Status: Ongoing


From the beating of your heart

After two weeks in the hospital, Frankie was finally released. Jordan was on another road trip, so he couldn't see her being released, but Edith reassured him that she and her husband would be there with Frankie, to help her get settled. Despite Frankie's inability to admit to Jordan that she loved him, he had been in the hospital after games and after practices. He never left her side unless he absolutely had too.

The whole two weeks, Frankie had been heavy in thought thinking about her relationship with Jordan and how she felt about him. She had come to the conclusion that she did love him, but she was just scared. She was scared Jordan was going to wake up one day and realize he was too good for her and leave her. She was scared that he would find someone better, because there were so many girls loads better than her.

Sitting on her desk trying to get caught up in all of her school work, Frankie was overwhelmed with everything. With such a heavy course such as computer programming, it was a bad idea to be even remotely behind. Frankie was two weeks behind.

There was a soft knock on the door. Frankie groaned there hadn't been a moment of peace in her life at the moment. Between her mother and Jordan constantly calling her to check up on her and Gwen visiting her dorm every so often, it was hard to get some peace.

Getting up, she swung the door open expecting it to be Gwen. Her eyes widened when she saw that it was Drew. She hadn't seen him since the accident and apparently he came out with only a few scratches on his face and a sprained wrist.

"Frankie," he said sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. "Can we talk?"

Eyes wide, mouth agape, Frankie stared at her brother unable to think unable to move. Every part of her body was telling her to shut the door, he didn't deserve to talk to her with what he put her through, but she moved aside to let him inside.

Drew kept his eyes on his baby sister as he stepped inside. She had a black eye, scratches on her face and neck and a cast on her leg. He felt ashamed. He was a big brother, his job was to protect his little sister not harm her. Drew couldn't look at Frankie in the eyes, because whenever he did, all he saw was the pain she went through because of him.

"What did you want to talk about?" she asked somewhat rudely and impatiently. She didn't mean to be short with Drew, but so many things had been going on not to mention he was the reason she was in the hospital.

Sitting on Frankie's bed, Drew looked down on the floor. He was unsure of what to say, he had gone to Frankie on a whim, not really thinking about what to say. He knew he had a lot to say, but didn't know where to starts.

"I'm sorry," he finally broken down looking at his sister in the eyes. "I'm so sorry," he cried and let all of his tears flow.

Frankie's face softened as she watched her brother, the same person she looked up to and thought of as someone strong, cried. She made her way to him and sat beside him on the bed, placing a hand on his back.

"I'm your brother, I'm supposed to protect you, not hurt you. I'm so sorry Francesca," he said miserably.

"Drew stop. Please stop crying. I forgive you," she said truthfully. "I know you were going through a tough time, but you can't let alcohol control your life."

Nodding his head, Drew spoke. "I know, that's why I decided to go back to Annapolis for rehab and maybe live there permanently."

Frankie's faced dropped. She was glad that Drew decided to go a seek help, but she didn't think that he'd go back to Annapolis or to live there permanently. She knew that Drew hated living in Annapolis; she also didn't want to see him leave. Despite everything, he was still her brother and she didn't want him to leave.

"That's great," she lied. "I'm glad that you're going to go and get help. When do you leave?"


"Tomorrow?" she asked slowly. "That's… so sudden."

"Mom had been looking up some rehabs in the area and so everything's all set," he explained to her. "I should go," he said, standing up.

Frankie followed suit and got up as well. Tears started to form in her eyes. She didn't want her brother to leave. He meant everything to her, he was always there when Gwen couldn't be and always took care of her whenever she was sick.

"I’m going to miss you," she stuttered, tears now dropping freely.

Drew wrapped her in a huge hug and kept her there. He was going to miss his littler sister, and didn't want to leave her, but he knew if he stayed, he was going to hurt even more. He refused to hurt his sister again.

"Hey, don't cry. Big brothers aren't supposed to make their little sisters cry remember?" he tried to joke to make the air lighter.

Nodding against his chest, Frankie laughed lightly. "I'll miss you. Write and text me often."

"I will," he said kissing her forehead. "I love you Frankie," he told her.

"I love you too," she replied back.

"Take care of Jordan. He really cares for you," he ordered her and left.

Frankie watched as her brother disappeared from her view. It felt like a piece of her was ripped away, but she was happy that Drew left to get help. To get better.


Jordan Staal exited his car sore and tired. Him and the team had a late practice and was drilled hard. He was tired, but he didn't want to go home, until he was sure that Frankie was okay and doing fine. He wanted to make sure she was okay, otherwise he wouldn't be able rest easy.

He approached her door and knocked. There was a small 'come in' followed by a sniffle, making Jordan worried. Frankie wasn't known to cry, in fact, she hated crying, especially in front of people. He entered cautiously and saw Frankie on her bed, hugging her legs while her head was buried in her lap. Jordan sat beside her and put an arm around her.

"Fran, what happened?"

Frankie shook her head and lifted it from her lap. Jordan saw that her eyes were bloodshot and puffy. "Drew's gone," she answered sadly. "He's leave for rehab tomorrow and said that he might not come back. What am I supposed to do without him? I'm alone now."

Hurt flashed through Jordan's eyes and face, which Frankie didn't see. He was frustrated that Frankie couldn't see that he wasn't going anywhere and that he was still there. "What do you mean you're alone? Frankie you have Gwen, Ryan and me. Frankie, when are you going to realize that I'm not going anywhere?"

Looking up to meet Jordan's eyes, she felt guilty when she saw hurt in them. She been so caught up in her problems and insecurities she never realized or appreciated the things that Jordan had done for her. She had been taking him for granted, yet he was still with her, still patient with her. Frankie had been struggling with her own problems she hadn't once taken the time to ask him if he was okay or how his day was.

Resting her head on his shoulder, she held on to his hand. "Thank you for everything. For being patient and for loving me," she said.

"I'll always be there," he said sincerely, and wrapped his arm around her shoulder. He hissed the top of her forehead, and rubbed her back.

Frankie looked him in the eyes and saw nothing but love. At that moment she was sure that she was in love with Jordan Staal. She was sure of it because everything felt right when she was with him, like everything would be okay. She felt safe whenever she was with him.

"I love you," she finally said, making Jordan's breath hitch and his heart leap. She leaned forward and kissed him, reassuring him that it was real. This was real.
♠ ♠ ♠
What did you think?
So, one more chapter left. I'm awfully sad that the first hockey story I ever wrote is pretty much over, but at the same time excited. Its been a fun journey and I'm happy with the many people that actually stuck around. I changed a bit of it, that's why I re-posted it.
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Also, check out my upcoming story when Frankie is done: Before he breaks you
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