The Fallout

You Should Know

Because who can be sure of your intentions when your reputation points to everything she doesn’t want? Don’t be mad at her for being cautious or not wanting the same things you do. You’re on two different levels, and maybe it’s just not possible for them to intersect. Common hobbies, yes; common interest, no, I should think not.

But that’s ok, she’ll just spend a few weeks fretting over your texts and asking her closest friends for advice. Is he really like that? We only know one side of the story; maybe it’s been blown out of proportion. He seems like a nice guy. She’ll wait up late at night for the cute text from you, saying good night with a smiley face. When you talk, her stomach might flip flop and she’ll get a little bit nervous. You know the feeling. It’s a sure sign you’re a good guy, right? She’ll smile to herself and think how the other girls must have been wrong.

But they weren’t. It’ll be another week or two after that when she’ll start to get uncomfortable around you, and with the thought of you, and again will be going to the friends for advice.

This time, though, she’ll be trying to find a way to tell you to fuck off. Your attention is no longer cute, it’s annoying and creepy. You’re annoying and creepy. Her friends will tell her to tell you straight up; otherwise you might not get the message.

She doesn’t want to be mean, so she’ll drop little hints. She won’t text you back or have time to hang out with you. You don’t get the hints though, because you’re- as her friends tell her- a stupid boy. You should have just saved yourself the hurt and not bothered at all.

Stop pouting. You’ll be over it in an hour when another unsuspecting girl gives you the time of day. You’ll be fine, because it’s not as though you actually liked her, you just thought you did. Besides, this girl hasn’t caught on yet.

You’ve got yourself another two weeks of being with someone without actually being with her. You guys are “special friends.” Maybe she’ll give you what you want, but then again, maybe she won’t. Maybe she’ll be a bit too smart for your petty little games and throw you to the curb just like the other girls did; out in the street where you belong.

It’s sad to watch you do this, and it hurts to know that I can’t help the girls you’re playing with, because I wish I’d had someone to help me. But I got through this unscathed. I didn’t fall victim to whatever it was you had planned, and I’m sure you had something.

But you should know- you make me sick.
♠ ♠ ♠
I just had to rant.

Ladies, don't get involved with a boy who isn't worth the trouble. No one needs that much drama.

Thanks for reading