The Real Amy

The Boy

“I know he loved you
A long time ago
I ain't jealous of you
Just thought you should know
You were never good enough for him
Or anything like me
So you might as well sit back cause I ain't
trying to show maturity”
Amy`s pov:
I walked up to Taylor as he was going to his first class. I did what I usually did, go up behind and put my hands over his eyes. “Guess who?” I said with a manly voice.
“The tickle monster?” He asked. “Well I will have to tickle you before you get the chance to tickle me.” He slipped out through my arms and turned around and started tickling me head to toe. He started at me for a second and said, “Hey you’re not the tickle monster.” with a childish voice.

I giggled and said, “Yes I know, I’m your worst nightmare.”
“For a nightmare you’re pretty darn beautiful and make me smile a lot.” He smirked and kissed me on the forehead then continued walking to his first class.
That’s when trouble came by; she went by the name Monroe.
Monroe`s pov:
What I just witnessed I would said out loud at least was disgusting, but really I thought it was cute. I wish Taylor was still mine, but he wasn’t. He was Amy`s. Amy had everything, a perfect normal family, maybe even better than normal, a great boy, a great personality, and the ideal boy.
Now, my family wasn’t so perfect, my mom left me and my three brothers with our abusive father. I am only 13, and I’m taking care of twin one year olds, and a moody 10 year old, while we are all being abused. So, all the rumors of why I can’t be a nice popular girl are untrue. The real reason is I’m either jealous of the girl I’m messing with, or because I need to relive my emotions and I do it by being mean.
But after witnessing Taylor and Amy being all googly eyed, I was jealous. So, I went up to her. Yes, I was mean.
“Tell your boyfriend that, he’s doing okay at trying to get me back.”
“What are you talking about? Let’s get this straight he doesn’t like you and doesn’t want you back.”
“I know he doesn’t like me, he loves me, smut.”
“He doesn’t love you! Get that through your flipping thick head. He loved you a long time ago, but that’s the past. You can’t live in the past, Hun. Oh and you were never good enough for him and your still not.”
“Excuse me.” I thundered. “If I’m not good enough for him. Then neither are you, because I’m a lot like the real you.”
“Whoa, back up. I am nothing like you. I am going to let go of my maturity for a little. Nu uh nu uh nu uh nu uh nu uh.”
Then she pulled my shirt forward and spilt her slushy down my shirt. And just walked away. It was so cold, no cold cant not even describe oh freezing it was. The coldness made my nibbles become hard. The slushy slowly dripped to the end of the inside of my shirt then done my pants and dripped to the ground. My shirt was then soaked with redness and my pants had lines of it. I was speechless, but then other person put slushy’s down their shirts. New trend!
Third person pov:
Both girls had a lot of problems. If they could just put those problems aside they could be perfect friends. But the typical blonde hair, blued eyed girl (Amy), and the red head with green eyes couldn’t put their problems aside. They both had a lot in common, long hair, liking the same boy, and problems. Hey, I know it isn’t the type of things that would make you best friends. But will secrets unfold that will make then best friends?
Amy’s pov:
I was thinking about what happened earlier with Monroe. I know you probably thinking I’m mean. But hey, you’re wrong. I only get mean when people start stuff that gets me ticked off. I love Taylor, and he loves me too, right? Ah, shake that off he has to love me, right? Yeah, I don’t have the best confidence. But Monroe said, “because I’m a lot like the real you.” The real me? What does she know? Ah shake that off too, she probably doesn’t know anything. Just think about walking to Taylors house which you were suppose to be doing, I kept telling myself.
I was kind of nervous going to his house. I have never been to his house before, besides outside, on the porch. But I shook off being nervous when I rang the doorbell and I was welcomed inside by him, kissed on the forehead, and brought upstairs.
“X is the shape I drew through your face
in permanent marker, oh
Just like the mark you knew you were making
Who do you think you are
To write on his heart
in permanent marker”
“Well I found that picture
Of you in that green dress
Sure had a good time
Cleanin' up that mess
He found thirty other pieces
But he'll never find them all
Tried to tape them back together
Now he knows to keep them off the wall”
He left me to look around his room while he went to the bathroom. What I found shocked me. This was a picture of Monroe on the wall; she was wearing a green dress and looked so happy with a big smile on her face. That made me mad. Why in the fuck would he have a picture of her on his wall? I tore through my book bag trying to find a permanent marker. When I found one I took of the cap and drew a big X on the picture. When Taylor walked in I was tearing the picture to pieces.
I looked at him holding back tears and said, “We are over, she was right you still love her not me.”
“I do not love her!”
“The please tell me, please I’m begging, why would you have a picture of her on the word.”
“The picture was there to look at it every day-“
“Great!” I said starting to leave.
“Wait, I wasn’t done. The picture was there to look at it every day to see the mistake I made. So I don’t make a mistake like that again.”
I didn’t exactly believe him because he was frantically picking up all the pieces of the picture and taping it. So that didn’t really match his explanation. But hey I was a sucker for the explanation so we made up and I kissed his cheek. Oh and he never did find all of the pieces to that picture.

“Well I don't appreciate you callin him to reminisce
The only reason is you're seein just how much better off he is”
Monroe called six times while I was at his house. The last time she called he said, “I’m busy Mon mon.”
The nickname kind of pissed me off. But saying he was busy gave me a idea. I started moaning. “What’s that?” Monroe asked.
Taylor replied with, “Amy”
Monroe`s pov:
My mouth dropped open when I told that sound was Amy. Then I thought about it and she was moaning. Lucky! Before I got the chance to say anything Amy was on the phone. “Hey I don’t like how you keep calling. We are kind of busy. Oh and can’t you see how better off he is without you. He gets some.” Then she hung up.
My mouth was still wide open, but for some reason I stopped like him then and there.
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i love taylor swift