Bittersweet Endings

Chocolate Mousse

I yawned and pulled the towel off my head. I had just gotten out of a very refreshing shower. It helped me wake up, plus I needed it. I hadn't had time to shower last night. It wasn't that I had gotten home late, it was that I was too busy thinking about Jacoby.

I had yelled at him, even slapped him, for defending me. I felt extremely bad, so I spent the night creating something to make it up to him.

Normally I would torment Jacoby with my cooking, teasing him but not letting him eat any. Last night it changed, I made him my special chocolate mousse. It was his favorite treat, at least that's what he told me.

I figured I would dress more causal today. It wasn't as though I was truly going to be at the office. I grabbed a pair of dark wash skinny jeans along with a very nice brown halter top. The halter top had a waterfall design on it, only instead of blue it was brown. I grabbed a pair of matching light brown heels. Hopefully Jacoby wouldn't question the price of these. I don't think he's like it very much.

I grabbed my purse, my shiny black one. I wasn't going to bring several purses with, so I figured the black one would go with every outfit. If not, I had a credit card.

I towel dried my hair, allowing the natural curly to stay. Depending on my mood I would straighten it. I took my time placing my hair into a messy yet elegant bun.

I slid on my heels as the doorbell rang. My ride was here.

I grabbed my suitcase, picking it up with ease. Also grabbing the container of chocolate mousse. I grabbed my coat before opening the door. I was surprised to find my ride was Bettina. She looked annoyed, as always. Normally a trainer would pick us up, Bettina being here was bad.

"Good you're ready. Let's go." She turned and began walking out of the building.

Good thing I'm strong enough to carry my own suitcase. I thought bitterly as I followed her out of my apartment complex.

She led me over to a black Mercedes Benz. It was slightly depressing. Normally I rode in style. It was either my sleek black Mustang GT 500 or one of Jacoby's many cars that we rode in. Even on missions we arrived in style, mainly because the trainers were like us and wanted the fast cars.

I placed my suitcase in the trunk and kept the sweets with me.

I will never complain about Jacoby's driving again. I thought as we sat in traffic. Bettina taking her sweet time getting to Jacoby's. Thank god I froze the mousse, or it would have spoiled by now.

We eventually did get to Jacoby's. He was waiting outside, his bag by his feet and a smoke between his lips. He picked up his bag and climbed into the back, not bother to place his bag in the trunk.

"Took you long enough." He mumbled.

I merely pointed to Bettina. Luckily she didn't notice, or I would have heard about it later.

"Here." I said handing the container to Jacoby as we walked towards the building. Bettina speed walking ahead of us.

"What is it?" He asked to himself opening the container. "Chocolate mousse."

"An apology, for yesterday." I whispered, knowing fully well that he heard me.

Jacoby closed the container and gave me a one armed hug as we kept walking. Bettina kept glancing back at us, giving us an annoyed look.

We didn't say anything else as we entered the elevator. Everyone was silent. Jacoby kept opening his dessert and sticking his finger in it, then sucking the chocolate off his finger. Bettina kept given him disgusted looks.

Another surprise waited for us when the elevator opened. Dimitri was waiting, dressed similar to yesterday.

"Ready for the mission?" He asked walking with us.

"As always." Jacoby answered happily.

"That's what I like to hear."

Dimitri led us into the weaponry, where a small sleek black bag was waiting for us. He walked right over to the table and opened it. He then began to pull each weapon out slowly.

"Jericho 941 semi-automatic 10 rounds." I smiled, it was my favorite gun. "A double action 9mm 10 rounds pistol. Plus two Beretta 92 15 rounds. The case, wired to project a different image on any x-ray machine. Just so the cops don't arrest you. Packed with as much ammo as it can hold. Need anymore, contact us immediately."

With that Dimitri reloaded the bag. He then turned to the wall and grabbed a few other things. Watches and sunglasses. Only they weren't the average sunglasses and watches.

The watches held communication devices and tracking signals. With the press of a button I would be able to get a hold of Jacoby, if need be. The tracking signals were a very useful device as well. I could locate Jacoby and he could locate me.

But my favorite were the sunglasses. They were sunglasses. They were also, with the right button pressed, a computer screen. They would take in information on anything in the wearers sight, if the person wanted even more information all they had to do was focus. It would appear right in on the screen. I was very helpful. Important information could be sent straight to headquarters.

"Don't lose these." Dimitri ordered placing them in the bag and zipped it up. I grabbed it as we walked by.

Dimitri led us from weaponry to the flight hanger. A Westwind 1 was being prepped. It was one of the few private jets in the hanger. At least one of the few that also had hidden weaponry aboard.

Our suitcases were being loaded. Along with a few other bags.

"I know Nicolette has no problem dressing up but the occasion might call for it. Those bags hold what you'll need if necessary." We stopped in front of the stairs. "Good luck. I will be contacting you if plans change."

We both nodded in agreement, even though I knew Jacoby wasn't happy about possibly having to dress up.

Just as we were about to board the plane I heard a wolf whistle come from behind. We all turned to see Ivan standing there, his hands halfway down his pants. Within seconds I had unzipped the bag, pulled out my Jericho and had shot at him. He jumped, but it was unnecessary, the bullet hit a few feet in front of him.

"I'm sick of his shit." I stated loudly climbing aboard the jet.
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- Jessica