pack of beer.” I nuzzled her ear and kissed the side of her head. She giggled.

“I don’t drink beer remember babe? You do.” She smiled up at me, I chuckled.

“Or I will drink the 24 pack and smoke my cigarettes while we watch some movie.” I smiled.

“All right. Let’s watch P.S I love you.” Nicolette smirked.

My smile faded and my face fell flat. “Babe, that is a chick flick. I am no chick.” I stated.

Nicolette laughed and hugged me tight, I held her. Stroking her back, we stood there looking out the window. The sun has gone completely down and the city of London was lit up. The city lights were gorgeous in my opinion.

I looked down at my girl, she looked up at me. I smiled and kissed her passionately, I loved this girl. I really did, I never knew what these feelings that I would get around her. Or when I saw her talking with other guys. Finally after opening my eyes and realizing it, that I loved Nicolette Rousseau. I was in love with her and I loved every minute of it.

I pulled away, our faces still close. I brushed her hair out of her face, my head tilted to one side. A smile creeping to her face. “I love you Nicolette, I really do.” I whispered.

“I love you too Jacoby.”

We kissed. I took her hand and lead her away.

“Come on babe, let’s get going. We have a movie to watch.” I said pulling her along.

From the moment I told Nicolette I loved her, I knew I was going to spend the rest of eternity with her. I knew she was the one, the one I have been waiting for. I was ready to spend forever with her, literally.
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