Bittersweet Endings


I couldn't help but stare at Jacoby. Ever since last night he was acting strange, slightly off. As if the scratch above his eye signified something. I think he was thinking too much about it, which was a hard concept to grasp. Jacoby thinking.

He was in his usual style, I believe it was called scene or something along those lines. Bettina hated when he dressed that way, saying he wasn't keeping up with the appearance of working in an office building. Dimitir didn't care, wanting his employees comfortable. I didn't care either, I just loved to pick on him.

He looked good wearing that style. He was able to pull it off better than a suit and tie. The tight skinny jeans and loose t-shirt. It was just his look, like it was created for him.

I bit down on my lip and looked away. To think he would still look like a jock if not for the time he ran out of clean jeans. He had stolen a pair of my pants, needing something besides his boxers. We were in Japan, on a mission at the time. I laughed lightly remembering it.

Jacob glanced over before turning his attention back out the glass window.

The door opened a few minutes later and Dimitri walked in. Looking just as he had for the three hundred years that I had known him. He was dressed sharp yet casual. Dress pants, button up shirt and the shiny dress shoes.

"Jacoby please take a seat." Dimitri said sitting down at his desk.

Jacoby groaned but did as told. Dimitri just smirked to himself as he opened up a couple of manila folders. It was last nights reports. How fast news things get done around here. I had only sent mine in a little over an hour ago.

"Eliza ended up destroyed. Why?" Dimitri demanded.

"She was-!"

"I'll handle it Jacoby." I snapped cutting him off. He looked over at me with a slight glare but went back to drinking his coffee without another word. "We tried to reason with her. She wouldn't have it. She kept muttering about her creator and how he needed her to be 'his little rebel'. I tired, in four different languages might I add, to get her to listen to reason. She took off running. Jacoby did what he had to do to stop her."

By now Jacoby had relaxed. He normally did all of the talking, being the one to do most of the work. I didn't trust him to do that today. Not with the amount of coffee in his system and edge of being injured.

"You ended up injured." Dimitri directed this statement at Jacoby.

"The bitch sprang on me. I wasn't expecting it. It won't happen again."

"Watch you language." Dimitri said, his smirk growing slightly.

"Dann werde ich Deutsch vereidigen!" Jacoby shouted.

I couldn't help but laugh a little at his statement. Dimitri just shook his head. Jacoby slouched in his chair, putting his head in his hands.

"Sir, if you called us here to talk about yesterday may we finish up?" I asked politely.

"That's not the only reason I called you here. Eliza wasn't the only rebel newborn yesterday. Reports show that several of our out teams ran into them. Someone is creating newborns on purpose, for a reason."

"Rahat. Ca nu-i bine. cineva incearca sa-i dezvaluie in lume nu exista. Daca se va intampla asta ne trebuie sa inceapa peste tot. Va trebui sa mearga in continuare fugar. Ea va fi decenii inainte vom fi capabili sa vada lumina soarelui din nou." I ranted.

"Nic! Calm yourself." Jacoby ordered.

"Once the twenty-four hours has passed from your last mission you two will become an out team. Set up in Paris to keep an eye on things there. For now, you are dismissed."

With that we both stood and left the room.

"What language was that?" Jacoby asked as we walked.

"Romanian." I stated.

"Oh. I'm going to the practice rooms. See ya." With that Jacoby made a sharp left, disappearing down the hall.

I shook my head at him and headed to the weaponry. We had lockers there, with spare clothing for fight practice. I had more than one spare pair of clothing, for somehow they always ended up ruined after knife practice with Jacoby.

I quickly changed into black skinny jeans, black tank top and slipped my heels back on. Jacoby thought I was an idiot, fighting in heels, but I felt strange wearing flats or tennis shoes. Jacoby had me wear a pair of his high-tops. I felt out of place the entire day. I told him if he ever replaced my heels with sneakers again he would end up with them shoved up his-


I turned to see Ivan, and groaned.

The biggest asshole of the entire base. He was constantly flirting with everything that had a breasts and walked. Bettina had reported him countless times, and after a three month suspension he finally learned to leave Bettina alone. But he kept bugging me, even after Jacoby put his head through a wall, literally.

"Hello Ivan." I replied politely.

"I was wondering. I know you are free tonight, having the recovery day. I was just wondering if you wanted to go out to eat. And then maybe afterwards-"

"No thank you Ivan."

"Come on. Nicolette you are over three hundred and a virgin. You know you want to lose it."

"No Ivan." I snapped, feeling heat rise to my cheeks.

He moved closer, a sick smiled on his face.

"Ivan! I believe she said no."

Thank god! I thought when I saw Jacoby in the doorway. He always seemed to know when Ivan was being disgusting.

I pushed my way around Ivan, who was frozen in place and left the room. Jacoby walked with me, and I could sense his anger.

"Just let it go." I mumbled.

"I will, after I shot something." Jacoby said with a smile.
♠ ♠ ♠
Jacoby says: Then I'll swear in German!
Nicolette says: Shit. That is wrong. Someone is trying to reveal the world does exist. If that happens we must start all over. Would have to go further in hiding. It will be decades before we will be able to see sunlight again.

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