Bittersweet Endings

Short Temper

Ivan pissed me off. Especially when he was trying to flirt with Nicolette. I mean my god, this dumbass needs a lesson in flirting because he is failing on his own. But I only get mad when he flirts with Nic, no one else. Which is off but she is my partner and I got to watch out for her. He is the biggest pervert in this complex and needs to die.

I aimed my colt 45. at the target paper a ways away. Shooting off my round in a minute. I lowered my gun and frowned.

“Jacoby, come on. You have been firing that gun for an hour now. We got more training to do.” Nicolette said behind me.

I sighed and new she was right. She wasn’t much for firing guns, I was all over it. It thrilled me, Nicolette liked hand to hand combat. Which also thrilled me. Well no wait, any sort of fighting thrilled me.

Nicolette and I walked into the combat room. Other teams were practicing with dummies or punching bags. I looked at them and laughed. “Whimps.” I said taking off my sweatshirt.

Nicolette rolled her eyes. “Shut up Jacoby and go change.” she said nodding off toward the locker rooms. I stuck my tongue out at her and went to go changed.

I changed into my black gym shorts and a white tee. Leaving my Nike high tops on I walked back out into the room. Nicolette and I preferred to beat up on each other rather than dummies. It wasn’t as fun, people thought we were insane. Actually everyone thought we were insane. Which was okay by me.

Nicolette was standing there waiting for me, her arms crossed as she leaned on one leg. She was smirking at me, I smirked back. Then suddenly she vanished, I spun around and caught her in the air. Throwing her to the side, she did a flip and landed gracefully. “How can you do that in heels?” I asked, crouching and getting ready to attack.

She smirked and crouched too. “Easy, I am a girl.” she was gone again.

I rolled forward and held my hand up and blocked her punch. I shoved my hand toward her, making her tumble backwards. She sprang up and leaped in the air, tackling me to the ground. We wrestled around then I grabbed her leg and threw her into some mats. Taking a quick glance around we have a crowd watching us. Happens every time we spar.

“Pay attention.” Nicolette jumped onto my back and held a knife to my throat. My eyes looked up at her, a smirk tugging at my lips.

“Not for long.” I pulled the knife from her hand and threw her over my shoulder.

Looking back at this, I throw her around like a rag doll. I laughed and got ready for her attack once more. Nicolette stood up and crossed her arms. “This is so totally not fair Jacoby and you know it!” she stomped her foot which made me laugh even harder.

“Nicolette did you know you look so cute when you pout like that?” I asked with a smile.

She gave me a flat look and walked over to the table with water. I chuckled and walked over to the table next to me. I grabbed a water bottle and chugged it, it was wildly refreshing. Which I found odd, I found a lot of things odd.

I leaned against the table and folded my arms over my chest. I looked at Nicolette, she was talking with another co-worker. She leaned on one leg, her hand resting on her hip. She should wear skinny jeans more often. I thought.

The way that they hugged her curves made her butt look fantastic. Yeah, I just said that about my partner. I wont lie, Nicolette is a gorgeous looking girl with a great body. I mean all vampires had good bodies but something about hers made it stand out from the other girl vampires.

“She’s a sexy beast isn’t she.” someone said next to me.

With the same blank facial expression I turned to glare at Ivan. He was staring at Nicolette too, but not the way I was. He licked his lips and smirked. I felt my fists form into a ball. The anger that left before is back again.

“Don’t look at her you fucking pig.” I spat at him. Ivan knows I hate him, I know he is scared of me. Yet he still tries to start shit.

Ivan looked at me with a smirk on his disgusting face still. “Come on Jacoby, I know how your mind works. You wanna fuck Nicolette as much as I want too. But personally, I probably have a better shot than you. I mean look at the way you look, no one dresses like that here.” Ivan said giving me a weird look before going back to smirking. He turned to stare at Nicolette some more.

That. Was. It.

I grabbed Ivan’s head and slammed it into the table. Causing the table to break in half and Ivan to let out a yelp. I yanked his head back up and threw him into the wall, leaving an indent. I pinned the dumbass to the wall.

“Don’t ever say you know how my mind works. Because you have no idea.” I hissed through my teeth.

Ivan glared at me. He looked angry with a hit of terror in his eyes. “Just because Dimitir likes you the most out of anyone here doesn’t make you god,” he spat. I was ready to murder this asshole. “doesn’t mean you can do whatever you please.”

“Oh yeah? Then why haven’t you ever been on a mission in your life? Maybe because your fighting skills suck and you wouldn’t survive out there for a day. Maybe this is why you are stuck doing bitch work for him. And I never said I was a god or any bullshit like that. Don’t be saying shit that is not true.” I snapped. Ivan was so close to getting his head ripped off.

Ivan just glared at him, he didn’t know what to say to my comment. I smirked. “Cat got your tongue?” I asked, pressing my arm further into his neck.

“No.” he snapped.

We stared at each other, our eyes locking. His glare faded into a blank expression to one gasping for air. He looked scared, scared shitless and it was entertaining me mildly. I leaned in closer and whispered. “Having troubles breathing, Ivan?” I smirked.

He kept gasping for air. I loved my powers, controlling anything. It has its advantages, like right now for example. I removed the air around Ivan’s face, making him gasp harder for air.

“Jacoby! Knock it off!” I heard Nicolette shout behind me. “let Ivan go now.” I could tell she was mad.

I glanced over my shoulder at her, she was glaring at me. I looked back at Ivan and whispered again. “Don’t ever let me catch you looking at Nicolette that way again. Or I will kill you myself.” I grabbed Ivan by the shirt, spinning around and throwing him across the room. He crashed into the wall, causing it to shatter a little.

Nicolette stormed right up to me and slapped me. I looked at her stunned. “What the bloody hell was that about?!” she demanded. Her glare increasing by the seconds.

“The fucker was saying shit about you and me and was pissing me off. He was looking at you in a very inappropriate way that I did not appreciate.” I snapped.

Her glared faded and she looked sad now. “Oh…” she said looking down at the ground. “I’m sorry Jacoby-”

“Whatever Nic, let’s go home. I’m gonna change.” I turned and went to change. I changed back into my clothes and Nicolette was waiting for me holding my sweatshirt.

She handed it to me and walked out of the building to the parking lot. I threw open my door and go in, slamming it shut. I was still pissed off at Ivan. “I’m sorry Jacoby.” Nicolette said again.

“Don’t worry bout it.” I sped out of the parking lot. Speeding through traffic to Nicolette’s apartment complex.

We arrived at her complex in no time, I parked and Nic opened her door. “Good night Jacoby.” Nic said getting out.

“Night Nic.” she closed her door and I sped away.
♠ ♠ ♠
We be ballin'! :D
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